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my last hand from BTB last night


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played a very solid game last night in BTB and made the last 7, was i right to have shoved ?? ** Hand # 2301880719 starting - 2008-12-07 00:04:47 ** 6th day of Poker, BtB $1K GTD + Poker Set![2325443]:Table 7 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (1200.00|2400.00 NL - MTT) Real Money Friel sitting in seat 1 with 16360.00[Dealer] chrisfarrow sitting in seat 2 with 7850.00 MRJINGLES46 sitting in seat 4 with 80282.20 kirsty sitting in seat 6 with 18772.17 teaulcsg1 sitting in seat 7 with 11781.84 window139 sitting in seat 8 with 22649.48 chrisfarrow posted the small blind - 600.00 ** Dealing cards to teaulcsg1: Ah, Kh MRJINGLES46 folded kirsty raised to 2400.00 teaulcsg1 went all-in - 11781.84 window139 folded Friel folded chrisfarrow folded kirsty called - 11781.84 kirsty shows: Jh, Js ** Dealing the flop: Qh, 4s, 4d ** Dealing the turn: Jc ** Dealing the river: 8h kirsty wins 25363.68 from the main pot

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Re: my last hand from BTB last night Would you not consider flat calling and seeing a flop. If you connect your shoving anyway but at least you give yourself the chance to get away from the hand without doing all your stack....you would still have had 9k if you happened to get away from it post flop. I totally understand why you have shoved and probably do this 80% of the time myself, but then when I lose I always question whether i wasn't being impatient and therefore could have played it better.

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Re: my last hand from BTB last night The advantage of shoving is that you see all 5 community cards - making it a flip against an underpair - if you only see 3 cards and your opponent bets, then you pretty much have to let it go and you dont get your shot at hitting with the last two cards.....

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Re: my last hand from BTB last night GaF? I am sure you advocated flat calling pre-flop in a different thread a couple of weeks ago? Think it was Aaron Hendrix in November's Inside Poker magazine, but can't find my mag to see exactly what it said - but something about not being afraid to avoid coinflips shots by calling and seeing a flop, but I could be wrong :unsure

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Re: my last hand from BTB last night I would probably have shoved too, but I'm not against Elcaker's idea of seeing the flop. If you go all-in, she(?) has to call for 9K pretty much calling for her tournament life (down to 7k if she loses). Thus unless her raise was a bluff (unlikely from UTG+1), and she has a fair hand, she is going to call your re-raise. If you see a flop and it comes with over-cards to her Jacks, she may check to you. Equally, if no Ace or King comes you can get away from the hand.

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