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Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 3.13% complete


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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 2.12% complete Played for a little bit today. Didn't play very well but hit a couple of big hands that put me up. It hides a couple of horrible hands I played. I can't really put them up here because if GaF puts them up in the benchmarking thread my cover is blown. I should probably start making use of my own private thread, have a couple of hands that show where I really need to improve. Anyway, profit is profit. Bankroll: €265.25

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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 2.12% complete Just realised that its the end of my first month and having started with $50 I end the month having a €270 and banked £212. I have played 490 and won about $100 so cash has definitely been my friend this month. Goals for February 1) Increase online bankroll to €400 before withdrawals. 2) Rake €100 to become eligible for rakeback in March. 3) Play 10,000 hands I think the rake will be fine. Playing 10,000 might be a stretch, February is a short month and it will be pretty busy. I am away for a couple of weekends and will be working again.

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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 2.12% complete

I'm not certain' date=' but I think the rakeback calculations at Pokerkings may not be Calendar Month. Anyone know for certain?[/quote'] I'm not sure, but I thought it was by calendar month. Though they seem to pay it approximately weekly if you regularly rake enough to qualify, rather than waiting until the end of the month I may be wrong, but I didn't think that whether you get rakeback depends on the previous month. I thought it just depended on whether you raked €100+ in the current month. :unsure
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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 2.12% complete Playing pretty rubbish at the moment. Made some pretty horrific calls on the rivers when I know that I am completely beat and still call. ***Note to self*** 1) When someone overbets the river you are beaten. 2) If you are check raised on the turn you are beaten. 3) Stop playing like and idiot. Bankroll: €265.11 I've only cleared €15 of my deposit bonus. I don't think I'll manage to clear all of it.

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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 2.12% complete Had another losing session after my last post. Had a couple of days off and played for about 70 minutes today and won about €11 to hopefully turn things around. Still in profit and I think I'm on target to play enough hands to get rakeback. Bankroll: €248.85

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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 2.12% complete Hi Tomahawk, Just noticed your thread..... Seems like you are destroying the stts :D Your bankroll control is mighty impressive, keep it up. You sound very similar to me.. i began at uni playing ladbrokes $2 stts until made $100 profit then moved up to $5 then $10, etc until (now in 5th year of uni) have a $45k bankroll and although could play high stakes stts/mtts i still play conservativley mainly playing $30 stts heads up and mtts up to $100 (although only rarely play $100 mtts unless good value tourney. Keep up the good work both at uni and on the tables :D

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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 2.12% complete

Hi Tomahawk, Just noticed your thread..... Seems like you are destroying the stts :D Your bankroll control is mighty impressive, keep it up. You sound very similar to me.. i began at uni playing ladbrokes $2 stts until made $100 profit then moved up to $5 then $10, etc until (now in 5th year of uni) have a $45k bankroll and although could play high stakes stts/mtts i still play conservativley mainly playing $30 stts heads up and mtts up to $100 (although only rarely play $100 mtts unless good value tourney. Keep up the good work both at uni and on the tables :D
Thanks for dropping in. I'm working on my bankroll management and I want to move up when I am playing well enough, not when my bankroll says I can. If I am consistently beating my current level I'd look to move up. I will get back into stts because I was doing pretty well and I don't want to become bored with one type of game and stop playing. You've made some great progress and its very inspiring. I played a little bit during my first couple of years but I withdrew everything I won so I feel I missed out a bit on that. If I do a Phd I'll have all the free time in the world so I might be able to get up to your level :D What type of stts do you play?
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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 2.12% complete

I'm working on my bankroll management and I want to move up when I am playing well enough' date=' not when my bankroll says I can.[/quote'] Exactly... This is crucial, got to be very comfortable at the level you are playing and when you know that you ' can easily beat 90% of these players' slowly move up. I recently set myself a heads up challenge, convert a few dollars (i think i deposited $20 or so into pokerstars to see how i could develop it, profit so far on this new account is $2059 after about 400 games now playing $30 level, will move up to $50 when have $2.5k as am extrememly comfortable at the $30 level). I also play the final step heads up on pkr ($250 buy in) when i find a player who has poor stats or worked up from the first buy in level. However 80% of my bankroll is from mtts which incude four $3k+ wins Tonight came 2nd in $5r and 3rd in $20 f/o for $600 :D
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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 2.12% complete On a bit of a winning streak with the last 6 sessions ending in a profit. I've been playing for no more than an hour but session usually end at about the 50 minute mark or when I get a bit card dead. This way I feel I can make more correct decisions and this seems to be reflected in my results. I don't want to get results orientated and then start chasing my loses when they happen. Bankroll: €196.87

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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 2.12% complete 3 from 5. Rivered in another game so could have been 4 from 5 but I think I've had some good luck so far so not going to complain too much. Some of the players are shocking, one guy either folds or goes all in preflop. Called a couple of times on the button with the intention of calling the all in and he didn't let me down. Would have played a bit more but the rugby is about to start and I need to crack on with my dissertation, all that aside I might play a bit more later. New week for the bench marking, need to get to 4,000 hands for the end of this week. Ooh and rakeback tomorrow!

Tourney Date Finish
40 14-Feb 2
41 14-Feb 2
42 14-Feb 1
43 14-Feb 1
44 14-Feb 1
ITM: 65.9% ROI: 25.5% Profit: €35.40 Bankroll: €241.60
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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 2.12% complete Rakeback today and a very nice sum too. As discussed in stdpokered's thread I'm going to move up to the €5 hu sng's if I reach €200 profit. At this point I'll separate my bankroll into cash and sng and then apply my rules to withdrawals to both of them. Any rakeback will probably be straight away. Withdrawn: £262.91 Goal: 2.63%

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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 2.63% complete Won only 3 from 9. God there are so many fish. The last game was finshed after something like 2 minutes. I raised 4xBB with 120 got called, hit AJ5 board, bet was raised and called. Stupid fish had 43 and hit his miracle. Doesn't stop the fact that 2 losing sessions in a row has dented my win rate. ITM: 59.7% ROI: 13.7% Profit: €28.95 Bankroll: €238.81

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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 2.63% complete 4 from 5 to get things back on track. Got my chips in ahead on the losing game but not by much.

Tourney Date Finish
68 15-Feb 1
69 15-Feb 1
70 15-Feb 1
71 15-Feb 2
72 15-Feb 1
ITM: 61.1% ROI: 16.4% Profit: €37.20 Bankroll: €247.06 I'll play cash tomorrow.
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