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Cooler, xx on Button


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First 16 hands have seen a fair amount of limping, nothing I'm comfortable getting involved in. What sort of hand do I need to have to get involved from the button here after it's been folded round to me? PokerStars Game #22496555871: Tournament #123945022, $20.00+$0.80 Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2008/11/30 16:50:19 CET [2008/11/30 10:50:19 ET] Table '123945022 1' 10-max Seat #9 is the button Seat 1: Slingger (1150 in chips) Seat 2: Franck013 (3470 in chips) Seat 4: LadyNidia (1935 in chips) Seat 5: slapnuts3 (1595 in chips) Seat 6: Noeleven82 (1350 in chips) Seat 7: JonAS59075 (1930 in chips) Seat 9: JadedJ (1460 in chips) Seat 10: Leonard1943 (2110 in chips) Slingger: posts the ante 10 Franck013: posts the ante 10 LadyNidia: posts the ante 10 slapnuts3: posts the ante 10 Noeleven82: posts the ante 10 JonAS59075: posts the ante 10 JadedJ: posts the ante 10 Leonard1943: posts the ante 10 Leonard1943: posts small blind 50 Slingger: posts big blind 100 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to JadedJ [xx] Franck013: folds LadyNidia: folds slapnuts3: folds Noeleven82: folds JonAS59075: folds JadedJ:

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Re: Cooler, xx on Button I hate this stage - where a shove is an overbet, but a standard bet is too much of your stack to be able to lose.... I hate the raise to 400 (but can not suggest anything better I dont think) - what do you do if someone reraises all in? What do you do if someone does a stop and go (with overcards on the flop)? Either way you have a decision for calling for all of your chips - if you cannot get away from it, maybe just shove now and take the 230 chips/nearly 20% of your stack (or race if you have to - you're probably not behind to AA,KK,QQ,JJ))

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Re: Cooler, xx on Button In theory, it's probably not too bad to shove with Sklansky-Chubukov holdings (S-C is on the cautious side, and your hope is to take it down uncontensted - you should have greater fold equity than usual - your stack is also not safe enough yet to fold your way to a cash....) That would be: Any pair other than 2-2, A5o+, A2s+, KQo, KTs+ Actully chaging my mid, that seems too loose... Then again holdemresources.net says you can shove (though over 10xBB, it's not the best indicator - especially given your options are more than shove or fold): 52.0%, 22+ Ax+ K2s+ K4o+ Q2s+ Q8o+ J2s+ J8o+ T4s+ T8o+ 95s+ 98o 85s+ 75s+ 64s+ 54s As I said - hate playing this stack size and am lost.....

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Re: Cooler, xx on Button

XX is hypothetical for the moment... I actually had junk' date=' but was wondering what I WOULD need to have to make playing the hand worthwhile. :ok[/quote'] I've thought about this some more and decided to revise my answer, I'd push with any two cards. What you have doesn't matter at all.
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Re: Cooler, xx on Button

I've thought about this some more and decided to revise my answer, I'd push with any two cards. What you have doesn't matter at all.
If the BB wasn't the small stack but higher up I'd push with any 2 cards. As the BB is the short stack, and provding he understands that he should loosen up, then it's slightly more risky. I'm still pushing most of the time though here - even if it's as stated.
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Re: Cooler, xx on Button your M is 10 the sb's is nearly 14 and the bb has 7 after posting blind. neither of them is too desperate so i would 100% jam with any s-c hand from your position,and there are plenty. Depending on my recent image(have you stolen any pots lately? shown down any garbage cards in raised pots?) and what i have seen from these 2 particular opponents since arriving at this table i might make the push with any 2 cards. The most important thing is to go ALLIN!! Because any smaller bet will commit you and your opposition to the pot so just jam it and extract the max folding equity by cutting fof thier pot odds. Do you have tracker?(or similar) if the bb had a vp under 15 and the sb under 20 id happily smash my stack in with any 2 assuming i wasnt viewed as a maniac prior.

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Re: Cooler, xx on Button

does XX mean ten ten ? regardless of that, there is 230 chips in the middle and blinds are getting bigger. take it down with a bet of 400
An if the BB shoves for another 600 or so, should he fold? If the BB is folding for 300 more, he will fold for 200 more or so, raise to 300/330 if you are going to raise small, I am not really a fan of small raises in this position unless I know the SB and BB are tight, if they are not tight then shove to maximise fold equity. Now as to what cards I would need..... Any Ace, PP 77+, KQ, KJ - I am not a fan of ATC as yet, you still have some play in your stack and everyone is getting slightly desperate (so let them make the mistake first). Just my thoughts Damo
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Re: Cooler, xx on Button

An if the BB shoves for another 600 or so, should he fold? If the BB is folding for 300 more, he will fold for 200 more or so, raise to 300/330 if you are going to raise small, I am not really a fan of small raises in this position unless I know the SB and BB are tight, if they are not tight then shove to maximise fold equity. Now as to what cards I would need..... Any Ace, PP 77+, KQ, KJ - I am not a fan of ATC as yet, you still have some play in your stack and everyone is getting slightly desperate (so let them make the mistake first). Just my thoughts Damo
I've posted again revising my answer to a push with any two cards to take that decision away
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Re: Cooler, xx on Button

I've posted again revising my answer to a push with any two cards to take that decision away
I saw it having read the rest of the thread after my post. I always post my answer first, without reading the rest of the posts so it doesn't cloud my judgment etc. BTW, what would you do if you did raise as 1st posted and the BB shoved? Call for pot odds or fold? Damo
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Re: Cooler, xx on Button

Okay, heres a few hands you might raise with A2 to A-10 KQ - K 10 22-77 Now what?:ok Damo
I would never never ever raise with any of these cards in this position, so refuse to answer the question. May push with them but that's different
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