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Benchmarking - Are YOU ready to crack cash tables?


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Re: Are YOU ready to crack cash tables?

If you play each table at 100 hands per hour' date=' then 5000 hands would take 50 table hours - if you're 3 tabling, that's about 17 hours real time (just over 30 minutes per day over the month)[/quote'] The stats I've had in so far show that players are achieving between 84 and 88 hands per table per hour.
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Re: Are YOU ready to crack cash tables?

You can email me at pl.benchmarking at googlemail.com :ok
Do you want us to send over our hand histories once we have, say, 500 hands or so, or should we wait until Friday to send the lot? Also, I found myself playing against someone who I think has signed up to this. Should I have let him know? Do we need a secret handshake or something?
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Re: Are YOU ready to crack cash tables? I'm happy for people to send over a small number of emails with a lot of sessions in, or an email after every session with the HH - to me it makes no difference and whichever you feel easiest :ok (The advantage of after every session is that you can just pick out the relevant file(s) - if it's all one big batch at the end of the week, you may be unsure which were your cash sessions....). Because I can not import duplicate hands (so only the first player to send it in will have it in their stats), if you find yourself at the same table as someone you suspect may be involved in this project, then the best is to stand up and go and find another table :ok

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Re: Are YOU ready to crack cash tables? Just a reminder to those who havent so far ;) Please get your Hand Histories to me by 9am tomorrow morning. It's shaping up nicely - over 21k hands so far from 9 different players :ok My intention is to show an overall summary, but also a summary on the week (Saturday to Friday) - so any hands from after midnight tonight will probably not show up until next week.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Benchmarking - Are YOU ready to crack cash tables? Further to the thread - Benchmarking - Moving into March 09 - I am going to edit post 1. I have quoted the original post below for reference :ok

