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thoughts please


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BossMedia Game #1447605234: Table Turbo TH 143 - €0.05/€0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:27:31 - 2009/02/07 Seat 1: mummietta5 (€8.98) Seat 5: D00MTRAIN (€9.05) Seat 2: fulljuice (€11.34) Seat 3: Ryamond (€13.82) Seat 4: _WoRkZ_ (€12.32) mummietta5 posts the small blind of €0.05 fulljuice posts the big blind of €0.10 D00MTRAIN is the button *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to D00MTRAIN [Qs Jd] Ryamond folds _WoRkZ_ calls €0.10 D00MTRAIN calls €0.10 mummietta5 calls €0.10 fulljuice checks *** FLOP *** [8h Js 3h] mummietta5 checks fulljuice checks _WoRkZ_ checks D00MTRAIN bets €0.40 mummietta5 calls €0.40 fulljuice calls €0.40 _WoRkZ_ folds *** TURN *** [8h Js 3h] [5d] mummietta5 checks fulljuice checks D00MTRAIN bets €1.60 mummietta5 calls €1.60 fulljuice calls €1.60 *** RIVER *** [8h Js 3h 5d] [Td] mummietta5 checks fulljuice checks D00MTRAIN checks *** SUMMARY *** Total pot €6.08 | Rake €0.32 Board: [8h Js 3h 5d Td] fulljuice won (€0.00), mucks D00MTRAIN won (€0.00), mucks mummietta5 won (€6.08), showed [9h 7s] Ryamond won (€0.00), mucks _WoRkZ_ won (€0.00), mucks

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Re: thoughts please I think you gotta be raising with that kind of hand on the button, SB would of probably still called though judging by his play post-flop:unsure. But then again is passive pre-flop play the way to go in 5-10? Judging by the stats already in (only a small sample) the loose passive players have the best stats so far.

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Re: thoughts please

Good play Al:clap. I'd have bet:$
I think in this spot trying to get 3streets of value is too thin. On the river so many straight and 2 pair combos got there that against 2 opponents makes it very likely they've caught a nice peice on the river. Also because so many combos did get there on the river if you do bet then your opponents will see that as a sign of big strength and so their calling range should be even smaller which goes back to the point of it being too thin value to bet a third time on the river IMO. Al played it great.
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