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Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 3.13% complete


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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 3.13% complete

just got rivered for the biggest pot of my life when he hit his gutshot on the river when i was holding trip queens' date=' i know how it feels to run shite, good luck mate[/quote'] Just horrible :puke The tide is turning, I can feel it :ok
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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 3.13% complete Haven't been able to play much recently. Went home for a couple of weeks over my easter holiday and my internet connection was horrible, it was dropping out every 5-10 minutes and playing was a nightmare. At the start of today my bankroll was €128.48 and I played for about an hour at my usual stakes. Lost 2 large hands for about €7 loss early on and just treaded water from then on. Limped in with 53s in late position with everyone in the pot, flopped a straight flush everyone checked the flop, A on the turn, checked to me, I put a small bet out and everyone folds :@ Bankroll: €113.90

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