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How Bad Was This Play? (PLO)

billy the punter

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***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 476624640 ***** PL $1/$2 Omaha - Tuesday, February 03, 02:49:14 GMT 2009 Table Shenandoah 06 6-max (Real Money) Seat 3 is the button Total number of active players : 4 Seat 1: Hans Gusen ( $100 ) Seat 2: kunku wap ( $373.05 ) Seat 3: lykosss ( $264.75 ) Seat 4: allincall ( $172.40 ) Seat 5: Harold Boom ( $413.35 ) allincall posts small blind [$1] Harold Boom posts big blind [$2] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Harold Boom [ Qd, 9c, 7s, 7d ] kunku wap raises to [$7] lykosss calls [$7] allincall calls [$6] Harold Boom calls [$5] ** Dealing Flop ** [ Jd, 7h, 2c ] allincall checks Harold Boom checks kunku wap bets [$21] lykosss folds allincall folds Harold Boom raises to [$91] kunku wap calls [$70] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 2s ] Harold Boom checks kunku wap bets [$210] Harold Boom goes all-in Harold Boom raises to [$315.35] kunku wap calls [$65.05] kunku wap goes all-in Returning uncalled bet [$40.30] to Harold Boom ** Showdown ** kunku wap shows [ Ts, Kc, Kd, Jc ] Harold Boom shows [ Qd, 9c, 7s, 7d ] ** Dealing River ** [ 6c ] ** Hand Conclusion ** Harold Boom wins $758.10 from main pot with full house, Sevens full of Deuces ************ Game 476624640 ends ************ Quite surprised by this suicidal play from betfair's no1 pro KW here. That said, I haven't played him at omaha before. If we open up the check-raise flop range you can put me on; JJJ 777 222 J7 J2 72 89Tx I've hit the turn with the majority of these hands. Top two pair would've been outdrawn obviously. I actually I thought I played my hand embarrassingly transparently? So did we both play this badly?

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Re: How Bad Was This Play? (PLO) He was probably hoping his reputation was enough to put you off at the bet after the turn but was then committed. You definitely have b@lls to call that bet considering the J on the board but it worked out for you.

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Re: How Bad Was This Play? (PLO) Cheers m I know he has to call the bit on the end - he is priced in like you say. I don't think he tried to put me off, I don't think he put me on a house on the turn, I think it was a mis-read from him. I insta-raise his turn bet, I'm not worried about jacks full and would rarely worry about that hand if the hand was played out like this - if he had trip jacks on the flop surely he would've popped back at me after me reraise? I've shown strength on the flop so there is no need to slow play (only calling the reraise) the nuts on the flop, chances are you're going to get called so not many would slow play JJJ here, especially as a) they already played it fast, and b) there are plenty of draws out there with J and 7 on the board, 89TJ are such popular hands in raised pots after all. Think the call of the reraise on the flop is very poor. That's why I think I played it badly, check-raising twice should NOT have got me paid here.

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Re: How Bad Was This Play? (PLO) All i know is that you are running hot .......... :-) I dont think you played the hand badly at all, for the simple reason that you bet your trips on the flop. By check raising upto $91 he doesn't put you on such a monster. His read is your weak, when the 2 comes on the turn he thinks his k's are still good and makes a stupid bet. He's only called if beaten, and he's priced into call any more money that you put in. You didnt play it badly, he did. But ...only because he thought you were weak....The one thing I would do the next time I played with him is to play trips exactly the same way. You have taught him a lesson, he'll want revenge and if you can persuade him that every time you hit trips you check raise you'll be able to really open up your range against him. Play it like this a couple of times then just smooth call the next time you'll be getting his money again....well until he eventually has the best hand!!

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Re: How Bad Was This Play? (PLO) he is obviously thinking you have two pair or maybe a wrap draw on the flop but even then you might have a two in there,the only hand he could be beating is the j7 or maybe a wrap. i think its a really dumb call on the flop, then the bet on the turn is really daft:eyes why so big,the call/raise is only gonna come from a fh ,even if you bet say $130-140 the j7 or wrap would probably lay it down, by betting so much he then commited his other $65 as well really. maybe he's a bit of a fish at omaha as he's played it as if it's a holdem hand:unsure

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Re: How Bad Was This Play? (PLO) I think you played it text book?? his turn bet is awfull for someone of his class although I've watched him many time at omaha is not his strongest. Obviously once he made that turn bet he can't get away from it his aggressive style didn't pay of there. P.s nice to see you back to betfair mate. 55k is there for taking!!

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Re: How Bad Was This Play? (PLO)

I think you played it text book?? his turn bet is awfull for someone of his class although I've watched him many time at omaha is not his strongest. Obviously once he made that turn bet he can't get away from it his aggressive style didn't pay of there. P.s nice to see you back to betfair mate. 55k is there for taking!!
Cheers mate. I didn't play it today as I bubbled in the sat and it made me sick. :loon Definitely have it on the agenda for the future though, I've got a decent record in it and it's winnable without doubt. :ok
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Re: How Bad Was This Play? (PLO) I hate his play but I see more and more players playing this way (mostly scandies). He takes your check on the turn as weakness and bets the pot which commits himself to the hand. He'll probably pot on a bluff and on a very strong hand I don't know as I've never watched him play omaha, but like you say his bet on the turn is only going to get called by abetter hand.

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