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New UltimateBet Scandal


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Sorry for not converting but this is really strange! This has not been edited in anyway besides the hand ID and if you know DOUBLEBALLER you may want to let him know about this (He like auto left the table when the pot got shipped to phil! then come straight back! Software glitch maybe?) Stage #XXXXXXX: Holdem (1 on 1) Normal $200/$400 - 2008-12-20 04:15:23 (ET) Table: FIR AVE (Real Money) Seat #4 is the dealer Seat 4 - PHILHELLMUTH ($4495 in chips) Seat 6 - DOUBLEBALLER ($7494 in chips) PHILHELLMUTH - Posts small blind $100 DOUBLEBALLER - Posts big blind $200 *** POCKET CARDS *** PHILHELLMUTH - Raises $300 to $400 DOUBLEBALLER - Raises $400 to $600 PHILHELLMUTH - Raises $400 to $800 DOUBLEBALLER - Calls $200 *** FLOP *** [Js Kc Kh] DOUBLEBALLER - Checks PHILHELLMUTH - Bets $200 DOUBLEBALLER - Raises $400 to $400 PHILHELLMUTH - Calls $200 *** TURN *** [Js Kc Kh] [2h] DOUBLEBALLER - Bets $400 PHILHELLMUTH - Raises $800 to $800 DOUBLEBALLER - Raises $800 to $1200 PHILHELLMUTH - Calls $400 *** RIVER *** [Js Kc Kh 2h] [9c] DOUBLEBALLER - Bets $400 PHILHELLMUTH - Calls $400 *** SHOW DOWN *** DOUBLEBALLER - Shows [Kd Qh] (Three of a kind, kings) PHILHELLMUTH - Mucks PHILHELLMUTH Collects $5599 from main pot *** SUMMARY *** Total Pot($5600) | Rake ($1) Board [Js Kc Kh 2h 9c] Seat 4: PHILHELLMUTH (dealer) (small blind) won Total ($5599) HI: ($5599) [Mucked] [2s 10s] Seat 6: DOUBLEBALLER (big blind) HI:lost with Three of a kind, kings [Kd Qh - B:Kh,P:Kd,B:Kc,P:Qh,B:Js]
Link to the whole thread http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/29/news-views-gossip/ultimate-bet-wtf-hellmuth-has-worse-hand-but-pot-gets-shipped-him-anyway-369065/ Shocking, although even more shocking that anyone's still playing there after the whole superuser thing.
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Re: New UltimateBet Scandal From the Ultimate Bet Blog

Earlier today we learned about a poker hand where our system paid out the losing player instead of the correct winning hand. The hand number is #1162170993. We are investigating this software malfunction as our absolute top priority. This is the first incident of this kind we have encountered. We are currently examining the poker system and the application logs in order to pinpoint the cause of this malfunction.
Funny how they forget to mention it was Phil Hellmuth who got the pot he should have lost.
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Re: New UltimateBet Scandal

Shocking, although even more shocking that anyone's still playing there after the whole superuser thing.
Couldn't agree more :loon I presume this is on Cereus? How long ago did that launch? Seeming more like a software bug more than malicious cheating :unsure (except as you say for the rather bizarre coincidence that it's Phil Hellmuth :loon)
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Re: New UltimateBet Scandal

Couldn't agree more :loon I presume this is on Cereus? How long ago did that launch? Seeming more like a software bug more than malicious cheating :unsure (except as you say for the rather bizarre coincidence that it's Phil Hellmuth :loon)
Think it's only been 2-3 months at most. All kinds of theories flying round in the 2+2 thread. Of course it seems strange that Hellmuth would be cheating given the amount of people that would be railing/the websites that keep track of high stakes tables. But it's also pretty strange that out of the millions of hands that have probably been played since the relaunch that this happens only once, and it's Hellmuth playing.
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