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thoughts on this hand


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Still getting used to cash and try and play an aggressive style. cd devil isnt a very good player but he suckered me in here. any thoughts on what I did wrong and should I have checked the turn? ***** Hand 1447683583 ***** 0.50/1.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 08 February 2009 02:14:00 Table TH 579 (Real/Cash Game) Seat 1: xandi1967 (37.44) Seat 4: pokaleg (159.69) Seat 2: HouseM.D. (123.96) Seat 5: max_value (105.70) Seat 3: CD-Devil (54.70) max_value post SB 0.50 xandi1967 post BB 1.00 ** Deal ** xandi1967 [N/A, N/A] pokaleg [8d, 8h] HouseM.D. [N/A, N/A] max_value [N/A, N/A] CD-Devil [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** HouseM.D. Fold CD-Devil Raise to 3.00 pokaleg Call 3.00 max_value Fold xandi1967 Call 3.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [2d, 10s, Qh] *** Bet Round 2 *** xandi1967 Check CD-Devil Bet 2.00 pokaleg Call 2.00 xandi1967 Fold *** Turn(Board): *** : [2d, 10s, Qh, Qd] *** Bet Round 3 *** CD-Devil Check pokaleg Bet 6.75 CD-Devil Call 6.75 *** River(Board): *** : [2d, 10s, Qh, Qd, 8s] *** Bet Round 4 *** CD-Devil All-in 42.95 pokaleg Call 42.95 *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 109.90 xandi1967 Fold Win: 0.00 pokaleg Fold Win: 0.00 HouseM.D. Fold Win: 0.00 max_value Fold Win: 0.00 CD-Devil [Qs, 10d] Full house Win: 109.90

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Re: thoughts on this hand I think the flop call is pretty marginal as there's a player still to act it's kind of like putting dead money in the pot. The turn bet is interesting. Generally i find that on this kind of board if you check behind on the turn then the opponent is never bluffing into you on the river so you can narrow their range right down to big hands or value betting a stronger hand then yours if they do bet into you on the river. Plus you get the opportunity of a free showdown by checking behind twice and in most cases your hand will be good. There's some thin value in checking back the turn then betting a blank river as the play looks like a float gone wrong as betting the turn Q would look too suspicious, so instead you 'float' the river which can get calls from A and K high plus lower pocket pairs. It's mostly player dependent though. If you're turning your hand into a bluff i.e a float then as i said before it looks too suspicious, unless you're also going to be betting this turn with a Q sometimes to mix it up. So i think checking the turn is best for pot control, free showdown, and information if they then bet into you on the river.

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Re: thoughts on this hand Yes the river is a killer, but you only suffered that river due to poor calls on the flop and turn. Unlucky for it to come an 8 but you should've been long gone. There is an old poker saying in America, it's about omaha but it applies to this. It goes something like... "A man lost three farms trying to hit inside straights and his 4th when he did hit one" A final point about your hand, once you're not the aggressor with low/middle pairs you don't really wanna be putting too much in the pot post-flop when you haven't tripped up.

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Re: thoughts on this hand I don't think there is much wrong with how you played this, good points from nade, but here is another way to break down this hand, PF a call is fine, on the flop aggressor only bets less than 1/4 of the pot which means 1 of 2 things- uberstrength or weakness so i would call to find out more (or re raise) the danger is the guy behind you has not acted yet so for this reason i call. The turn, well good news the guy behind you folded on flop, now the aggressor checks so you must bet ( you need to know where you are) he calls which rings the alarm bells, now you know you need an 8 on the river. River -straight forward cooler, you must make the call.

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