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devlfish withdrawals


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Re: devlfish withdrawals I just refuse to play on any site that charges me to withdraw. They already make rake on your play and benefit from exchange rates so I'm not giving them more money for nothing. I may not generate that much income for these sites but if a few people start doing what I do these sites will have to think twice. Shame really as I quite like Devilfish poker and did play there a bit and even have a rakeback deal there but there are lots more sites out there. It's hard enough getting the money of the fish these days without giving it away to the sites after you've won it.

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Re: devlfish withdrawals they dont charge you to withdraw, they charge you withdraw more than once in a 30 day period.....there is a BIG difference. Like GaF says, why would you need to withdraw more than once in 30 days (obviously not counting emergency situations).

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Re: devlfish withdrawals I've just dicscovered that the Cake network charge a 7% fee on all deposits - they dont "advertise" it anywhere, it's not mentioned on any of their web sites - I find that far more disgraceful - I couldnt believe it when I saw the deduction :loon

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Re: devlfish withdrawals Obviously that withdrawing more than once is a joke right? I'm only playing the odd game on this site cause we add the pl series on here and I managed to build up a nice chunk withdrew some not seeing anyway saying it will charge me next time I withdraw then won some more on cash tables and looked around on the site saw a bonus they had on there casino so tried that out and won like 300 euro more sweeet! went to withdraw said I will be charged 10 euros! So I've left it in there for the time being maybe I will try and get it upto 1k by the end of the month. But charging peeps to withdraw is a joke I won't be back playing on this site after this session that's for sure.

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Re: devlfish withdrawals Just saw this thread now folks..

They already make rake on your play and benefit from exchange rates so I'm not giving them more money for nothing.
Hi Spanner - we don't make money on exchange rates - we dont have a spread on exchange rates whatsoever. There may be a slight lag between the exchange you get and the market rate but it can work in both directions.
If people stopped playing on these CON sites....they couldnt operate and be forced to change tactics!
Not too happy with you saying in an open forum that we're operating a 'CON' site tbh... We consider ourselves to be an open book compared to our competitors. You can PM me if you need to discuss this further. The withdrawal fee of €10 is just for more than one in 30 days. This is just to pass on the high cost to us. You can also use your VIP points to pay for additional withdrawals - 100 points. As pointed out above, some sites charge for deposits, withrawals and make all sorts of deductions you dont see from rakeback and bonuses. We openly charge €10 for any more than 1 withdrawal in 30 days. We also give massive value directly back to our players.
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Re: devlfish withdrawals it seems a little harsh to call them a con site when they have given us $1500 in added value last month.i emailed them about their hellfire club to which they got back to me promptly giving what i asked for.i think the charge maybe to stop people depositing and withdrawing the same $20 5 times a week.

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Re: devlfish withdrawals

If people stopped playing on these CON sites....they couldnt operate and be forced to change tactics!
totaly agree with kippe here i think that statements out of order morls as a mod you should know that sites like this give us great value tourneys that they dont need to bother doing. I know everyone is entitled to there opinion but personaly ( and this isnt an attack on you or your views) i think an apology wouldnt go amiss here. sorry dont often get in a rant mode yours wurzel
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Cake deposits

I've just dicscovered that the Cake network charge a 7% fee on all deposits - they dont "advertise" it anywhere' date= it's not mentioned on any of their web sites - I find that far more disgraceful - I couldnt believe it when I saw the deduction :loon
I feel this needs some clarification as my original comment was not entirely accurate. This obviously refers entirely to the Cake network and not in any way to Devilfish poker who make no charges for their deposits :ok It only applies if you have a rakeback account. In that case 7% of your deposits are deducted from the rake that counts for the month. The actual cost, assuming you are on rakeback, is therefore 33% of 7%. So the cost is lower than my original post suggested. I do find it incredible that deposits are charged though - what possible reason could a pokersite have for wanting to discourage deposits? And I find it unforgiveable that the charges are completely hidden and there is no mention of it on their web site at all - the first you know about it is after they've deducted it!
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Re: devlfish withdrawals

Just saw this thread now folks.. Not too happy with you saying in an open forum that we're operating a 'CON' site tbh... We consider ourselves to be an open book compared to our competitors. You can PM me if you need to discuss this further. The withdrawal fee of €10 is just for more than one in 30 days. This is just to pass on the high cost to us. You can also use your VIP points to pay for additional withdrawals - 100 points. As pointed out above, some sites charge for deposits, withrawals and make all sorts of deductions you dont see from rakeback and bonuses. We openly charge €10 for any more than 1 withdrawal in 30 days. We also give massive value directly back to our players.
Karl Thanks for the reply, my "con" comment was refering to ANY site that charges players to either withdraw or deposit, not just devilfish poker. To do this, charge rake and give terrible exchange rates is just milking your assets (the players) of their hard earned cash and IN MY OPINION its wrong. Maybe the word "con" was harsh, if it was, I apologise to you, but i will not change my opinion nor will ever play on sites that charge to deposit or withdraw. With regards to the open forum....thats exactly what this is, a place for people to sing sites praises, and also to let rip when were getting a bad deal. Devilfish may well be giving us extra added value and your support is welcomed by many of us here so thanks for that, but to suggest we should not use the open forum and use PM instead is plain silly. Morls. ps.... if its €10 a month per player to make more than one withdrawal, id suggest using a different business bank....your being ripped off.
it seems a little harsh to call them a con site when they have given us $1500 in added value last month.i emailed them about their hellfire club to which they got back to me promptly giving what i asked for.i think the charge maybe to stop people depositing and withdrawing the same $20 5 times a week.
As above mate
totaly agree with kippe here i think that statements out of order morls as a mod you should know that sites like this give us great value tourneys that they dont need to bother doing. I know everyone is entitled to there opinion but personaly ( and this isnt an attack on you or your views) i think an apology wouldnt go amiss here. sorry dont often get in a rant mode yours wurzel
Regardless of any sites giving us value for money, or me being a mod. If a site seems to be taking players for a ride, its my entitlement as a player to voice my opinion on the matter.
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Re: devlfish withdrawals

The withdrawal fee of €10 is just for more than one in 30 days. This is just to pass on the high cost to us.
Totally agree with Morls here......this is just stealing!!:cry:cry When it comes to withdrawing, what do Devilfish do different to justify earning a tenner?:unsure Very hard to justify this charge when you have huge Rival Competition that are not charging for us TO WITHDRAW OUR OWN MONEY!! Blue Square rule...no charge and instant into Neteller...why can't every site do that? TQM
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Re: devlfish withdrawals The cost is charged to us by the network and we just pass it on - i have expressed my disatisfaction with this before and I hope they will eliminate it. Will update this thread if i get any news. Again, the charge is if youre withdrawing more than once a month and you can use vip points. morlspin - the PM thing was just an offer in case you wanted to ask me questions, i'm very familiar with how forums work and i wouldnt be here if I had an issue talking about the site in public. to reiterate - we do not make money from exchange rates or withrawals.

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Re: devlfish withdrawals Maybe the word "con" was harsh, if it was, I apolgise the word con was my major concern because you are doubting the integrity of that site which over a fee for withdrawal is hardly a con. I didnt say you had no right to air your views i just found the wording wrong and unthoughtfull

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