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How should i have played this hand?


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Guys.. Rookie here.. Did i play this hand poorly? Full Tilt Poker Game #10205096643: Table Bruce (6 max) - $0.50/$1 - No Limit Hold'em - 12:33:32 ET - 2009/01/23 Seat 1: Chansta ($106.50) Seat 2: ouahouah ($112.95) Seat 3: deddigg ($100) Seat 4: ModzillaPL ($32.65) Seat 5: Reight ($18.50) Seat 6: eddinho87 ($139) ModzillaPL posts the small blind of $0.50 Reight posts the big blind of $1 The button is in seat #3 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to ModzillaPL [8h 8c] eddinho87 folds Chansta has 15 seconds left to act Chansta raises to $3 ouahouah has 15 seconds left to act ouahouah calls $3 deddigg folds ModzillaPL calls $2.50 Reight has 15 seconds left to act Reight adds $2.50 Reight folds *** FLOP *** [9h 8d Kc] ModzillaPL checks Chansta bets $6 ouahouah has 15 seconds left to act ouahouah folds ModzillaPL calls $6 *** TURN *** [9h 8d Kc] [9d] ModzillaPL checks Chansta has 15 seconds left to act Chansta bets $14 ModzillaPL has 15 seconds left to act ModzillaPL raises to $23.65, and is all in Chansta calls $9.65 ModzillaPL shows [8h 8c] Chansta shows [Qh Kd] *** RIVER *** [9h 8d Kc 9d] [Kh] ModzillaPL shows a full house, Eights full of Kings Chansta shows a full house, Kings full of Nines Chansta wins the pot ($66.30) with a full house, Kings full of Nines ModzillaPL is sitting out *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $69.30 | Rake $3 Board: [9h 8d Kc 9d Kh] Seat 1: Chansta showed [Qh Kd] and won ($66.30) with a full house, Kings full of Nines Seat 2: ouahouah folded on the Flop Seat 3: deddigg (button) didn't bet (folded) Seat 4: ModzillaPL (small blind) showed [8h 8c] and lost with a full house, Eights full of Kings Seat 5: Reight (big blind) folded before the Flop Seat 6: eddinho87 didn't bet (folded)

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Re: How should i have played this hand? There was nothing wrong with your play post flop, although your call preflop was marginal. If you are going to play short-stacked you won't get the required pot odds to look for a set. You should have made a big re-raise pre-flop, committing yourself to the hand and picking up the $7.50 (over 1/5 of your stack) in the pot. But the post-flop play was fine

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