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Samba's €0 to..... Challenge


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Re: Samba's €0 to..... Challenge First impressions of FullTilt :puke lol Can't figure out getting the text HH yet, but this is the outcome - and the money went in on the turn. Said he called chasing the flush, which I had covered, and didn't realise he had straight draw :puke loldonk.jpg

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Re: Samba's €0 to..... Challenge

Gonna see in the New Year building a winning stack in a 20-man $5.50 SnG on 32Red :hope Best Wishes to all
Should have read "building a big stack". I saw the New Year in building a big stack. Then, with 7 left, I spent the first part of the New Year making the exisitng chip leader a very big chip leader, donating to him my 3rd biggest stack with TT on a 9-high flop. He had KK Onwards and upwards for 2009 from here :tongue2 $367.24
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Re: Samba's €0 to..... Challenge Here's a bit of fun for the year, I am gonna keep record of wins v losses, in terms of BB, when I have pocket Aces. Jan 1st's offering :lol

** Hand # 2342906887 starting - 2009-01-01 22:36:26 ** $1.5k Guarantee(6-handed tables)[2447137]:Table 11 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (70.00|140.00 NL - MTT) Real Money BulbasauRi sitting in seat 1 with 13152.50 johnthebrick sitting in seat 2 with 9025.00 Akvila sitting in seat 3 with 2360.00 ekan2 sitting in seat 4 with 1745.00 ToffeePete sitting in seat 5 with 2182.50[Dealer] tina358 sitting in seat 6 with 741.25 tina358 posted the small blind - 35.00 BulbasauRi posted the big blind - 70.00 ** Dealing cards to ToffeePete: Ac, Ah johnthebrick folded Akvila folded ekan2 folded ToffeePete raised to 200.00 tina358 folded BulbasauRi called - 200.00 ** Dealing the flop: 3h, 9c, 6h BulbasauRi checked ToffeePete bet - 435.00 BulbasauRi raised to 5655.00 ToffeePete went all-in - 1547.50 BulbasauRi shows: Qc, 6d ** Dealing the turn: 4s ** Dealing the river: Qs BulbasauRi wins 4400.00 from the main pot
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Re: Samba's €0 to..... Challenge Happy with over $350 profit in the first month, but I am going to stop this here as a challenge. My challenge for 2009 is to meet the resolutions and goals I set out in the relevant thread, and I will create a 2009 thread simply to track my progress through the year.

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