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The "I'm good enough to fold Aces Preflop" thread


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Re: The "I'm good enough to fold Aces Preflop" thread Re: The "I'm NOT good enough to fold Aces Preflop" thread! Different situation here but this thread did actually pop into my head before I pressed call! :loon PokerStars Game #23733932319: Tournament #132860434, $5.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2009/01/09 16:18:38 ET Table '132860434 1' 10-max Seat #5 is the button Seat 1: Arhangel74 (1740 in chips) Seat 2: ArhAlgis (3335 in chips) Seat 4: Don_Huan_82 (830 in chips) Seat 5: Jon_Raise71 (1670 in chips) Seat 6: Sleekshot (3415 in chips) Seat 8: YurecGo (1410 in chips) Seat 9: Jahumba (1360 in chips) Seat 10: ImmortalTech (1240 in chips) Arhangel74: posts the ante 15 ArhAlgis: posts the ante 15 Don_Huan_82: posts the ante 15 Jon_Raise71: posts the ante 15 Sleekshot: posts the ante 15 YurecGo: posts the ante 15 Jahumba: posts the ante 15 ImmortalTech: posts the ante 15 Sleekshot: posts small blind 75 YurecGo: posts big blind 150 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Sleekshot [Ac As] Jahumba: folds ImmortalTech: raises 260 to 410 Arhangel74: raises 1315 to 1725 and is all-in ArhAlgis: folds Don_Huan_82: folds Jon_Raise71: folds Sleekshot: raises 1675 to 3400 and is all-in YurecGo: folds ImmortalTech: calls 815 and is all-in Uncalled bet (1675) returned to Sleekshot *** FLOP *** [Jd 6c Tc] *** TURN *** [Jd 6c Tc] [3c] *** RIVER *** [Jd 6c Tc 3c] [4s] *** SHOW DOWN *** Sleekshot: shows [Ac As] (a pair of Aces) Arhangel74: shows [Kc Kh] (a pair of Kings) Sleekshot collected 1000 from side pot ImmortalTech: shows [8c Th] (a pair of Tens) Sleekshot collected 3945 from main pot f_AAm_1c94c59.jpg

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Re: The "I'm good enough to fold Aces Preflop" thread This was from a sat to the 10k VC poker freeroll a couple of weeks ago, top 40 through with 42/43 left, I had a couple of BB's left and insta folded knowing others were in more trouble than me and I was 99.9% sure I could fold my way in to the top 40. It's a no brainer in this situation but I'm struggling to think of a scenario in a standard tourney or SnG where folding AA pre-flop is the correct play. f_AAfoldedm_fe58290.jpg

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Re: The "I'm good enough to fold Aces Preflop" thread

It's a no brainer in this situation but I'm struggling to think of a scenario in a standard tourney or SnG where folding AA pre-flop is the correct play.
I'm not sure I know of situations in standard MTTs or STTs where Aces should be folded either :unsure The only times I can think of are Sats or Coolers/Double or Nothings (10 seat STT where top 5 win the same prize).
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Re: The "I'm good enough to fold Aces Preflop" thread I've done it - I've finally folded Aces pre flop :nana :cow :nana :cow f_20090111Folm_a039951.jpg PokerStars Game #23808544590: Tournament #133374880, $5.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (150/300) - 2009/01/11 18:23:05 ET Table '133374880 1' 10-max Seat #10 is the button Seat 2: UPS ROB (4450 in chips) Seat 4: Bastistuta71 (2065 in chips) Seat 5: subjugator (1890 in chips) Seat 6: AdolfHitter (50 in chips) is sitting out Seat 8: Urso93 (3975 in chips) Seat 10: pl-GaF (2570 in chips) UPS ROB: posts the ante 30 Bastistuta71: posts the ante 30 subjugator: posts the ante 30 AdolfHitter: posts the ante 30 Urso93: posts the ante 30 pl-GaF: posts the ante 30 UPS ROB: posts small blind 150 Bastistuta71: posts big blind 300 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to pl-GaF [:Ah: :Ad:] subjugator: folds AdolfHitter: folds Urso93: folds AdolfHitter is connected AdolfHitter has returned pl-GaF: folds UPS ROB: folds Uncalled bet (150) returned to Bastistuta71 Bastistuta71 collected 480 from pot Bastistuta71: doesn't show hand *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 480 | Rake 0 Seat 2: UPS ROB (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 4: Bastistuta71 (big blind) collected (480) Seat 5: subjugator folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: AdolfHitter folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: Urso93 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 10: pl-GaF (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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Re: The "I'm good enough to fold Aces Preflop" thread

