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Looking for PL opinions


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Re: Looking for PL opinions

check - why do anything else oop with an overcard' date=' play small ball in DS tourneys:ok[/quote'] I cbet far too often and am trying to cut back on my cbet frequency :loon So I'm interested in knowing more how you'd see this panning out :ok In general, if I have the betting lead and check to my opponent, then he'll pounce on my weakness and bet with hands I'm beating - I'm saying to him that I missed the flop and he's saying to me he wants to take it away from me because I missed the flop - so I check, and he bets - what do I do? Just call? Is the plan to check/call all the way to the river? Or just the first bullet and to check/fold after that?
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Re: Looking for PL opinions

I cbet far too often and am trying to cut back on my cbet frequency :loon So I'm interested in knowing more how you'd see this panning out :ok
I still say that the continuation bet should be the standard play in situations like this one. Change your tack occasionally, by all means, but c-bets are usually correct even when your opponent knows what you're doing. I like to put in a c-bet type raise when I flop trips. That usually stops them being too clever!
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Re: Looking for PL opinions I probably c-bet (is that what the kids are calling it these days? ;)) less than most. I think it's ridiculous to c-bet 95/100% of the time like many weak players do. Although at times I think I need to c-bet more often, it is a part of my game I'm currently looking at. In this scenario however, I'm happy to do so with that flop.

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Re: Looking for PL opinions

I cbet far too often and am trying to cut back on my cbet frequency :loon So I'm interested in knowing more how you'd see this panning out :ok In general, if I have the betting lead and check to my opponent, then he'll pounce on my weakness and bet with hands I'm beating - I'm saying to him that I missed the flop and he's saying to me he wants to take it away from me because I missed the flop - so I check, and he bets - what do I do? Just call? Is the plan to check/call all the way to the river? Or just the first bullet and to check/fold after that?
Its all about pot control and a cbet oop is not only a weak move but exploitable, you only do the cbet in this instance if you are prepared to shove if he raises, if you cannot do that then a check is the only option. Aggression is not always about betting and raising sometimes you can be more agressive with a check call or check raise. Every hand is difficult to play oop (even AA) but QQ to a K high board smells. Hands are situational and history based, so there is no telling what I would have done in samba's shoes but I would have prefer the check expecting him to cbet in position, then a raise would have done three things:- * He folds you win :) * He calls and you as the aggressor gain the iniative in the hand and some control over the pot. A check on the turn may get you a free river. * He 3 bets you have all the info you need and you get away with chips and the most important thing 'your tourney life'. I don't think I would have check/called but it does still have possibilities but a little passive in this particular situation.
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Re: Looking for PL opinions

Its all about pot control and a cbet oop is not only a weak move but exploitable, you only do the cbet in this instance if you are prepared to shove if he raises, if you cannot do that then a check is the only option. Aggression is not always about betting and raising sometimes you can be more agressive with a check call or check raise. Every hand is difficult to play oop (even AA) but QQ to a K high board smells. Hands are situational and history based, so there is no telling what I would have done in samba's shoes but I would have prefer the check expecting him to cbet in position, then a raise would have done three things:- * He folds you win :) * He calls and you as the aggressor gain the iniative in the hand and some control over the pot. A check on the turn may get you a free river. * He 3 bets you have all the info you need and you get away with chips and the most important thing 'your tourney life'. I don't think I would have check/called but it does still have possibilities but a little passive in this particular situation.
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Re: Looking for PL opinions Cheers guys :ok Still got some questions though :tongue2 You check, he raises 6k - how much do you 3bet? You started with 29k, put in 4k pre flop so have 25k left - he bets 6k - the min reraise (which I presume you dont advocate here) would cost you 12k of the 25k you have left - lets say you reraise to 16k - that leaves you with 9k (pot 42k) - are you not completely and utterly commited at that stage?

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Re: Looking for PL opinions

Cheers guys :ok Still got some questions though :tongue2 You check, he raises 6k - how much do you 3bet? You started with 29k, put in 4k pre flop so have 25k left - he bets 6k - the min reraise (which I presume you dont advocate here) would cost you 12k of the 25k you have left - lets say you reraise to 16k - that leaves you with 9k (pot 42k) - are you not completely and utterly commited at that stage?
I hate that word pot committed - its like saying I may as well donate the rest then :tongue2 Again its situational but assuming he put in 6K, I wouldn't mind the min raise as it is a powerful move in this situation but I usually stick in slightly more so maybe 13.5K
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Looking for PL opinions Your raise pre-flop should be arount $3800-$4000, i like $3850. You don't want to be making huge raises because your putting your whole stack in jepoardy. A 4 or 5x BB raise is just ridiculous. If your opponents will fold to a $4500 raise, they will most likely fold to a $4000 raise, therefore you minimise your losses when you are beat. On the flop I'm alternating between a check and a c-bet, but I think in this spot a check is the correct play. You can let a card come off because you're only really scared of an ace here. If he has a pair smaller than you then he has 2outs so a free card is fine. If he has a king, a free card is better for you anyway because it is you who needs to hit. So, if he has a king you don't want to be putting any more money in this pot. If you bet he isn't going to fold a king here, and there isn't really anything else he will call with so you will just take the pot. Also, if you check you may induce a bluff on the turn, and you are controlling the pot size. You can call the turn if he bets and he will probably give up on the river without a hand that beats you. If he checks again, then you should bet and he may call with any pair now because your hand looks more like a bluff. So, raise to $3850 and check behind on the flop.

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