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200902W1 Benchmarking Most Profitable Hands (1/5)


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Because the sample size is too small to delve too deeply into the stats, I thought it would be interesting to put up how the Players played the 5 most profitable hands (and 5 least profitable hands) for discussion and feedback..... Stack Sizes Seat 1: Player03 (BB) (€10.00) Seat 2: UTG (€10.94) Seat 3: CutOff (€8.36) Seat 4: Button (€2.09) Seat 5: Small Blind (€12.69) Blinds Player03 (BB) posts Big Blind of €0.10 Small Blind posts the Small Blind of €0.05 Hole Cards Player03 (BB) is dealt :Ah: :Qh: Pre Flop Action UTG Folds CutOff calls €0.10 Button Folds SmallBlind raises to €0.30 Player03 (BB) 3bets to €1.00 CutOff Calls €1.00 Small Blind Calls €1.00 Flop Pot Size is €3.00 :Qc: :7d: :4h: Flop Action Small Blind bets €0.70 Player03 (BB) raises to €3.00 CutOff calls €3.00 Small Blind reraises all in to €11.69 Player03 (BB) calls all in €9.00 CutOff calls all in €7.36 Turn Main Pot Size is €25.08 Side Pot Size is €3.28 :9s: River :4d: Showdown Player03 (BB) shows :Ah: :Qh: (Top Pair Top Kicker) Small Blind shows :Qd: :8d: (Top Pair 8 Kicker) CutOff Mucks

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Re: 200902W1 Benchmarking Most Profitable Hands (1/5) Maybe I'm looking at this over cautiously :unsure But I think he's played the hand pretty poorly post flop - TPTK vs 2 All-Ins (You'd assume correctly that the Cutoff would be all-in with just $4 more into a pot that size) - I assume he's just joined the table with the starting stack being $10, so from that assumption, he would have no reads on the quality of the players he's up against. He's only beating 2 poor players IMO - and was lucky he ended up against 2 of the same. There where vitually no draws on the flop (maybe 5,6 exepting) so I would expect someone here would have at least 2 Pair, a Set or a slowly played Overpair

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Re: 200902W1 Benchmarking Most Profitable Hands (1/5) I think GaF made reference to a Sklansky article somewhere about how players moving from higher stakes to micro stakes can lose money because they give their opponents too much credit. I can only imagine the Cuttoff had some sort of pocket pair, maybe jj.

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Re: 200902W1 Benchmarking Most Profitable Hands (1/5)

I think GaF made reference to a Sklansky article somewhere about how players moving from higher stakes to micro stakes can lose money because they give their opponents too much credit.
I had a hunt around for it, but couldnt find it - so if anyone else knows of the article/post I'm talking about.....
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Re: 200902W1 Benchmarking Most Profitable Hands (1/5)

That is an incredibly strange hand! This hand is only really relevant to micro stakes poker - in a decent game i definately folding that AQ on the flop after the all in!
We dont have the luxury of playing players not at the table - we can only play those sat before us :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
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Re: 200902W1 Benchmarking Most Profitable Hands (1/5) It's a bit of a shame the opponents hand is shown in the OP but n/m. Iiiiiiiiiiii think this is actually not a bad play. The cut off open limps pre flop, that is generally with a large range of hands and rarely a big hand. Our guy re-raises the SB. The cut off calls meaning we still think he has a large range most likely to be pocket pairs or suited connectors though. The SB calls. Now if the SB had a real big hand he's re-re raising so we can rule out a lot of big hands. On a verrrrrrrry dry flop the SB donks out. Now, what can he possibly have that he'd bet out here? I reckon it's very rare at these stakes for people to bet out on such a dry board when they've hit a set. It's nearly always up to mid-stakes a feeler bet. Now we re-raise and the cut-off calls and we look in bad shape because it just doesn't make too much sense. The SB goes AI, as we could have established already they're likely to hve a weak hand we can call them and hope that the cut off actually isn't that strong. This is where the grey area comes in for me as to whether it's a bad play or not. So i can see why Player3 called, they read it right SB was weak, but how sure were they that the CO was weak we may never know ...

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Re: 200902W1 Benchmarking Most Profitable Hands (1/5) I thought I would try playing a few hands at this level on Boss to get a feel for this thread. My eyes were opened ! I folded the best hand a few times having led with top pair mediocre kicker fired two bullets and got raised and called on river by two players with 2nd and third pair..... It is very hard to put players on any range at this level (admittedly a small sample size so far) except to say they could have "any two cards". I have raised 5 BB and got called by T4o who flopped two pair and I have seen so many allins preflop with 30 plus BB to win 15c its scary (but not poker).

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Re: 200902W1 Benchmarking Most Profitable Hands (1/5)

Yeah its just a hand which isn't worth analysing so heavily - at 0.05/0.10 many players won't be playing logically. Just gotta play the cards!
Thanks for your input again ;) The way i think is every hand at any level is worth analysing to broaden the mind.
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Re: 200902W1 Benchmarking Most Profitable Hands (1/5)

Thanks for your input again ;) The way i think is every hand at any level is worth analysing to broaden the mind.
Lol, yeah its just very difficult to try to analyse this game. It just comes down to the cards you are holding. If as julioarca says, players are calling 5xbb raises with 10 4 off, you're basically playing against players with a range of 80,90%+ ! Also, players aren't regulars at this level, so you can't really sit down and say, oh yeah i know this guy's style and tendancies, i'll play accordingly. You just have to get some cards, put in a 3-7xbb raise and try to get all in when you have the goods.
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