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Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle


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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle

have you rang holiday inn about 400yds away, dont do online cos says no rooms, ring them, its £85 inc breakfast. There is also hol inn 4 mile away just off a1 cheaper, and free parking just taxi ride away
Did look at Holiday Inn first but as you say website said full. Will try ringing tomorrow. :ok
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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle

Just a word of advice for anyone travelling up and staying over for the sky poker or virgin festivals coming up. There have been 2 big hotel closures in the last 8 weeks and rooms will be at a premium come kick off, so if you havent booked up yet, get doing so asap. The hotels that have closed are : Legacy Springfield Hotel Durham Road, Gateshead, NE9 5BT Tel: 0870 832 9948 Fax: 0870 832 9949 and The Quality Hotel in Newcastle We are sorry to inform you that the Quality Hotel Newcastle Upon Tyne and Comfort Inn Thetford are closed with immediate effect and you will be unable to book accommodation at these hotels. Both hotels were operated by The Real Hotel Group Plc under licence with Choice Hotels Europe and have been closed by BDO Stoy Hayward as a result of The Real Hotel Group Plc entering administration. All other Choice-branded hotels in the UK remain fully operational and open for business. If you would like to talk with anyone about these closures or need advice about booking alternative hotel accommodation please do not hesitate to contact us on 0800 44 44 44. A number of members have used both hotels in the past and if anyone has bookings with either of them, i suggest you give them a call asap!
Well Graham, you've done it again, good job:ok Us Halls were all booked into the Quality, not brilliant but close to Aspers, but thanks to you we've now rebooked elsewhere. I telephoned Choice hotels and tore them off a strip for not letting me know, just poor customer service, it's a good job that the lounge exists. Well done Graham, one I owe ya :ok For info - Premier and Travel lodge still have rooms at the mo. Have telephoned Holiday Inn and they are now fully booked, worth a try though.
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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle

SteveO ;) No wonder he beat you if you thought it was MD. :lol
I did think it was SteveO at first and then someone called him MD, he didn't refute it, so i got confused and thats why he beat me.:\ Also because his k 10 beat my a j, but who cares it was only BPP points, and pride that were lost at least my seat is safe.:moon Anyway congrats SteveO see you in the toon!:beer:beer:beer
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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle Yeah life can be tough Dave when you get your money in as 60% fav and lose;) It was Heniek that called be Duke but I'm sure he knew who I was and just meant it affectionately:lol Well done on gaining your seat might actually be able to have a chat with you this time:ok

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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle Just received the following info: :ok

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Give yourself a firm pat on the back for qualifying for the 5th ever Virgin Poker Festival at <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Newcastle’s Aspers Casino. The event will run on the weekend of the 4-5th April 2009. The whole idea of the Virgin Poker Festival is to create a fun poker event which is friendly and sociable, has loads of added value and offers a fantastic experience for all players regardless of the size of their bankroll or whether they triumph or are knocked out early on. They’ll be the usual motley crew of Virgin staff there. We’re paid to listen to your bad beat stories and moments of poker glory so say ‘hi.’ In all seriousness we are really keen to get to know our players better and any feedback on the event and playing online would be really useful. Even though play doesn’t begin until 2pm on Saturday, all players need to be in the casino by 1pm. The casino is now open 24 hours a day so feel free to come down early, have a drink, meet some of the other players and get yourself in the mood. We will be running a ‘live play session’ for the less experienced live event players and there will be Sky TV, a bar and of course the Virgin Festival tradition of a Nintendo Wii contest to keep you entertained. Please don’t forget you will need to bring photo ID with you to enter the casino. You are very welcome to bring friends and family with you and there will be plenty for them to do.

That’s the intro over. Below is a detailed run down on everything that we’ve got planned over the weekend. Please have a read through so you’re fully prepared for what we have in store for you! All the best, The Virgin Team

The Virgin Poker Festival - Main Event

Game - Texas Hold’em No Limit Freezeout (no rebuys) Buy-In - €150 (no registration on the day) Players – 200 (TBC) Prize Pool – approx £32,550 (£5000 added by Virgin Poker) Starting Stack – 10,000 Blind Levels – 40 mins Payout Structure – see bottom of document. Blind Levels – see bottom of document.


- Saturday 4th April · All players to be seated by 1.45pm. · Shuffle up and deal at 2pm. · Play to finish for the day at approximately 1am.

- Sunday 5th April · All remaining players to be seated by 12.45pm. · Shuffle up and deal at 1pm. · Play scheduled to finish at approximately 10pm.

Player Bounties

A number a specially selected Virgin guests will be main event bounties. Whoever knocks out a bounty player will win £100 of Virgin Vouchers. This is enough Virgin Vouchers to take a hot air balloon trip or a trip on a Zapcat powerboat! The bounty players will be announced and introduced at the start of the main event.

Bad Beat Jackpot

The player suffering the worst bad beat of the main event will win the consolation prize of 50,000 Virgin Atlantic Flying Club Miles – that’s enough for a round trip to Vegas to invite further gambling agony upon yourself!