post_old.gif 21-10-2008, 08:38 #10 (permalink)
GotaFancy?(BPP) God Punter ball.gifball.gifball.gifball.gifball.gifball.gifball.gifball.gifavatar5893_38.gif Join Date: 18 Jun 2005 Posts: 35,336 Awards Showcaseoscarsicon.gif tcicon.gif oscarsicon.gif pokerleagueicon.gif Total Awards: 5 icon1.gifRe: Are you Nice or Nasty?
I'd be nice to the poor soul who has had the misfortune to lose his internet connection at such a crucial time - so yes I'd call :ok
user_online.gifreport.gif quote.gif multiquote_off.gif quickreply.gif
Going to report the lot of you for collusion:eek
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Re: The "I'm good enough to fold Aces Preflop" thread Just noticed this thread, here's an old hh. I dont know about being good enough to fold them, but I have, if not intentionally PokerStars Game #19687762797: Tournament #100869274, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2008/08/17 - 14:07:23 (ET) Table '100869274 35' 9-max Seat #9 is the button Seat 1: egattaw5 (3615 in chips) Seat 2: chrisp79 (6085 in chips) Seat 3: !Walhalla024 (2965 in chips) Seat 4: Gerrard48LFC (2515 in chips) Seat 5: Mista0014 (2425 in chips) Seat 6: mikesaban (2905 in chips) Seat 7: trouble1111 (10705 in chips) Seat 8: IRONMIKE52 (5495 in chips) Seat 9: DutchPoker23 (5550 in chips) egattaw5: posts small blind 75 chrisp79: posts big blind 150 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to mikesaban [Ah aced.png] !Walhalla024: folds Gerrard48LFC: folds Mista0014: folds DutchPoker23 is connected mikesaban has timed out mikesaban: folds mikesaban is sitting out trouble1111: folds IRONMIKE52: calls 150 DutchPoker23: folds egattaw5: calls 75 mikesaban has returned chrisp79: checks *** FLOP *** [jd.pngqh.png6h.png] egattaw5: bets 300 chrisp79: folds IRONMIKE52: calls 300 *** TURN *** [jd.pngqh.png6h.png] [ac.png] egattaw5: bets 600 IRONMIKE52: raises 600 to 1200 egattaw5: calls 600 *** RIVER *** [jd.pngqh.png6h.pngac.png] [As] egattaw5: checks IRONMIKE52: checks *** SHOW DOWN *** egattaw5: shows [qd.png6c.png] (two pair, Aces and Queens) IRONMIKE52: shows [ts.pngks.png] (a straight, Ten to Ace) IRONMIKE52 collected 3450 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 3450 Rake 0 Board [jd.pngqh.png6h.pngac.png As] Seat 1: egattaw5 (small blind) showed [qd.png6c.png] and lost with two pair, Aces and Queens Seat 2: chrisp79 (big blind) folded on the Flop Seat 3: !Walhalla024 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: Gerrard48LFC folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: Mista0014 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: mikesaban folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: trouble1111 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: IRONMIKE52 showed [ts.pngks.png] and won (3450) with a straight, Ten to Ace Seat 9: DutchPoker23 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The "I'm good enough to fold Aces Preflop" thread This was the most straight forward insta fold of AA ever. and i played them. got away with it and cashed, but with two micro stacks what I did here was without doubt -EV in cash terms. I feel really bad about the way i played this hand, I really thought I had the maturity to pass on them, shouldn't even have flat called PokerStars Game #24387796528: Tournament #137140345, $10.00+$0.40 Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (125/250) - 2009/01/29 3:18:18 ET Table '137140345 1' 10-max Seat #9 is the button Seat 1: CincyShame (2960 in chips) Seat 3: Scul18m (660 in chips) Seat 6: kvarangu (470 in chips) Seat 8: asjohnstone (1770 in chips) Seat 9: duffcards (4975 in chips) Seat 10: PhiAlphaMTSU (4165 in chips) CincyShame: posts the ante 25 Scul18m: posts the ante 25 kvarangu: posts the ante 25 asjohnstone: posts the ante 25 duffcards: posts the ante 25 PhiAlphaMTSU: posts the ante 25 PhiAlphaMTSU: posts small blind 125 CincyShame: posts big blind 250 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to asjohnstone [As Ac] Scul18m: folds kvarangu: folds asjohnstone: calls 250 duffcards: raises 1500 to 1750 PhiAlphaMTSU: folds CincyShame: folds asjohnstone: calls 1495 and is all-in Uncalled bet (5) returned to duffcards *** FLOP *** [8d 9s 8c] *** TURN *** [8d 9s 8c] [8s] *** RIVER *** [8d 9s 8c 8s] [Tc] *** SHOW DOWN *** asjohnstone: shows [As Ac] (a full house, Eights full of Aces) duffcards: shows [5h Kc] (three of a kind, Eights) asjohnstone collected 4015 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 4015 | Rake 0 Board [8d 9s 8c 8s Tc] Seat 1: CincyShame (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 3: Scul18m folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: kvarangu folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: asjohnstone showed [As Ac] and won (4015) with a full house, Eights full of Aces Seat 9: duffcards (button) showed [5h Kc] and lost with three of a kind, Eights Seat 10: PhiAlphaMTSU (small blind) folded before Flop

