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Small stakes cash hand


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Posting this up cause it's one of those hands that makes me think could I be getting more money here on river? should I be shoving the the river? He's calling all the way what makes me think flush draw/set, the only reason I checked cause I thought he could be trapping all along with a set. Should I just push rest in? ***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 467708896 ***** NL $0.10/$0.20 Texas Hold'em - Thursday, January 15, 16:16:58 GMT 2009 Table Sodium 11 6-max (Real Money) Seat 5 is the button Total number of active players : 6 Seat 1: poly omorfo ( $12.20 ) Seat 2: milok ( $9.78 ) Seat 3: zevz1982 ( $25.15 ) Seat 4: MuckurShite ( $32.17 ) Seat 5: bierkees ( $20.80 ) Seat 6: MAC1503 ( $20.26 ) MAC1503 posts small blind [$0.10] poly omorfo posts big blind [$0.20] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to MuckurShite [ 8c, 5c ] milok folds zevz1982 raises to [$0.70] MuckurShite raises to [$1.80] bierkees folds MAC1503 folds poly omorfo folds zevz1982 calls [$1.10] ** Dealing Flop ** [ Tc, 8h, 5h ] zevz1982 checks MuckurShite bets [$2.92] zevz1982 calls [$2.92] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 7c ] zevz1982 checks MuckurShite bets [$7.30] zevz1982 calls [$7.30] ** Dealing River ** [ Ks ] zevz1982 checks MuckurShite checks ** Showdown ** zevz1982 shows [ Qs, Qd ] a pair of Queens MuckurShite shows [ 8c, 5c ] two pair, Eights and Fives ** Hand Conclusion ** MuckurShite wins $23.13 from main pot with two pair, Eights and Fives ************ Game 467708896 ends ************

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Re: Small stakes cash hand I don't think the check was a bad play at all:unsure. Had you bet, he wasn't going to call (knowing what he had), and if he was trapping then you escaped without further damage. More importantly, you now have a good image to be paid off if you did get a monster hand.:ok

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Re: Small stakes cash hand I think that play is fine too. There's some thin value in betting the river in hope they'll call with like 99 or AT. There's an argument for betting the river to balance your range against a missed flush. i.e. you're opponent thinks it's possible you're bluffing the river as you think your opponent has missed their flush so will call down real light (thats the thin value) so you bet with thin value, bluffs and big hands. Main reasons for checking is you get a free showdown, you get a lot of info from that and there's generally not much they'll call a solid river bet with depending on your image imo.

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