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A lot of you will probably know that around this time last year Pocket Lady and I stopped playing poker so that we could focus our energies on a US holiday, and it was worth every missed tournament. However, once we came back we started to notice more and more that we were having internet difficulties and we struggled on and on until the PLWSOP at DTD. Then I said that enough was enough and so we stopped all internet access while our ISP tried to solve our problem. We didn't bother playing live because we thought it would feel like a tease and tempt us to try our internet connection and risk losing buy-ins, so basically we stopped playing. It took much much longer than we anticipated to solve and are currently waiting on being told what was actually wrong. However we've been back online for about three weeks and I'm struggling to come to terms with just how much PL has moved on and credit must go to the mods for that. :clap :clap :clap What I'm finding difficult is that I think I should move away from MTT's and concentrate on building a solid cash game, but I enjoy tournaments and enjoy meeting PLers at tables. However I don't want to spread what bankroll I left online too thinly, and the thought of actually depositing into any poker site or even Neteller makes me feel sick, which isn't a bad thing. I read the Ferguson challenge that he copied from me, and think that maybe I should return to that, just to see if I can do it. But I'm not sure if its possible to do that and be an active member of a community I love. Its possible that I need to 'start over' with my involvement on PL and rejoin the league games when I've got so far with my Ferguson Challenge. Add to that I know nothing about how rake back actually works and you can see that I'm in a bit of a bind. I'd appreciate the view of others who have had a lengthy break, and how they found their 'mojo'. I've got a poker mojo, I just don't know where to stick it.:loon Thanks in advance. :ok

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Re: Stuck You don't have to play in every single PL League and focus game to be an active member of the PL community, nor an important member of the community. I've gone from a person who played nearly every night both PL games and others to a person who rarely plays poker. There are a number of reasons for this some possibly similar to yours, others probably different - but in all that time I've enjoyed being a member of PL and felt part of the community even though I have gone through phases where I contribute less. If you're going to develop as a poker player I think you need to focus on one variant of the game whether that be cash, MTT, Omaha, etc. It sounds like you're not happy with your bankroll currently and you should therefore focus on increasing that. I'd suggest you play whatever game you believe you're most profitable at to achieve this goal. You could always try the staking forum to get staked to play some tournaments whilst keeping your bankroll for your cash game. I've just re-read your post and it sounds to me like you want to play tournaments but think you should cash games. It's more important to enjoy playing poker than it is to make money from it - that's just an additional benefit.

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Re: Stuck Think it depends if you prefer to make money or have fun. Unfortately if its the former you are either going to have to risk money or spend a lot of time grinding away to build a bankroll. If you just want to have fun then the Pl games shouldnt cost anything to a half decent player after all the added value is taken into account. Dont know if its just me mind you but the Pl games dont seem any were near the fun they used to be and you get more banter in V-roll's these days. You could do what I do and play cash to gain entry to tourny's via raked hands loyalty points etc and when ever you get a decent win try uping the cash games stakes to see were you are. Unfortunately for me I still cant beat anything over $1/$2 limit and $0.25/$50 nl after 8 years online. Can still withdraw £400 a month this way but for 25hrs a week I'd be better paid in a paddy field. Dont know why I've posted, why would any one take advice of some one who hates poker as much as me. How do I get on the "stop playing for a year" rehab scheme?

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Re: Stuck

I read the Ferguson challenge that he copied from me, and think that maybe I should return to that, just to see if I can do it. But I'm not sure if its possible to do that and be an active member of a community I love. Its possible that I need to 'start over' with my involvement on PL and rejoin the league games when I've got so far with my Ferguson Challenge.
If I were to redo that kind of challenge, I'd plump for Blue Square I think - their 10c Giveaway STTs will give you a quick start and with 10c buy in STTs I think you could build a bankroll (relatively) quickly.
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Re: Stuck I'm sure you can combine the two Mr V:ok. My circumstances have changed recently and I cannot put in the hours I used to, and play a lot fewer PL games than before but I still feel as much a part of theforum as I ever did. The cash thing has only really come about relatively recently and is probably about due. As for the challenge, go for it:ok PS Welcome back:ok

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Re: Stuck Dont want to appear pedantic but if its 3 miles square dosent he only have to walk 1.5 miles to Poo Welcome back Mr V wondered where you had got to

Dont eat rice If a little dude is working away in a paddy field and its 3 miles square and he`s working in the middle of the paddy, do you think he really walks 3 miles for a dump?
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Re: Stuck Thanks all. :D I've been back for about three or four weeks now. I guess its just frustrating that I haven't been able to plunge headfirst into anything and everything and its taken more time than I thought.

Dont know why I've posted, why would any one take advice of some one who hates poker as much as me.
Good question. :tongue2 I still read what you write, regardless. :lol Your point about making money or having fun is one I'd argue with you about though. In the past I've been able to have fun and make money playing poker. I suspect that the fun element is where tournaments are, even if I have the same luck as Teaulc.;)
If I were to redo that kind of challenge, I'd plump for Blue Square I think - their 10c Giveaway STTs will give you a quick start and with 10c buy in STTs I think you could build a bankroll (relatively) quickly.
Pfft....far too easy. :lol Cheers though I'll take a look. I remember that I used to keep a record of my winnings from Golden Palace in my sig and it got as high as about 27c. On Monday I did nothing but pick threads out of the Cash Strat Forum and read them (I have four 2+2 threads bookmarked that Gaf? posted about) and I think that its simply going to be a case of 'the more I put in, the more I'll get out'. DP, Our problem has been that the time that we wanted to be able to play was the time that we noticed just how bad our internet connection was. Everyone knows how it feels when you want to do something but are being prevented from doing so from something outside of your control. I think that as new PL promo's come along we'll find ourself playing more and more....and more and more. Maybe this attraction to cash games stems from an interest I was starting to take before I went offline, but now I'm the wrong side of 40 its harder to think that far back. :lol
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Re: Stuck

Pfft....far too easy. :lol Cheers though I'll take a look. I remember that I used to keep a record of my winnings from Golden Palace in my sig and it got as high as about 27c.
I promise you, you'll get that in 2 or 3 hours on BlueSquare :ok
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