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Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle


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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle

Ross Jarvis has won the Virgin Poker Festival after steam-rolling the final table. I gota say that he thoroughly deserved it as he was on my table for the best part of 2 days and was absolutely fantastic. I was talking to Ubermonkey last night and I pointed him out as 1 of the best poker players I've come across and had no doubt that he'd take it down once he'd reached the final table - oh and he took me out so at least I got took out by the eventual winner!! :lol
Cheers for those kind words Gaz. Bad luck on the shove, I think it was the right play as I mentioned to you. Unfortunately somebody has to be the bubble boy but I'm sure you'll make plenty of cashes later this year if you keep on playing well. Hopefully see you around soon - maybe at APAT WCOAP in the summer.
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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle Just back from Newcastle and i must say i had an absolute ball :D Great to put faces to names and was very impressed with the casino and the organisation of the tourneys:clap Didnt get much sleep(5hrs in total since friday night:zzz)but won at the cash table this morning which perked me up :ok Congrats to all PL cashers and am looking forward to the next one already :cheers

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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle

You found 10 sober enough then? :lol
Only needed 8 ... turned out about 20 wanted to play though, felt quite bad for Graeme having to choose between all those! :eek Thanks for letting me represent PL though, got a 2nd for £25 and 8 (I think) points for the team. :ok Well done to Fonzie btw for winning his table :clap Time to catch up on some sleep I reckon ... :zzz
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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle Can't add to Avon's report other than to hand her the best live player in our house title (for now) :clap. Melbourne clearly a one-off and her 14th beats my best Virgin placing of 16th. Have to say I lost about 30 minutes of play after the dinner break courtesy of the car park locking the door onto the roof that we had used to exit the car park (took me ages to find the other way up to it) and then Travelodge taking the piss big-time. I will take this opportunity to thank SlickMick for his offer of a bed. I decided in the end to put TL to the most expense (taxis totalled £54) before writing for my money back ! I'm sure those missing 30 minutes were when I got all my big pocket pairs 'cos I didn't see them any other time (88 once and TT once). When I finally had to push with A6 I ran into the monster that is Td3d (T on river). Oh, and I am never the happiest bunny in any building - It's not my role in life :tongue2 (I don't use my long-standing 'user title' for nothing !)

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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle What a tiresome, long weekend, but nothing to take away from it. Great 2 days of poker. Cashing in on Friday after being up for 24hrs was something else. It was another festival, where I could hardly get over my starting stack. Went out around 100th blinded away. I enjoyed my table. Not sure about Helen though :lol. She had to put up with my yapping for so long. I tried to keep it friendly and goof about, but some people were just in another comfort zone. Had a few pleasant battles with Robbiebox to my right ;). Actually, sitting next to Helen for 7 hrs, we didn't have even one SB v BB confrontation :loon. Enjoyed one hand, when James Browning had another go on mine and Helen's blinds. I announced my 1st all in of the day and of course made him fold his hand. Then proudly turned over J6o :D. I was so tired, that never played any STTs or anything on Sunday. It was great to meet so many guys I play on Virgin everyday. Spit, Krom, Ste, SS, Sugga, Smudge, Fu, Flue and many more. Good to see again my two Polish mates. Nice finally to meet Ed, Divits and of course our Samba dude. And of course to see the rest of our PL gang. Thanks to Kent mafia for your company and Rich for driving. Big thanks to SlickMick for his hospitality :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy. Hats off to Virgin. Great event :clap:clap.

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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle I don't know if people are interested but I wrote up a quick report of the tourney on the PokerPlayer website here; http://www.pokerplayermagazine.co.uk/pokerlife/pokernews/8632/pokerplayers_ross_jarvis_wins_virgin_poker_festival.html Thanks again for your congrats and especially to GeordieGaz who I'm sure I will tangle with again in the future.

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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle

I don't know if people are interested but I wrote up a quick report of the tourney on the PokerPlayer website here; http://www.pokerplayermagazine.co.uk/pokerlife/pokernews/8632/pokerplayers_ross_jarvis_wins_virgin_poker_festival.html Thanks again for your congrats and especially to GeordieGaz who I'm sure I will tangle with again in the future.
Nice write-up Ross and many congrats - fully deserved victory! :clap See you again soon! :ok
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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle

I don't know if people are interested but I wrote up a quick report of the tourney on the PokerPlayer website here; http://www.pokerplayermagazine.co.uk/pokerlife/pokernews/8632/pokerplayers_ross_jarvis_wins_virgin_poker_festival.html Thanks again for your congrats and especially to GeordieGaz who I'm sure I will tangle with again in the future.
Congratulations, Ross. :clap I'm intrigued by what exactly this means, though:
The following morning I got up early and had a little workout, Phil Hellmuth-style
Did you crash a car? :unsure Or did you spend the morning admiring yourself in the mirror? :tongue2
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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle OK I'm gona do a little (may turn into a long) write-up of the Virgin Festival through my eyes.... :drums It started for me as soon as I finished work on Friday at 12pm, a quick dash over to Aspers to pick up Ubermonkey who was crashing at mine and when I got there I met up with hen, washy and RIVRD.. (good to see you guys again). They had been in the casino since 10am and Hen was doing well on the fruit machines :clap.... before blowing it all later on :spank. Also picked up Morlspin who met us at Aspers and over to mine it was via Burger King! We then went to pick up Paul Ross from the airport before going for a bit of Go-Karting in which I got the fastest lap, however Ubermonkey won the race quite easily!.... Great Fun! :ok On to the evening and the Circus Casino - great turn out from PL and nice to meet up with Samba for the first time and great to see the usual crowd! Big congrats go to Hen, Uber and McG Jnr for finishing 8th, 5th and 2nd respectively for nice paydays :nana - I finished in around 23rd having played decent poker but without any real good hands! Ended up getting in the flat at around 5.30am :eek.... not the best preparation for a 2-day deepstack event which is due to start at 2pm!! I managed to get out my pit at about 12pm, me and Uber rushing over to the casino and got there at about 1.50pm, luckily the tourney was delayed 30 minutes so had time to have a bit of a chat with fellow PLrs. Started the tourney on GazBlades' table, as usual I started the tourney off badly, down to 8k after about an hour after playing horrible poker; early on in a deepstacked poker tourney the basic startegy is to sit tight for a while, suss out your table, be patient.... I was doing the opposite, playing nearly every hand in the first level :eyes - soon realised my mistake and managed to slow myself down and slowly worked my stack back up to the original 10k before bluffing off 4k! :wall With 6k remaining, I then doubled up thanks to the unlucky Gaz Blades when making a play with A7 and hitting my 7 on the river. I never looked back after that hand tbh, working my stack up to 57k by the end of the day and sitting 13th of 45 players remaining. Day 2 was a new experience for me as I'd never made day 2 of a tourney before. I was on a very tough table with Nick Wright and Ross Jarvis sitting to my left and with big stacks, I knew it was going to be tough to take blinds and ante's with them two sitting next to me and so it proved as my first move of the day was when in the SB and Nick in the BB, I raised 3x BB with suited connectors only to get quickly re-raised all-in and had to fold. :wall I did manage to pick up chips here and there but it always seemed like every time I raised, no-one believed me or they would always pick up a hand against me..... I lost count of how many times I got re-raised throughout the tourney but managed to get away from the hand. With my stack(now 40k) dwindling rapidly due to the Big blinds, I then got QQ at the perfect time in my SB. It was folded round to me with blinds at 2000/4000, I raised up to 9k before Nick Wright again re-raised me all in, this time I couldn't get my chips in the middle quick enough!! Nick held AJ and my QQ held up for my stack to increase to 80k! :nana I was then very tight and with players departing quickly I was cruising into the money until suddenly the play seemed to slow down. With 24 players left my stack had now gone down to 60k due to a lack of cards and the big blinds. To make matters worse, Swampster then came and sat next to me..... I had three poker writers directly to my left, taking blinds wasn't going to be easy!!! And so this proved again as when I made a move on the button with 10 J, raising to 16k (blinds 3k/6k)... Swampy quickly called. When an Ace and a Queen hit the flop, I quickly gave the hand up thinking that Jon would only have called with probably an ace, I checked and he quickly shoved all-in, I folded leaving my stack at 40k!! We were now down to 21 players, on the bubble, I looked down at my stack and it was dwindling fast, I was doing what I said at the start of the day I wouldn't do; trying to limp into the cash. When Mark Stuart managed to survive a multi-way all in when only having 6k remaining, I then said to myself.... "ah, stick it, I'm gona go for this now!!" I then picked up KQ in the SB and pshed all in and managed to take Swampy's BB, 2 hands later I picked up KQ again, pushed again which got through. my stack was then back up to around 57k, however the very next hand I picked up A 10.... I actually tanked for a bit on this hand... I pushed almost immediately with the KQ's previously, however now I had a safeish stack so is wasn't an automatic all-in due to bubble situation. After a little think, again I thought to myself.... come on... lets go for it!!... I ran into the SB's AQ and the rest is history... My exit can be viewed here: http://www.thenutz.tv/videodetail.php?video_id=69273 Although I bubbled I had an excellent 3 days with the PL guys and big congrats go to Avon especially who done magnificently well and also to Swampster and the other guys who cashed! :clap A big well done to Virgin too who once again put a great poker festival of which everyone was entertained :clap Look forward to seeing you all again soon! :ok

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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle :clap:clapwell done to all those who cashed:clap:clap and very unlucky geordie gaz, but still well played to get that far:clap it was great to see you all again;) was planning on playing the terminator but when i got up sunday morning all i wanted to do was go home and get the ear ache out of the way.

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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle Good write up Gaz. :ok Prompted by your link, I've found my exit too. http://www.thenutz.tv/videodetail.php?video_id=69275 And money in my Virgin account yesterday. :D Email today from Virgin, I guess everyone who qualified also got it.

