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200902W3 Benchmarking - Check Raise


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Re: 200902W3 Benchmarking - Check Raise I think, and this is just my theory, that there is a simple explanation for that. At low stakes, bad players aren't really going to be value betting the river. So you go for the check raise (without the nuts), you're probably going to be losing (as he's going to have bet only strong hands). If you go for a value bet instead of the check raise it serves 2 purposes. Firstly, your opponent's going to call with lots of hands that you beat, but he would have checked behind (so you win money that way. Also, it acts as a blocker bet - your opponent is unlikely to raise you with strong hands that aren't the nuts (thus saving you money you would have lost with the check raise). Hope that makes sense, not sure I explained it brilliantly.

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