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Neteller issue


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Neteller have frozen my account because i wont give them proof of my identity:

  1. Verify your identity Provide a digital photograph or scanned colour copy of your government–issued ID card, driving license or passport that clearly displays:

    • Document number (ID number, license number, passport number), your full name and date of birth

    • No black/blurred portions (all details must be in focus)

    • All four corners of the document (i.e. no cropping)

    • Expiry date that has not passed

    • Front and back of the ID card or license

    1. Verify your address Provide one digital photograph or scanned colour copy of a paper utility bill or paper bank card/credit card statement that clearly displays:

      • Your name and address

      • An issue date within the last 3 months

      • All four corners of the bill/statement (i.e. no cropping)

      Acceptable utility bill statements include landline phone, heating, water, electricity, cable TV, internet and municipal government correspondence now they wont accept my passport without the number showing,(i dont think they need it especially with the online fraud there is around),my driving license still has my old address on it. and all my bills are online. they wont close the account so i can have my money released to my bank account until i verify. so what do i do now?

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      Re: Neteller issue I'd just send them my passport personally as then its over and done with. I assume they need the number to verify it isnt a fake. Or update your driving licence. You'll have to do it eventually so why not now? Not sure about the bill issue - there must be a way around it as lots of people pay their bills online nowadays.

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      Re: Neteller issue

      It may sounds crazy' date=' but why wont you send them what they want :unsure.[/quote'] because then they would have everything someone needs to take over my identity,passport,address and bank account.. are you happy in doing that?
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      Re: Neteller issue

      because then they would have everything someone needs to take over my identity,passport,address and bank account.. are you happy in doing that?
      No Al, you're right. This multi million pound business want to steal your I.D. Being Spiderman means more to them than mere money. :unsure Your attitude surprises me mate tbh, organisations do this for our benefit. If they didn't this forum would be up in arms if a member really had his identity stolen and Neteller didn't check.
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      Re: Neteller issue Agree with the others - if your bank ask for a copy of your passport as ID, would you say no? Neteller are basically your bank.... Though having said that ..... Neteller not in my good books at the moment :$ I KNOW we're screwed by them on exchange rates....but do you know just how much? :loon I deposited $500 at a new site to get the max deposit bonus, then 2 days later withdrew $490 (intention to build from $10). My $500 deposit on 6th January cost me £355.49. My $490 withdrawal that hit on 11th Jan credited me £313.25 :loon

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      Re: Neteller issue Al you already gave them enough info to steal your ID when you signed up. Having your passport or drivers license details would just make it easier. As others have said though, they make far legitimately ripping us off than they could ever steal from the likes of me and you (well me anyway:tongue2)

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      Re: Neteller issue

      Thanks Mick. Been a bit:puke but all better now:D
      good to see you back mate,:ok.hope all is okay with you now :hope. looks like i will have to bite the bullet then,although i aint happy about it. the one thing is, if a bank or similar is requested by account holder to close said account surely they have to abide with that request??
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      Re: Neteller issue But a bank would have asked for proof of ID before opening the account. They wouldn't have let you open the account, use it for a bit (making them some money along the way) and then change the goalposts before they let you take the money out! Your screwed Al. You have to give the details if you want your money. I know its for our protection but I think we really should have an option to opt out of giving our details and then if you get "cloned" its tough luck and your own responsibility.

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      Re: Neteller issue

      But a bank would have asked for proof of ID before opening the account. They wouldn't have let you open the account, use it for a bit (making them some money along the way) and then change the goalposts before they let you take the money out! Your screwed Al. You have to give the details if you want your money. I know its for our protection but I think we really should have an option to opt out of giving our details and then if you get "cloned" its tough luck and your own responsibility.
      I agree they really should ask for the proof before they let use the account, but the reason they ask for the proof is to comply with European money laundering regulations, not just for your own protection. It's the same reason why banks ask for ID. Even if your just opening a new account at a bank you already have an account with:@
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      Re: Neteller issue laws are laws i suppsose, 'most' laws are made to protect us, the amount of money neteller makes i dont think it would be worth their while selling, leaking, or making anyones identidy aviable ..... for what? A few thousand k I agree, big brother is upon us all in many ways, oppurtunists are about, but i think these companies rely on giving us bollox exchange rates to risk anything like this.

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      Re: Neteller issue Annoys me this too. Neteller and sites asking for ID when you try and withdraw your own money !, yet when you were giving them money initially depositing they let you do it freely at a moments notice. I have been a Neteller customer for over 7 years and have transferred over $100,000 through them and now they suddenly ask me for ID ? WHY ????

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