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200902W1 Benchmarking Least Profitable Hands (1/5)


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Stack Sizes Seat 1: Player04(Button) (€20.12) Seat 2: Small Blind (€20.69) Seat 3: Big Blind (€9.85) Seat 4: UTG (€8.08) Seat 5: CutOff (€10.68) Blinds Big Blind posts the big blind of €0.10 Small Blind posts the small blind of €0.05 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Player04(Button) [:8h: :Ad:] PreFlop Action UTG folds CutOff folds Player04(Button) raises €0.35 Small Blind calls €0.35 Big Blind folds *** FLOP *** Pot Size is €0.80 [:3d: :Qc: :2h:] Flop Action Small Blind bets €0.30 Player04(Button) raises €1.70 Small Blind calls €1.70 *** TURN *** Pot Size is €4.20 [:Ah:] Turn Action Small Blind checks Player04(Button) bets €2.20 Small Blind raises €8.65 Player04(Button) goes all-in with €18.07 Small Blind calls €18.07 *** RIVER *** Pot Size is €40.34 [:9d:] *** SUMMARY *** Total pot €38.33 | Rake €2.01 Board: [:3d: :Qc: :2h: :Ah: :9d:] Player04(Button) won (€0.00), showed [:8h: :Ad:] Small Blind won (€38.33), showed [:2s: :Ac:]

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Re: 200902W1 Benchmarking Least Profitable Hands (1/5) It really is a rubbish rubbish hand. Made worse by the fact it was against the other big stack. I thought he was capable of trying to force me off that kind of flop, should have definitely slowed down when he called the re raise. Anything else but an A on the turn and I'm folding. Still rubbish.

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Re: 200902W1 Benchmarking Least Profitable Hands (1/5) Definitely. I am in no way defending my play. There was a bit of history and I got carried away. If I was playing rationally at this point I would have folded to the check raise. Slowing down after its obvious my opponent has a hand is something I'm really working on.

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Re: 200902W1 Benchmarking Least Profitable Hands (1/5) I don't suppose you are the only player in GaF's database who's guilty of this sort of play. I know I am. It becomes like some kind of playground Mexican standoff, with each player vieing for who has the biggest balls. Your opponent's play was poor too, btw

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Re: 200902W1 Benchmarking Least Profitable Hands (1/5)

I don't suppose you are the only player in GaF's database who's guilty of this sort of play. I know I am. It becomes like some kind of playground Mexican standoff, with each player vieing for who has the biggest balls. Your opponent's play was poor too, btw
I totally agree with you. I keep thinking I can push players around but I'm starting to pick my spots a little better and hopefully haven't been donating as much of my money.
I agree it was a bit ambitious with bottom pair to call $1.70 but hardly surprising at this level where a lot of people will stay in the pot if they have an overcard :eek
I think he is a decent player (one of the few I have come across). I really think he put me on a wide range because I had been serial raising from the button and figured he was ahead. If he did think he was ahead then the mistake was just calling my raise. After the smooth call I put him on something like 88-JJ.
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