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Who's the best?


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Just doing some work on my Pokertracker database, and obviously I play you guys more than most, so a lot of names I recognise at the top of hands played in the tourney database - so thought I'd share who was top of the tree - and with at least 500 hands (actually you could argue with it a lot - this is tourney chips and a huge variety of tourneys and stages in tourneys) .... will do it in reverse order (top 9) and with spaces for emphasis :tongue2 (It's boss only - I think mainly the Pokerkings league). It's not necessarily hands against me - it is hands where I'm sat at the table and dealt cards. 9th - PLSteveO 1.24 BB/100 Hands 8th - PLgoater14 3.22 BB/100 Hands 7th - staffydog 3.38 BB/100 Hands 6th - PLWarbirds 4.94 BB/100 Hands 5th - PLDave488 8.65 BB/100 Hands 4th - PLTheDodge 9.87 BB/100 Hands 3rd - fenners1 11.51 BB/100 Hands 2nd - PLRIVRD 12.99 BB/100 Hands 1st - Redman10 17.30 BB/100 Hands Well done Phil (bast'd :tongue2)

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