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Re: The "I'm good enough to fold Aces Preflop" thread

This was the most straight forward insta fold of AA ever. and i played them. got away with it and cashed, but with two micro stacks what I did here was without doubt -EV in cash terms. I feel really bad about the way i played this hand, I really thought I had the maturity to pass on them, shouldn't even have flat called
Limping here is horrible. I think I would have played these too but would have shoved all-in so as not to give the big stacks an opportunity to try and force you off the hand.
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Re: The "I'm good enough to fold Aces Preflop" thread Couldn't find the "I'm not good enough to fold Aces preflop " thread. :eyes On the bubble, 27th - 18th gets $33 and so on... Think I was sitting about 25th out of 28, then along they came :cry Full Tilt Poker Game #10358534019: PokerListings $3,000 freeroll (76842352), Table 9 - 300/600 Ante 75 - No Limit Hold'em - 15:29:29 ET - 2009/01/31 Seat 1: FreakshowGE1904 (3,713) Seat 2: thricer (21,720) Seat 3: Ratman12 (2,878) Seat 4: Goodiemobb21 (9,319) Seat 5: nonickneeded (9,985) Seat 7: hiz61 (2,762) Seat 8: lrntofoldson (3,091) FreakshowGE1904 antes 75 thricer antes 75 Ratman12 antes 75 Goodiemobb21 antes 75 nonickneeded antes 75 hiz61 antes 75 lrntofoldson antes 75 lrntofoldson posts the small blind of 300 FreakshowGE1904 posts the big blind of 600 The button is in seat #7 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Ratman12 [Ad Ac] thricer folds Ratman12 raises to 2,803, and is all in Goodiemobb21 calls 2,803 nonickneeded folds hiz61 folds lrntofoldson folds FreakshowGE1904 folds Ratman12 shows [Ad Ac] Goodiemobb21 shows [9s 9d] *** FLOP *** [6c 6h 7h] *** TURN *** [6c 6h 7h] [8c] *** RIVER *** [6c 6h 7h 8c] [5s] Ratman12 shows two pair, Aces and Sixes Goodiemobb21 shows a straight, Nine high Goodiemobb21 wins the pot (7,031) with a straight, Nine high lrntofoldson: gg man *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 7,031 | Rake 0 Board: [6c 6h 7h 8c 5s] Seat 1: FreakshowGE1904 (big blind) folded before the Flop Seat 2: thricer folded before the Flop Seat 3: Ratman12 showed [Ad Ac] and lost with two pair, Aces and Sixes Seat 4: Goodiemobb21 showed [9s 9d] and won (7,031) with a straight, Nine high Seat 5: nonickneeded folded before the Flop Seat 7: hiz61 (button) folded before the Flop Seat 8: lrntofoldson (small blind) folded before the Flop

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Re: The "I'm good enough to fold Aces Preflop" thread I don't see the issue there Fonzie. The bubble's way overrated in standard MTTs, it is only Satellites or DoNs where the top 'x' amount of players get the same value of prize. Yes, you could have limped into the cash for $33, but playing your Aces you gave yourself a chance of a much bigger prize :ok I've finished 44th and 42nd in the last 2 TonyG Bikerides that I have played (top 40/~360 get paid), when in both cases I was comfortably in the mid to late 20s position wise and have went bust holding a big hand and been outdrawn. But I won the thing just before Xmas playing exactly the same way, but holding up when ahead. I'd rather have the 1 x $260 and 2 x $0, than have 3 x $7.50 or whatever for a mid 20s placed finish :ok

