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DTD victim of its own success tonight


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I was slightly miffed at not getting to play tonight. Fell between 2 stools as I only found out I could definitely play after 6.00pm when the online entries for the £55 had closed. Then drove the hour and a half to get there and arrived at 7.50pm for the 8 o'clock start to be in a queue a mile long to pay into the £55. When I arrived i guessed what it was gonna be like before I even got in there, as they had closed the gates on the car park as it was rammed. I had to park on the strip clubs car park (honest) The £55 had already sold out when I arrived and I was about 25th on the list of alternates. They still made me pay the £55 which was a bit daft as I then had to queue for a refund at the end of level 3 to get my dough back! It was all due to the massive success of the £330 deep-stack 2 day event, which had 360 runners for a prize pool in excess of £100,000. Because of this they had no dealers for the £55 regular Sat night comp. It really looked poor to see them running self deal tournaments, you expect that at some grotty casino in a £5 re-buy, even up to £20 comps. But I would not expect to have to self deal at £55. As I couldn't play in either of the tournaments, I went to the cash game desk only to be told that they had so many on all the lists that they couldn't even take my name for any table! I'm sure they will sort this out for next month, but if they don't they could end up being a victim of their own success. I certainly will not go again for the £55 when the £330 is on as I may as well go to the Broadway (in Birmingham) and be dealer dealt in comfort. They had absolutely loads of people just stood around hoping to get called as an alternate to either comp or the cash games, it was completely mad. The place has never had so many people in it. If they had another dozen tables and 100 chairs spare they could easily have filled them. I don't wish this post to sound like a pop at DTD which is a brilliantly run venue. (My one and only real gripe is that i tried to ring them from 6.30 on wards and all i got was the answer machine. I did leave a message and no one rang me back, whats the point of having a phone if they don't answer it?) On a positive note it seems that poker players have no understanding of the term "Credit Crunch" :ok

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Re: DTD victim of it's own success tonight In fairness to DTD, they opened up at 5pm yesterday instead of the 7pm which they did last month to allow for more people to get registered on time. I understand that the mgmt were still blown away by the amount of entries at the club and would have ensured on even more tables and dealers if they had more online entries prior to opening, but as ever people expect to turn up at the last minute and still get to play. I expect that there will be changes again next month, as give DTD their due that are good at adapting to allow more people to play, although to be honest I wouldn't be suprised if the £55 game on a monthly deepstack weekend gets canned

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Re: DTD victim of it's own success tonight

In fairness to DTD, they opened up at 5pm yesterday instead of the 7pm which they did last month to allow for more people to get registered on time. I understand that the mgmt were still blown away by the amount of entries at the club and would have ensured on even more tables and dealers if they had more online entries prior to opening, but as ever people expect to turn up at the last minute and still get to play. I expect that there will be changes again next month, as give DTD their due that are good at adapting to allow more people to play, although to be honest I wouldn't be surprised if the £55 game on a monthly deepstack weekend gets canned
As I said in the opening post I wasn't having a pop at DTD merely stating the facts. Regarding cancelling the regular £50 Saturday night event each time the £300 is on would be a BIG mistake and a guaranteed way of losing them goodwill and good customers. They may as well say to everyone if you only play in £50 comps you are 2nd class citizens and of no value to this club. These players spend just as much money on food & drink in the club as the £300 ones, if not more. They are the £300 players of the future provided you don't P them off in the meantime. Regarding turning up at the last minute and expecting to play, that is exactly right as during the first twelve months of the club opening you could do just exactly that on any night you wanted to. In fact you can turn up after its already started and still get in.
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Re: DTD victim of it's own success tonight

As I said in the opening post I wasn't having a pop at DTD merely stating the facts. Regarding cancelling the regular £50 Saturday night event each time the £300 is on would be a BIG mistake and a guaranteed way of losing them goodwill and good customers. They may as well say to everyone if you only play in £50 comps you are 2nd class citizens and of no value to this club. These players spend just as much money on food & drink in the club as the £300 ones, if not more. They are the £300 players of the future provided you don't P them off in the meantime. Regarding turning up at the last minute and expecting to play, that is exactly right as during the first twelve months of the club opening you could do just exactly that on any night you wanted to. In fact you can turn up after its already started and still get in.
Agree with what your saying, good points.
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Re: DTD victim of it's own success tonight Oh and the £50 did have dealers, but the demand for the £300 was such that they had to be catered for thereby using the allocated dealers for the £50 to deal the comp with a £30 reg fee. The £50 comps reg fee was reduced from £5 to £3. It is definately a shame the £50 was self deal, but the truth is no one expected the place to be so busy. There were 3 other main tournies on at the same time, APAT, Liverpool and Green Joker, All with respectable fields too. The reason the wait for the cash games was so long is that there are 49 tables at DTD and ALL were being used, I don't see how it could have been done any better? As soon as a tourny table broke we started a cash game on it. At the moment there are 2 training schools which will be finished by March so the next 3-2-1 weekend should be fully staffed and then some. I heard a rumour that a Marquis may be purchased to extend the place at high traffic times, but stress this is only a rumour. I also take the point about phoning, and can see your frustration but there were over 150 new members that needed to be signed up before the comp started, no excuse but may explain a little.

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Re: DTD victim of it's own success tonight Simon Trumper has just posted this

Following the incredible field this weekend for our £300 and a prizepool of £108,000 we have decided to increase our cap to 333. Alternates will be allowed during the first two levels. We will not be increasing the cap on the day no matter how many players turn up. Buy in will be possible online until Friday 6th March 7pm , then you will be able to buy in live at the club. Alternatively we are having 2 Super Satellites on Wednesday 25th February and 4th March with 10 seats guaranteed. Our Sunday £150 which this week had 150 players has also had the cap raised to 162. Cheers ACES
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Re: DTD victim of it's own success tonight I think the tournament was on the whole, really well run, because they had no idea that so many players would turn up. In future, i think they will definately stop running the £50 tourney when the £300 one is running - it makes no sense for them to have 5 or 6 tables play for a £5 fee, when they could extend the £300 and charge £30, making 6times more profit on those extra players. this would not be a snub to regulars, it is just that the schedule is such that the first weekend in the month, the tournaments are different.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: DTD victim of it's own success tonight Copied ===== Hi All Please be aware that this weekends £300 Deepstack with £50,000 Guaranteed at Dusk Till Dawn will have a cap of 333 that will not be raised no matter how many turn up . This has been publicised here and on our website for a month with pre reg available online at DTD Poker until 7pm tomorrow night then live registration will open at 7.30pm. Last months cap was 270 and we increased it to 315 due to the numbers that turned up , we also allowed alternates for 3 levels with a final entry figure of 360. The result of this was our normal £50 comp at 8pm had to be self deal . We are not going to allow this again . We get an average of 250 players a night ( last night we had 310 ! ) , several are regular cash game players who should not have to wait for a table. The £300 at 7pm will use 37 tables and the £50 at 8pm will be allocated 9 tables , both events will allow alternates for the first two levels only. The remaining 7 will be available for our cash game players. All tables will be dealer dealt. Last month we hit the 270 cap within 20 minutes of opening Saturday at 5.20pm. You can follow the number of entries on our home page. Currently we have 105 and expect this to at least double tomorrow night. http://www.dusktilldawnpoker.com/ Please make sure if you are playing you either come tomorrow night or be there for 5pm Saturday , i will update this thread with the numbers as they increase. Cheers ACES

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