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200902W1 Benchmarking Most Profitable Hands (4/5)


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Stack Sizes Seat 1: SmallBlind ($23.53) Seat 2: BigBlind ($10.22) Seat 3: Player02(UTG) ($9.50) Seat 4: CutOff ($2.88) Seat 5: Button ($9.76) Blinds SmallBlind posts the small blind of $0.05 BigBlind posts the big blind of $0.10 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Player02(UTG) [:Qs: :As:] PreFlop Action Player02(UTG) raises $0.35 CutOff calls $0.35 Button raises $1.55 SmallBlind folds BigBlind folds Player02(UTG) calls $1.55 CutOff goes all-in with $2.88 Button goes all-in with $9.76 Player02(UTG) goes all-in with $9.50 *** FLOP *** Main Pot Size is €9.79 Side Pot size is €13.24 [:5h: :Qd: :Qh:] *** TURN *** [:9s:] *** RIVER *** [:3d:] *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $20.93 | Rake $1.10 Board: [:5h: :Qd: :Qh: :9s: :3d:] Player02(UTG) won ($20.93), showed [:Qs: :As:] CutOff won ($0.00), mucks Button won ($0.00), showed [:Kd: :Kc:]

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Re: 200902W1 Benchmarking Most Profitable Hands (4/5) Very bad play by myself getting very lucky. The player who went all in had been making lots of big raises PF and I think I got to the stage where I was going to get in against him. Saying that though if we had managed to see the flop on just a pre flop raise then I would have no problem in shoving with trip queens Ace kicker. Calling the all in PF with AQs was bad play and one that will,ultimately see me losing many more times than winning.

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Re: 200902W1 Benchmarking Most Profitable Hands (4/5) For the record, the totality of stats I have on this player (not necessarily available to you at the time) are 20/15/5.67 (89) (Thats 20% VPIP, 15% PFR, 5.67 AF over 89 hands)

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