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200902W1 Benchmarking - Folding


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Re: 200902W1 Benchmarking - Folding

I am losing money on the BB' date='[/quote'] Strictly true, but misleading. You have been in the Big Blind 671 times, so have paid €67.10 in Big Blinds. You have won back €62.44 of that, leaving you with a net loss of €4.66. In general, if you are breaking even in the blinds, then that's a fantastic result :ok If you break even in the blinds, then you are freerolling in other positions. When you face tougher opponents you will probably be unable to win so much of your blinds back. A loss in the BB is not necessarily a disaster. Without wanting to sound like a broken record, please, dont "panic" to any stats you see here (the sample size really is ridiculously small). When you do feel you need to make a change, make small changes over thousands of hands and see what the impact is.....
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