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Sick Bubble/Worst Play Ever

billy the punter

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I just bubbled in the sat to win a $440 for the 55k GTD on betfair. It was a shocking call and suckout. I did think about not playing the hand, but the stacks were so similar I thought I still had to go and secure more chips. I think my shove was correct, his call is undefendable though. ***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 479414392 ***** NL Texas Hold'em $25 Buy-in + $2.50 Entry Fee, Level:13 Blinds(1,000/2,000-100 ante) - Sunday, February 08, 16:35:35 GMT 2009 Super Turbo Sat to Weekly $55k GTD #209128 Table 1 9-max (Real Money) Seat 1 is the button Total number of active players : 3 Seat 1: Harold Boom ( 7,249 ) Seat 4: veej ( 10,046 ) Seat 9: fab16 ( 6,705 ) Tourney Level:13 Blinds(1,000/2,000-100 ante) Harold Boom posts ante [100] veej posts ante [100] fab16 posts ante [100] veej posts small blind [1,000] fab16 posts big blind [2,000] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Harold Boom [ 9s, 9d ] Harold Boom goes all-in Harold Boom raises to [7,149] veej folds fab16 calls [4,605] fab16 goes all-in Returning uncalled bet [544] to Harold Boom ** Showdown ** Harold Boom shows [ 9s, 9d ] fab16 shows [ 6s, Kc ] ** Dealing Flop ** [ Qd, Jd, Kd ] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 8s ] ** Dealing River ** [ 4s ] ** Hand Conclusion ** fab16 wins 14,510 from main pot with a pair of Kings ************ Game 479414392 ends ************ :puke Odds are irrelevant here - he is only getting 5/2 anyway. He cannot play K6o without fold equitiy - end of. If he folds he can still make us fold with a bet (over 4k) due to none of us being "safe" and able to waste chips with a call. I hate weekend fishes, you should not be allowed to play online poker on a Sat/Sun if you don't play in the week. Should be a law. Like I say, I think I had to push, although there is an argument for not putting pressure on the short stack as he may (incorrectly) think he must gamble.

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Re: Sick Bubble/Worst Play Ever sik result but just one of those things. problem is, you want him to call, especially with k6. If you are prepared to shove then you have to be prepared for people to call, and if that happens then you have to be prepared to be outdrawn.

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Re: Sick Bubble/Worst Play Ever Sorry but have to show you what in reality must be the worst call ever! This is a $14+1 satellite qualifier with one seat up for grabs. 2d place gets 14$ so less than the buy in. We are heads up and I have a nice chip lead. The rest speaks for itself! * Hand # 2410406390 starting - 2009-02-09 21:24:48 ** Superweekend Daily[2613676]:Table 1 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (150.00|300.00 NL - MTT) Real Money warbirds sitting in seat 3 with 5545.00 siimi007 sitting in seat 6 with 3455.00[Dealer] siimi007 posted the small blind - 75.00 warbirds posted the big blind - 150.00 ** Dealing cards to warbirds: Qh, Ah siimi007 raised to 300.00 warbirds raised to 1350.00 siimi007 went all-in - 3155.00 warbirds called - 3455.00 siimi007 shows: 9s, 2d ** Dealing the flop: 7s, Jc, 8h ** Dealing the turn: 10d ** Dealing the river: 5h siimi007 wins 6910.00 from the main pot

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Re: Sick Bubble/Worst Play Ever No the guy made a bad call, but would you prefer him to have called with AK? At the end of the day, someone has to have a big collision, and with only 3 players left, chances are you are going to be involved. So it was a bad call, but you should be happy that you were in such great shape!! You got unlucky, but at the end of the day, would you be happier if he called with AK and beat you? Even though you got it in with more equity?

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