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Boss Network €12k Christmas freeroll


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Poker Kings The 12k of Christmas The 12k of Christmas €12,000 Freeroll to be run on the 7th Jan 2008 at 19:00 GMT with 12 satellites running from 25th Dec 2007 to 5th Jan 2007. Each satellite will qualify 10 players from each freeroll satellite, meaning 120 players will participate in the final. The Satellites have raked hand requirements, shown below, all the tournament will all have 3,000 max players. And the Final will pay all places.

Name Date Time Raked Hand Requirement
The 12k of Christmas 25th Dec 18 GMT 50 in 1 day
The 12k of Christmas 26th Dec 18 GMT 100 in 2 days
The 12k of Christmas 27th Dec 18 GMT 150 in 3 days
The 12k of Christmas 28th Dec 18 GMT 200 in 4 days
The 12k of Christmas 29th Dec 18 GMT 250 in 5 days
The 12k of Christmas 30th Dec 18 GMT 300 in 6 days
The 12k of Christmas 31st Dec 18 GMT 350 in 7 days
The 12k of Christmas 1st Jan 18 GMT 400 in 8 days
The 12k of Christmas 2nd Jan 18 GMT 450 in 9 days
The 12k of Christmas 3rd Jan 18 GMT 500 in 10 days
The 12k of Christmas 4th Jan 18 GMT 550 in 11 days
The 12k of Christmas 5th Jan 18 GMT 600 in 12 days
12k FREEROLL FINAL 7th Jan 19 GMT Qualifiers only
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Boss Network €12k Christmas freeroll Played this last night and finished 230 something from 1400 odd runners. kin hell what a game, even with the blinds at 300/600 people were still chucking it all in with complete garbage :lol:lol Am in again tonight, anyone else ? I saw GaF and Phil in last night as well. Tonight going to push hard from the start so either gonna be big stack early or out by 6.01pm :lol:lol

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Re: Boss Network €12k Christmas freeroll :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol fcuking typical my table and guy was pushing all in every hand, won 1 showdown with 84o when he flopped 2 pair :lol Pushes again and I call with KQ and he turns over AA :lol:lol:lol:wall:wall:wall

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Re: Boss Network €12k Christmas freeroll 2 hands killed me off, had jj , 10 out on flop kept this other guy in (he had ace 10), q out turn ace river he bet big i folded, told him i had jj he showed me ace 10 :sad then one that took me out i had ace jack, allin he had jk, j came out on flop i went up to 86% chance of winning then k came out on turn :sad Hen said it all for me in chat :ok Bummer, came 27th out of 1700ish?

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Re: Boss Network €12k Christmas freeroll <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Payout in the final:

Positions Payout

1st 2,400.00 €

2nd 1,392.00 €

3rd 900.00 €

4th 699.60 €

5th 500.40 €

6th 399.60 €

7th 300.00 €

8th 240.00 €

9th 184.80 €

10th 135.60 €

11th to 20th 90.00 €

21st - 30th 80.40 €

31st - 40th 69.60 €

41st - 50th 60.00 €

51st - 60th 50.40 €

61st - 70th 39.60 €

71st - 80th 30.00 €

81st - 100th 20.40 €

101st - 120th 12.00 €

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Re: Boss Network €12k Christmas freeroll

Went out in 78th in the final. KK v 77 :puke. Fuking shit all night :@.
Just all night??????? Only Kidding, unlucky Hen, How much you get? You did make the final, which was a challenge in itself :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap
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