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Good fold bad fold


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This fold really annoyed me because this seemed to happen to me an awful lot today and its blody annoying to see you are constantly folding winners. It just so happens its a very loose and agressive table and people could be in with any 4 cards. But u cant be folding the best hand that often to be making profit but that board was terrible for my hand with 5 players starting. Anyway here it is o ya it was a bad call preflop on my part just had a bad beat previous heres the hand anyways. PokerStars Game #22394137195: Omaha Hi/Lo Limit ($10/$20) - 2008/11/26 19:52:36 ET Table 'Caliban' 10-max Seat #1 is the button Seat 1: nsmyther ($465.50 in chips) Seat 2: jejune524 ($612 in chips) Seat 3: olddriller ($520.50 in chips) Seat 4: omaha kid ($395 in chips) Seat 5: Akron_John ($322 in chips) Seat 6: seyasoon123 ($467 in chips) Seat 8: bellababy ($452 in chips) Seat 9: program1 ($292 in chips) Seat 10: ponce49 ($182.50 in chips) jejune524: posts small blind $5 olddriller: posts big blind $10 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to nsmyther [3d 6h 6c 2s] omaha kid: calls $10 Akron_John: folds seyasoon123: folds bellababy: folds program1: calls $10 ponce49: calls $10 nsmyther: calls $10 jejune524: calls $5 olddriller: raises $10 to $20 omaha kid: calls $10 program1: calls $10 ponce49: calls $10 nsmyther: calls $10 jejune524: calls $10 *** FLOP *** [8s 6d 4s] jejune524: checks olddriller: bets $10 omaha kid: calls $10 program1: folds ponce49: calls $10 nsmyther: raises $10 to $20 jejune524: folds olddriller: calls $10 omaha kid: calls $10 ponce49: calls $10 *** TURN *** [8s 6d 4s] [3c] olddriller: checks omaha kid: checks ponce49: checks nsmyther: checks *** RIVER *** [8s 6d 4s 3c] [Js] olddriller: bets $20 omaha kid: folds ponce49: calls $20 nsmyther: folds *** SHOW DOWN *** olddriller: shows [Ad Qc 2h Qs] (HI: a pair of Queens; LO: 6,4,3,2,A) ponce49: shows [Ac 3h 4d 7h] (HI: two pair, Fours and Threes; LO: 7,6,4,3,A) ponce49 collected $118.50 from pot olddriller collected $118.50 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $240 | Rake $3 Board [8s 6d 4s 3c Js] Seat 1: nsmyther (button) folded on the River Seat 2: jejune524 (small blind) folded on the Flop Seat 3: olddriller (big blind) showed [Ad Qc 2h Qs] and won ($118.50) with HI: a pair of Queens; LO: 6,4,3,2,A Seat 4: omaha kid folded on the River Seat 5: Akron_John folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: seyasoon123 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: bellababy folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: program1 folded on the Flop Seat 10: ponce49 showed [Ac 3h 4d 7h] and won ($118.50) with HI: two pair, Fours and Threes; LO: 7,6,4,3,A

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Re: Good fold bad fold i think the fold is fine. its reasonable to think you may have been behind on the flop and the board just got worse from there. in fact its just about every card you didnt want o see in a multiway pot turned up! I would have folded i think. Just the pf call which is bad.

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Re: Good fold bad fold hmmm, think i might have called the river:ok theres a lot in the pot and theres a good chance the other 2 are just low,yes its possible one of the others has the straight but your getting 5/1 on the call and id say that would be just in your favour. i'm calling everytime preflop with that hand btw. it can give you so many good flops and make you a lot of money if you do hit that its always a good hand to play.maybe a better pot limit hand but still very playable in limit.

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