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Double or Nothing: Aces post flop on paired board


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Later stage DoN is pretty simple, with ICM :unsure So thought I'd put some early hands up where I have a good pre flop hand, or have got sucked in and am facing tough choices post flop - interested in feedback and what you'd do :ok He had the goods (:Kh: :9h:) and in general I think I got away cheap - but what if he'd put in proper bets? Wa I right to try and control pot size (i.e. play passively) or should I at some stage have been asking him a question? PokerStars Game #23727137237: Tournament #132819044, $5.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 2009/01/09 12:38:33 ET Table '132819044 1' 10-max Seat #5 is the button Seat 1: MarkMylbech (1500 in chips) Seat 2: Babyben10 (1460 in chips) Seat 3: scupize (1760 in chips) Seat 4: Noedelhap (1950 in chips) Seat 5: SunTzu31 (1140 in chips) Seat 6: Ignacious (1460 in chips) Seat 7: KING KA2 (1510 in chips) Seat 8: ryanjep (1500 in chips) Seat 9: univari (1220 in chips) Seat 10: pl-GaF (1500 in chips) Ignacious: posts small blind 10 KING KA2: posts big blind 20 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to pl-GaF [:Ah: :As:] ryanjep: folds univari: calls 20 pl-GaF: raises 80 to 100 MarkMylbech: folds Babyben10: folds scupize: folds Noedelhap: folds SunTzu31: folds Ignacious: folds KING KA2: calls 80 univari: calls 80 *** FLOP *** [:9c: :9d: :8h:] KING KA2: bets 100 univari: calls 100 pl-GaF: calls 100 *** TURN *** [9c 9d 8h] [:4h:] KING KA2: bets 120 univari: folds pl-GaF: calls 120 *** RIVER *** [9c 9d 8h 4h] [:7h:] KING KA2: bets 80 pl-GaF: calls 80

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Re: Double or Nothing: Aces post flop on paired board I think you were right to play passively and control the pot size, because, after he had open bet on the flop I would have been reraising - reasoning that if he had a 9 he wouldn't have open bet - and then when he then came back over the top of me I wouldn't have believed him :$ But that IS how I see that hand would have played out for me

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Re: Double or Nothing: Aces post flop on paired board It probably means that I'm WAY too cautious early in a cooler, but I'd have folded after a bet and call on the flop. Unless you get another ace, your hand is very unlikely to improve, so your opponents have the "leverage". My second choice would be to raise and shut down if I get called/raised.

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Re: Double or Nothing: Aces post flop on paired board I agree with slapdash, time to let it go in the flop. You could have reraised on the flop to be sure, however it's expesive information and the 500 or so chips requied to do so can be better spent elsewhere. I'll ask the question from the other thread, when you see Aces what is your objective, win blinds or go for big hand ? do you have a plan ?

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Re: Double or Nothing: Aces post flop on paired board Well I'm not open folding Aces pre flop here if that's what you mean :lol :lol :lol :lol :tongue2 Obviously I'd love to get reraised and to shove them in pre flop :ok If I have limpers and see the flop and it isn't especially scary (a paired board scares me) then I'm probably prepared to stick all my chips in :unsure Too often they'll stick around with TPTK, an overpair, an underpair :tongue2 - if there's no flushes or str8s, and the board is unpaired, not multiple broadway cards, I'm building a big pot and prepared to go all the way.... if they have trips or 2 pair (I'm not that far behind 2 pair), then so be it - more often than not they wont have though.....

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