Well the latest Virgin Poker Festival is over. The hangovers have hopefully disappeared, the key hands have been agonised over and question of ‘when’s the next one?’ has been asked. I hope that win or lose you had an enjoyable weekend. We thought you may be interested in the low down of who won what. So here goes: Main event We had exactly 200 runners for the main event made a little more colourful by an array of known faces such as Shelly Rubenstein, Kara Scott, Maria Demetriou and Nick Wealthall. Players all had a fair chance to play some decent poker with a nice large chip stack and slow blinds but that didn’t stop some crazy all ins early on. The Grand National broke up the afternoon and as an outsider raced home it must have given hope to the less experienced live event players – why not me? Some more crazy all-ins followed! Day two began with 44 players and everyone had an eye on the prizes. The top 20 paid out and things predictably slowed down for the bubble and before the final table at which time the more aggressive players were able to make some moves and bulk up their chip stacks. Players on the final table started to drop out quickly as they ran into huge chip leader Ross Jarvis. However the play slowed down significantly when just 5 players were left in. Richard Potts gave his EMS followers plenty to shout about with an excellent 5th spot. Brian ‘Weebrick’ Clarke proved that his recent huge win in the Blackpool GUKPT was no fluke fighting his way to 4th place. Birthday boy Andy Edgington celebrated his 40th in style somehow making the best of his puny chip stack and clinging on to achieve an unlikely 3rd place despite nearly having to drop out due to a recent back operation. Andy was in too much pain to sit down for the entire weekend and struck several poses to improve his comfort including kneeling down on cushions when at the final table. A real trooper I think you’ll agree! Local lad Kris McLackland looked favourite for the top prize at one point with a healthy chip lead when heads up but in the end it was Ross Jarvis who was our main event victor His aggressive play won the day and a courageous final call, on what was to be the final hand of the event, delivered the decisive blow. Ross went back to London £7,000 richer – not bad for a weekends work! Check out the final table and see how much they ended up scooping:
Place Name Cash Prize £
1st Ross Jarvis


2nd Kris McLackland


3rd Andy Edgington


4th Brian Clarke


5th Richard Potts


6th John Crawford


7th Krzysztof Zawierucha


8th David O'Conner


9th Glenn Hopley


10th Simon Kinnaird


Bad Beat Winner With a nickname like ‘doublbuble’ it seems as though Richard Gilby expects bad luck; but even he was left gobsmacked by possibly the most outrageous moment of ill fortune in Virgin Poker Festival history. He was all in with KK against KQ – so far so good (over 90% in favour of the KK). As the cards went on their backs another player showed a folded KQ. Surely nothing could defeat him? Flop: 77Q Turn Q River rag. Ouch it doesn’t get much worse than that. Forum Challenge After the main event finished on day 1 it was Forum Challenge time. This was the chance for our favourite poker forums to take on each other. Virgin also had a team for the first time but were also-rans as ‘Live Pub Poker League’ raced into an unstoppable Mon Mome style lead to take the trophy and bragging rights! STT Champions Guests and players knocked out had the chance to enter the STT Champions. We had 16 winners proceed to the final and in the end cheery Scotsman Gary ‘flyfiffer’ MacLennan took it down winning not only the cash but also benefitting from the 50,000 Virgin Atlantic Flying Club Miles which were added. Terminator The Sunday Terminator event was as popular as ever with lots of people winning cash by eliminating other players. Mark Jordan was crowned the ultimate Terminator. Mark has now retired from poker and is set to become Governor of California – helped on his way by winning 50,000 Virgin Atlantic Flying Club Miles! Heads Up Challenge I’m sure everyone was delighted to see that ‘Team Virgin ’ triumphed against the ‘Rest Of The World’ in the Heads Up Challenge 14-13. Our skill and poker expertise won the day and all onlookers agreed it was the finest display of online poker they’d ever seen. The plus side of hearing us crow on about our win is that £148.58 was raised for the charity Virgin Unite. Many thanks to those who entered and players who simply made a donation. Photos Loads of photos of the weekend were taken to capture some of the action and characters. Check out our Facebook group – Friends of Virgin Poker for some of the best snaps. See if you can find yourself. Final Stuff ‘So where is the next festival?’ I hear you cry. We are currently trying to pin down the venue of the next Virgin Poker Festival so look out for that on the website and emails. Lastly we’d love to get your feedback of the weekend. We’re an open minded bunch with thick skin so hit us with any improvements you’d like to see and we’ll muse upon them and maybe try to get them in for the next fest. All the best Ollie Wilson download?mid=1%5f191756%5fAHq8ktkAAKACSduPBgUJriaeKLg&pid=2&fid=poker%252dbetting&inline=1

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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle Just wanted to say it was great to meet a lot of you guys over the weekend as I regularly tangle with many of you on Virgin, what a great bunch of guys and girls. Dont think Ive ever played poker as rough as I felt on the sunday, so theres one lesson learned straight off - dont stay in the local hosel dive and try to get home before 6.30am when you know your playing the next day!!!! Well played to all those who cashed over the weekend (I hear there were various on the friday as well). Apologies to avon on the knockout and wow fonzie IS fonzie. Gutted not to hang around for an hour at final table but I guess the lights got to me again but hey ho wouldve taken it when I started. Good luck to all and see you at the tables.....

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