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Book ?


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Been playing poker online for about a year now, making money for around about 9 months and i was wondering if anyone could reccomend a good book to read ? :ok I started playing on $2 10 man begginer tournements on bodog where the top 5 get payed (10%, 15%, 20% 25% 30%) and then moved up to $8 and $16, and made money at all of them. But recently moved to 6 handed sit n goes on different sites because the bodog tournements are too slow and it is slow profit because of the small payouts :eyes. Cant find the best site to play at, currently playing at partypoker, but the rake is more expensive than other sites. I have already read Colin Moshmans Sit n Go strategy but am after another one. Any advice on what book to buy, and where to play my $5-$10 6 handed sit n gos ?

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Re: Book ? Have you considered alternative education material? Online coaching sites are becoming very popular - you can try deucescracked free for 1 week - if you cancel before the week is up, you are charged nothing. Assuming you're in the UK - you could try the magazines (PokerPlayer and InsidePoker are the 2 I subscribe to - Swampster from PL is editor of Flush Magazine) - they're good for a wide (but not particularly in depth) range of topics. Twoplustwo forum (predominantly US focused) has helped a lot of people (though I've never really got into it - the quantity of posts and length of threads is a little overwhelming - you have to work through a hell of a lot of crap to find that which is useful). Books wise - Harrington on Holdem was great for tournament play and groundbreaking for me to read - though I imagine most players today would learn significantly less from reading it as the topics covered are a lot more mainstream than they were a few years ago. Super System II I didn't find good - I thought the advice was the "wrong" approach for beginners (as I was when I looked through it) and would prove expensive until the lessens were learnt - in general I feel that people who need to read SSII are probably not the type of people who should play the way it advocates.... Would be interested in your thoughts on Colin Moshams book - have been considering getting it :ok

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Re: Book ? or you coud ask us lot:ok theres a lot of good stt players on here as you can see from various challenges etc and you get a great many prospectives as well. i agree with gaf about super system,its a good read and can teach you a lot but it's very hard to change style completely. i'd guess your pretty tag if your doing well at coolers so an instant change to loose aggressive is very hard. one good way to learn 6 seater strat is poker after dark or the poker million on tv:ok for one there's a lot of top players with very different styles, also they are playing for the win which is the aim really in these as second won't make you a lot of money. as for where to play i would recommend a boss media site or maybe on stans,there always seems to be a lot of easy money at the $5-10 shorthanded games on both .

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Re: Book ?

I got given the Joe Navarro book on poker tells "Read em and Reap"' date=' and it's great. I'm only two thirds the way through, but there is plenty of good information not covered by "Caro's Book of Poker Tells". There's even a chapter on how to conceal your own tells.[/quote'] The Navarro book was excellent and I recommend it!
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Re: Book ? The three most useful books for me in the early days were "Super System", Caro's "Book Of Tells" and Skylansky's "Tournament Poker For Advanced Players" Super System because, although I disagree with many of it's ideas (for today's games) it does give you an insight into how many people typically play. So many people live by the tactics in this book (more so in the past) and it makes your life a lot easier knowing this. I would go as far to say that no one should play small-medium live cash games without studying Book Of Tells first. Although you must decipher what is or isn't useful/reliable in the book. Haven't read the Navarro book. Tournament Play For Advanced Players is great for someone with MTT experience who just wants to find the extra 25% or whatever. To be honest I didn't learn a lot from it as I read it too late - I did however find myself agreeing with plenty in the book and was already using the theories it advocates. The PLO section in Super System 2 wouldn't do you any harm. It's been a while since I've picked a poker book up though, should do more as it's always good to read different ideas - regardless of where you think you currently are.

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