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From your man in Manila...


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Re: From your man in Manila... ...oh bugger! After this i am going to be playing a lot of live poker...there is absolutely nothing like it. Starting chips 10,000 and I wavered between 8 and 15 for the first five hours. The table was fun and the filipino bloke sat next to me (apparently the top boxing promoter over here) was an absolute gem and the whole table was really relaxed and chatty. An Aussie was moved to our table and he had a very large stack and was playing quite a lot of JQKA mixed up. 2 minutes to the dinner break and I have JJ with the Aussie lad on BB so I raise 4xBB to 1600 and he shoves all-in. I only have another 6000 in chips and thought I probably had at worst a coin toss with the possibility of him having a lower pair...but no...he turned KK...and the flop/turn gave me a possible gutshot straight out and a possible J but it wasn't to be. What a fantastic experience though and I most certainly didn't feel out of place. Well there's a big party tomorrow night and will be having a shot at another STT as I need to win a bit to be able to buy in to the Omaha pot limit side event tomorrow night. Disappointed to be out but not disappointed with my play. :ok

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Re: From your man in Manila... Unlucky Dodger, but enjoy the rest of your stay :ok and don't forget to take photos ;)

After this i am going to be playing a lot of live poker...there is absolutely nothing like it.
That's exactly what I thought after I busted in Melbourne, fantastic experience - struggling to get back into on-line, seems kind of stale in comparison
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Re: From your man in Manila... Well finally got back this morning. Finished 13th in the inaugural Omaha event...my A9 suited J9 suited going down to 3468 when all in preflop! Had a long chat with ''Tom'', who won the tournament (he's a London lad who lives in Taipei) and he put his success down to almost pure aggression. Also had it pointed out by several players that I played far too tight in the main event...maybe it was a combination of inexperience and reverting to an ultra tight game...but my play was clearly far too predictable. I knew I had played too tight, but it was good to have it confirmed by the other players. I can only learn from this and will be all guns blazing in future qualifiers...this has been a great experience and want more of it...as soon as possible! After the big party a group of us invaded the poker room and collared a table but they wouldn't let us borrow any chips. So we went to reception and got ten boxes of matches...I was pissed and loose and aggressive and I took down the Inaugural matchstick competition finally at 4.00 in the morning. What a night! Will post up some photos at the end of this week...oh I hope the party pole dancing ones come out well!!! Determined to play a lot more live poker now...just got to get my head sorted and start to take my poker seriously. My head is so full of stuff to say but I'll wait until the photos are done then I can tell the tale properly with the snaps. :ok

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Re: From your man in Manila...

I took down the Inaugural matchstick competition finally at 4.00 in the morning. What a night!
:cheers well done!:clap:clap A winner in Manila :loon Glad to hear you've got back safely and had a great time. Hurry up with those photos (any pole dancing males? )
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Re: From your man in Manila... (from email sent to 32RedPokr): Bit more than gutted that out of 50 photos taken only a dozen came out....five of those being my smoking area in the hotel's Japanese gardens...hardly a poker shot among them. All the best ones are no good so here is write up but without the better photos, sorry!: {followed ''scare'' advice not to take a digital camera with me...paid through the nose for some Kodak disposable cameras...they said best results using flash...what they didn't mention was, however good the lighting, if the flash isn't used then the photos don't come out!} Trip of a lifetime to Manila APT courtesy of 32 RedPoker. Flights over to Manila went like clockwork. The Singapore Airways staff were wonderful...always helpful, always smiling and always there when needed. The taxi ride from Manila airport to the hotel however was a bloody nightmare. Each road has three lanes of traffic but there seems to be no regulations as to which direction each lane was there for. It was a constant dodging in and out of the traffic, cutting people up with a blast on the horn. Pedestrians added another problem...they just wandered around in the middle of the road hoping to get to the other side. Scary stuff. At the hotel I was made to feel like royalty from start to finish. The beatifully turned out girls were ever bowing, hands clasped together, and asking after how I was as if it was the most important thing in their lives. Bless them...a very humbling experience. Immediately registered for the poker main event with no problem. Having a couple of days to spare before the game I decided to go walkabout solo in the city. Hell's bells! I was being beeped every ten yards by taxi drivers who insisted they could take me to the ''beautiful ladies''!!! OMG!!! Then I was approached by men selling watches and cigs. Quickly learned that if you ignore them they just go away...but it took a bit of getting used to. Spent much of my spare time lounging by the pool or having a ciggie in the lovely Japanese gardens. As far as the poker is concerned I didn't progress very far. Only 6 hours into the tournament and I got suckered into taking KK on with my JJ. I think (in fact I know!) I froze up a bit, it being my first live game, played far too tight so didn't get the benefit of the good hands. However the experience of those few hours were invaluable to me. Bought into the inaugural Omaha side event for $200. Was doing fine until my J99A double suited shove, after the big stack had raised heavily (again!), was called. He had 3468...what the hell hand is that to call with ??? Anyway he hit a low straight and sent me out in 13th place...3 short of the payouts...gutted! But again a great experience and was playing my more normal game and it was working quite well till that hand. (think I was about 65% to win so it was no bad beat, but it felt a bit like it at the time.) All the sponsors of the big side events had each bought a few very sexy and scantily clad young models along with them...adding to those beauties from the APT, it was like an ocean of bare flesh around every poker table...the girls that is, not the players! This is where my photos have let me down, got lots of snaps of the girls posing but they have not processed well at all...also my snaps of the pole dancing at the Friday night party didn't come out, but the sight of a long legged beauty moving up that pole without using her hands will remain indelibly imprinted on my brain for some time to come. At midnight at the Friday night party most of the partiers were bussed to a lapdancing club courtesy of FHM...however a few of us decided to play poker instead...how sad is that eh? Anyway we hijacked an APT table, got ten boxes of matches from hotel reception and we played the inaugural APT matchstick event with a £15 buy in. Having discussed my over tight play at some length and being pretty well smashed...I played the most ridiculously loose and aggressive poker I've ever played! Showed two successive bluffs of 38os and 27os...then my third straight all in was called...but I had aces that time. Anyway I won the game by 4.00 in the morning and received my trophy (made from matchboxes!) and a handy bit of cash too. Great fun night! One quick word about the main event final hand. Both players had 1,500,000 chips and both ended up all in preflop. AK vs QKs The queen on the turn handed the tournament to the local lad...who was way behind before the cards were played out...It just goes to show that luck still plays a big part in poker. So I have had a wonderful time over there and I am determined now to play a lot more live poker, there is nothing to compare to the buzz from live events. Thank you to everybody at 32RedPoker for giving me this opportunity...well appreciated and very well enjoyed...and I'm sure I can put the experience to good use and will be aiming to qualify for similar events in the future. Great stuff 32RedPoker. Thanks again. Jgarden1.jpgJgarden2.jpgJgarden4.jpgJgarden6.jpgdancing.jpgmatches.jpgpokerroom.jpgpoolside.jpgsecurity.jpgwinner.jpg real shame that all the best photos came out fogged and blotchy. Ah well, at least I've got the memories if not the hard evidence. :eyes :ok

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