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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Re: The "I'm good enough to fold Aces Preflop" thread I managed to fold aces for two consecutive hands tonight :loon ***** Hand History for Game 569005841 ***** (Betfair) Tourney Hand NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, August 29, 08:20:58 ET 2009 Table D2N Turbo NL Holdem 1210 3288131 (Real Money) Seat 5 is the button Seat 1: Telepe ( $1582.50 USD ) Seat 2: aspirant ( $205.00 USD ) Seat 5: teamster99 ( $505.00 USD ) Seat 6: numbskull77 ( $3707.50 USD ) numbskull77 posts small blind [$100.00 USD]. Telepe posts big blind [$200.00 USD]. ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Telepe [ :Ah: :Ad: ] aspirant folds teamster99 folds numbskull77 raises [$3607.50 USD] Telepe folds numbskull77 wins $3507.50 USD numbskull77 wins $400.00 USD from main pot Dave (numbskull77) had literally any two cards there - he was raising all in every hand! Then the very next hand..... ***** Hand History for Game 569006035 ***** (Betfair) Tourney Hand NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, August 29, 08:21:24 ET 2009 Table D2N Turbo NL Holdem 1210 3288131 (Real Money) Seat 6 is the button Seat 1: Telepe ( $1382.50 USD ) Seat 2: aspirant ( $205.00 USD ) Seat 5: teamster99 ( $505.00 USD ) Seat 6: numbskull77 ( $3907.50 USD ) Telepe posts small blind [$100.00 USD]. aspirant posts big blind [$200.00 USD]. ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Telepe [ :Ah: :As: ] teamster99 folds numbskull77 raises [$3907.50 USD] Telepe folds aspirant calls [$5.00 USD] numbskull77 wins $3702.50 USD aspirant shows [5d, 4d ] numbskull77 shows [5s, Ts ] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 3s, 4s, Jc ] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 7d ] ** Dealing River ** [ 8h ] aspirant wins $510.00 USD from main pot

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Re: The "I'm good enough to fold Aces Preflop" thread

I managed to fold aces for two consecutive hands tonight :loon ***** Hand History for Game 569005841 ***** (Betfair) Tourney Hand NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, August 29, 08:20:58 ET 2009 Table D2N Turbo NL Holdem 1210 3288131 (Real Money) Seat 5 is the button Seat 1: Telepe ( $1582.50 USD ) Seat 2: aspirant ( $205.00 USD ) Seat 5: teamster99 ( $505.00 USD ) Seat 6: numbskull77 ( $3707.50 USD ) numbskull77 posts small blind [$100.00 USD]. Telepe posts big blind [$200.00 USD]. ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Telepe [ :Ah: :Ad: ] aspirant folds teamster99 folds numbskull77 raises [$3607.50 USD] Telepe folds numbskull77 wins $3507.50 USD numbskull77 wins $400.00 USD from main pot Dave (numbskull77) had literally any two cards there - he was raising all in every hand! Then the very next hand..... ***** Hand History for Game 569006035 ***** (Betfair) Tourney Hand NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, August 29, 08:21:24 ET 2009 Table D2N Turbo NL Holdem 1210 3288131 (Real Money) Seat 6 is the button Seat 1: Telepe ( $1382.50 USD ) Seat 2: aspirant ( $205.00 USD ) Seat 5: teamster99 ( $505.00 USD ) Seat 6: numbskull77 ( $3907.50 USD ) Telepe posts small blind [$100.00 USD]. aspirant posts big blind [$200.00 USD]. ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Telepe [ :Ah: :As: ] teamster99 folds numbskull77 raises [$3907.50 USD] Telepe folds aspirant calls [$5.00 USD] numbskull77 wins $3702.50 USD aspirant shows [5d, 4d ] numbskull77 shows [5s, Ts ] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 3s, 4s, Jc ] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 7d ] ** Dealing River ** [ 8h ] aspirant wins $510.00 USD from main pot
:lol I just posted in the other thread that I thought you were folding almost anything, including Aces. Didn't expect that you did it 2 hands in a row though :ok
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Re: The "I'm good enough to fold Aces Preflop" thread 3 places pay I guess? are you sure this is a good fold? I don't think I fold in this spot in its top 3 get money. Maybe I still don't understand these games :S:\

I so hate folding them - even when I KNOW it's right!! I did fold here!! Still playing this game and could yet lose it (but unlikely)........ f_31spr2t9vbem_0818dc2.gif
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Re: The "I'm good enough to fold Aces Preflop" thread The screenshot is top 5 paid equally. The hand histories were top 3 paid equally. I think the screenshot is a definite fold :unsure. I'm likely to be 20% if I call to be eliminated? If I fold I think I'm greater than 80% to get into the money.

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