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Low Stakes SNG - Strategy after getting heads up


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Hi guys. I'm currently playing the 6 man $2.50 STG's on Pacific and I make the top 2 43% of the time and finish 1st on about 49% of these occasions. I honestly believe I should be capable of winning at least 55% once I get to heads up. Normal situation is the blinds are either $150/300 or $200/400 and I have between $2,000 and $4,000 chips (there is $7,200 on the table). A lot of play is pre flop and I find I am a lot more aggresive at this stage than my opponent. If I have the button I will move all in with any ace, suited king, queen or jack plus pocket pairs, even if I have a large chip advantage on my opponent. If I am out of position I am happy to check when they just call and usually end up checking all the way down the river (my aggression just seems to vanish). I think my pre flop game is ok, maybe I need to reign in my range for shoving and maybe just raise 3xbb instead which will give me the chance to get away from a hand if I am reraised of they move all in on a bad flop. Post flop I think my game is a mess, sometimes this is because I check with a decent hand out of position when then just limp and I think have no idea where I am in the hand and then just check it all the way. I seem to have rambled a bit. Does anyone have any advice on ways to improve my heads up game? Can you even understand what I have written? :rollinHave I answered my own questions?

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Re: Low Stakes SNG - Strategy after getting heads up

It sounds like you get heads up with below average chips - so a 49% win rate may be a positive thing :ok
I do tend to play a very tight game leading up to heads up which probably leads to not always having a big stack going into the last 2, this does mean I sometimes have to shove with something like T8 and getting called but usually I get in with a hand I am happy with. I think I am over aggresive preflop when I have the chip advantage and go all in with hands I should raise with and then get away from.
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Re: Low Stakes SNG - Strategy after getting heads up I play these games regularly, 6 max sit n goes and i had the same problem as u for a long time. My ITM % was fine, but i finished second in most of my games when it got heads up, my heads up game was poor. So, i started playing micro stakes heads up tournaments with slow rising blinds to give me some experience and help me learn. Heads up is all about playing your opponent, take note of what hands your opponent shows down with and replay the hand to remember what he did. At low stakes it is unlikely he will switch up his game very much. So if he generally bets out with nothing and slow plays when he connects, for example, take advantage of this. Also, If your opponent appears tight, be aggressive. if he is aggressive, pick your spots. Also, take note of your stack size in relation to the blinds ... if you have less than 5BB's goin into heads up, you are looking to get your chips in first with any decent holding. If the blinds are smaller then you can be patient and hope to outplay your opponent. I moved to Party Poker when i first started playing because more prize money is given to the second placed finisher than at other sites. And if you dont know where you are in the hand, it can be a better idea to bet, rather than check ... this will give you much more information i find. GotaFancy makes a good point, if you are going into heads up with below average chips then 49% is probably a decent win %. Sorry to have rambled lol, hope i helpedd mate :ok

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Re: Low Stakes SNG - Strategy after getting heads up If neither player has a skill edge, then you will win the Heads Up in proportion to the number of chips you have when you start the final table - If you have 40% if the chips on average (sounds a reasonable assumption given your comments), but winning 49% of your heads up matches - that means you're winning 9% of your games more than you should - that's a pretty large edge to have heads up - assuming that there isn't a huge amount of play to be had by the time you get to this stage - I think you'll be doing very well to get a larger edge (that's not saying you shouldnt look for it) Even if you get the chips in as favourite - you'll often only be 60-65% (assuming they go in pre flop) - so you'll be busted out a significant proportion of the time, even though you have the best hand - nothing you can do about that.... In general, assuming low M, it's difficult to be too aggressive HU IMO....

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Re: Low Stakes SNG - Strategy after getting heads up $2.50 sit and goes with about 10bbs you cant raise and get away from a hand. As GaF says you are starting of behind average stack(on average) and winning close to 50% so your heads up play seems ok. 21% first and 22% second must show a profit?

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Re: Low Stakes SNG - Strategy after getting heads up Thanks for the comments guys. Chris - I have thought of playing some low stakes HU SNGs to try and improve my HU game. There are times when I really know what my opponent has by what they do preflop and I usually take those games down but against some of the better players it is difficult to get a read because the blinds are so big and there is not always time to get a line on how they are playing. GaF - I never thought of it that way. I think there are definate improvements to be made (as always). glceud - I think if I had 10bbs I might be better putting in a raise that can still leave me in decent shape if I fold to a raise after all 7bbs at 150/300 is 2100 and a double up in a better spot would have me in the lead. I think maybe 6-8 bbs would be the time to shove before I get too low as to induce an insta call. I am making a very steady profit. Top 3 pay and my ITM is about 65% with an ROI hovering above 15% (at the moment). Thanks again guys. This thread has really got me thinking about how I am playing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Low Stakes SNG - Strategy after getting heads up You should call or raise at least 80% of your button hands. Position is everything in heads up. In a deep stacked game, you should be raising every button to get more money in where you have an advantage, but at the end of a sng, you are too short to do this. If you bet when checked to more often than not your opponent will fold here. Also, shove occasionally when he limps as a bluff

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