Any player suffering a stroke of luck so bad they think it warrants being highlighted they should wave over a member of the Virgin staff from the Virgin Info point in the card room and you can recount your woes to us to document them.

At the conclusion of the main event our MC for the weekend, Matt ‘Waster’ Broughton, will be in charge of selecting the cruellest beats of the event. Matt will give bad beat updates throughout the event so you know what you’re up against. Golden Ticket

We encourage players to bring along friends and family to support them and join in with the side events. We are allowing guests to enter their name for the Golden Ticket draw. The draw for the Golden Ticket will be made at 1.30pm on the Saturday and the lucky winner will get a seat for the main event. Entry for the Golden Ticket should be made at the Info Desk between 12noon and 1.15pm. No Shows Before the start of the main event, guests of players at the casino who would like to play in the main event are invited to pay £5 to enter a raffle draw to replace no-shows. The chips of no show players will be blinded away in the normal way for the first 2 levels. After this time the lucky winners of the draw will take over the chip stacks of the no-shows. All the £5 raffle entries will go towards the charity Virgin Unite. The Virgin Poker Festival - STT Champions Side Event

Game - Texas Hold’em No Limit When – STT qualifiers all day Saturday, MTT final @ 1.30pm Sunday Buy-In - £15+£2 Registration – On Saturday from 12noon at the Virgin Info desk in the card room. Prize Pool – TBC Added value – 50,000 Virgin Atlantic Flying Club Miles


Throughout Saturday, STT’s will run continuously and as well as each paying out the top three players the winner of each STT will also win entry to an extra MTT on Sunday!

Each STT will have 1500 starting stack, 10 min blinds and will pay out in the following way:
  • 1st - £50 + Entry to the Sunday STT Champions MTT.
  • 2nd - £30
  • 3rd - £20

At 1.30pm on Sunday the Virgin STT Champions tourney will take place between every player who won an STT on Saturday with the remaining £50 from each STT going in the prize pool.
  • Game - No Limit Texas Hold’em Freezout MTT
  • Start Time – 1.30pm
  • Prize Pool + Payout Structure – To be announced before the event starts.
  • Added Value - 50,000 Virgin Atlantic Flying Club Miles to the winner of the tourney.
  • Starting Stack – 3000
  • Blinds – 20 mins

Registration is open to everyone – players knocked out from the main event, friends, family and Aspers casino members. Players can enter as many STTs as they wish but only one Virgin Champions seat per player is allowed.

The Virgin Poker Festival – Terminator Side Event - Sunday

Game – No Limit Texas Hold’em Freezeout. Every player will have £10 of their buy-in as a bounty on their head. Buy-In - £30+£3 Start Time – 2pm Registration – Registration will open from noon on the day of the tourney. Tournament Capacity – 130 Prize Pool + Payout Structure– TBC Added value – 50,000 Virgin Atlantic Flying Club Miles to winner. Starting Stack – 4000 Blind Levels – Levels 1 + 2 - 45 mins – Level 3 onwards – 25 mins

The Virgin Poker Festival – Other Stuff

Practise Tables

If you’ve never played live before and you’re a bit worried that you may accidentally break some unwritten live play poker etiquette then turn up a bit earlier on Saturday and we’ll be running a very informal ‘live play session’.

This will take place at approximately 1pm. Please make your way to the Virgin desk and you’ll be pointed in the right direction.

Nintendo Wii Contest

This has become something of a tradition for Virgin Poker Festivals. The game of choice is yet to be decided but rest assured the top score will snap up some bottles of wine.

Bar Promotion

Look out for news of the bar promotion at the casino. This is planned to take place between 6pm – 7pm on the Saturday evening just to get everyone in the mood for a fun evening ahead. There will be the opportunity to win free/ half price drinks. Heads Up Challenge

Over the course of the weekend you can challenge the Virgin Poker team and some of our friends to a £5 heads up duel!

A score will be kept over the weekend and then we’ll finally know if the customer is always right. All money won by the Virgin team will be donated to Virgin Unite.

The Virgin Poker Festival – Information

Directions + Maps

Aspers Casino

The Gate,
Newgate Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 5TG

Tel: 0191 255 0400 Web - http://www.aspers.co.uk/
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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle I haven't tried this yet mainly because its the same weekend as APAT Cardiff which I now have a seat for due to making the FT in Walsall. I've been deliberating on whether to go or not but because I have a few mates going to Cardiff I have decided to go there, so good luck you lot, good PL percentages again so should see at least a couple of you on the FT :ok (plus after the last virgin festival up there I achieved the nickname shallow hal and I'm not wanting a repeat performance)

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Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle

Anyone fancy sharing a room for this event. Double or singles I'm not shy;)
Will be using one of my seats from the PL specials to join you guys at Newcastle - whoopie :nana:nana:nana:nana. Probably planning to get there via my brother Steve's in Hull. I need to figure out accomodation for the Saturday night.
:ok there you go guys.
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