LINKS http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/f62/cash-benchmarking-faq-hand-histories-79161/#post1291215 Is 2009 to be the year that some of us crack cash poker for the first time? I hope so, hence my change in sig :) And I'm optimistic - all thanks to my latest harebrained scheme :loon Anonymous benchmarking! When we play poker, some things we do generate a profit over time, and other things generate a loss. It's difficult to see which are which because of the problem of variance. Benchmarking will allow us to quickly establish those traits of our game that generate a loss, or, just as importantly, those areas where we dont profit as much as we should, or where we lose more than we should. How will it work? Players will commit to playing a minimum of 5,000 hands at cash tables in February (but preferably at least 10,000). Weekly, players will send me their hand history files for import into my poker tracker database. I will anonymise the players alias (players will be called Player01, Player02, etc...) and then I will publish various macro stats (and drill down to other areas of interest). We can then see how we're performing against other players - where they are outperforming us, and where we are outperforming them. Where will it work? For the moment, the first attempt will be at Boss and we will start at the micro stakes (€0.05/€0.10) five seat tables. Anonymity A key focus of this is that players will remain anonymous at all times - you will get feedback without people knowing who you are (you can give yourself feedback without people knowing you talk to yourself :tongue2) and because of this anonymity, your stats will not be assosiated with what is in the public domain. Only you, and I, will know the true identity of "Player007" or Player13 ..... Obviously I'm asking for a huge amount of trust here because you are giving me your entire database on how you play which I could take advantage of. I assure you that I will never do that, however can offer no more than my word - I hope that is enough. I will NEVER share your data (with your alias, or anything I consider can be used to track back to you) with anyone else. Please dont reveal your identity to anyone else, even if it doesnt bother you, and dont ask anyone else their identity, even if you have suspicions - we dont want people to narrow down who certtain players may be - I think the anonymity is critical with so much information out there and I will do everything I can to protect it. Diary To be included in the analysis, please ensure that you have sent hand history files to me (I will create a new email address specifically for this) by 09:00 GMT each Saturday (7th, 14th, 21st and 28th Feb). I will only include players in the stats who have played the minimum number of games (pro rata) - so you need 1250 hands by 7th, 2500 by 14th, 3750 by 21st and 5000 by 28th. This will start at 00:01 GMT on Saturday 28th January Time How long will 5000 hands take? That's about 180 hands per day. The 5 seat tables typically play at about 100 hands per hour - so it's just under 2 hours per day if you play 1 table, just under 1 hour per day if you play 2 tables, and just under 30 mins per day if you 4 table. It doesn't need to be "smoothed" - you can play the hands when you like :ok The Future Obviously this is intended to just be the start. I/We want to develop and evolve - exact plan moving forward will evolve and develop, but some of the ideas I have at the moment are: - add an extra level each month. Players will be invited (but not obligated) to move to one level above their most profitable level (yes - I'm trying to force some bankroll/profitability prudence) - if you do not make a profit, obviously you can not move up. - "New" players at any stage can join at a level they feel comfortable at (I appreciate not everyone wants to play 5c/10c) - however they will face the same issue as other players of not being invited to participate more than 1 level above where they show maximum profit - Players should ensure that they are playing at a site where they are receiving rakeback. One possible site is Pokerkings if you downloaded through the PL Link - If PL can obtain sponsorship/deals for players for this project in the future, we may move away from boss altogether, or obligate that hands are played on a specific Boss site (this will be in the players best interests) Why am I so optimistic about this? A group of us have been doing this for Double or Nothing on Pokerstars and the power of it is evident, even though we've barely brushed the surface of what we could do....there are clear weaknesses in looking at tournament chip equity for tournaments (especially tournaments so situationally critical as DoNs) and cash games seem the obvious place to move this to in order to deal solely in $ equities.... Trust me, this should be a huge benefit to everyone who participates :ok Who's it for? Anyone who wants to participate. Dont worry if you dont play Cash currently (you'll benefit more than those who do!). Don't worry if PokerTracker petrifies you. Dont worry if stats startle you. How do you sign up Best way to sign up is to send me a PM expressing your interest - I'll reply with your anonymous alias :ok Ok - that's a long post - I'm sure I've forgotten stuff - so will come back and edit it as I think of things :ok If anything isn't clear or you have questions - fire away :ok
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Re: Benchmarking - Are YOU ready to crack cash tables? I'm going to provide far less information week by week now, with a view to doing the "mega updates" at the end of each month. The weekly updates now will tend to just show current progress and to answer specific questions (feel free to fire away with your questions to the database :ok)

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Re: Benchmarking - Are YOU ready to crack cash tables? I have rebuilt the database and now pretty much there with the data :ok I've verified against the last benchmarks and most players are almost identical to where they were a week ago :ok A couple of players show larger, but IMO, insignifcant differences of up to a couple of hundred hands. I'm not going to spend any more time chasing the missing hands, as they will almost certainly not have an impact on the overall picture. So if you notice any small differences, that is why. I am now in a position where I will shortly be able to update the individiual player stats. I am having a different issue however which is stopping me running the reports that summarise the data (details here - http://www.pokertracker.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=16874) - the summaries will therefore continue to be delayed.

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Re: Benchmarking - Are YOU ready to crack cash tables? It seems that this is a bug in the current version.

There is a known issue in Beta 25 which means that some filters won't validate despite being correctly formed. You can install Build 4 to a different folder and build your reports there then export them and import them into Beta 25. This is fixed for the next release.
They do offer a workaround - but I dont think the weekly progress reports are that important to the overall project - so I'll leave it for the moment. Should the next Beta not be out for the next month end (3rd April), then I'll look at the workaround :ok
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Re: Benchmarking - Are YOU ready to crack cash tables?

It seems that this is a bug in the current version. They do offer a workaround - but I dont think the weekly progress reports are that important to the overall project - so I'll leave it for the moment. Should the next Beta not be out for the next month end (3rd April), then I'll look at the workaround :ok
Next beta (and the fix) is due 25th March, so the next update will likely be just individual again - the combined summaries will likely be W/E 28th March :ok
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