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THAT GoalPoker Ibiza Trip


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Re: THAT GoalPoker Ibiza Trip I would normally help out Jon but after the travelodge at Gatwick Airport the night before we flew I cannot remember too much about it :$ I can tell you I had my Graduation 2 days after we got back and I was still feeling that rough I nearly didn't go.

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Re: THAT GoalPoker Ibiza Trip

yeah, we'll be trying to track him down. teaulc, it's just a really good story about poker in its boom, especially in this economic climate. Also, if we can track Fitt down, it'll be a nice 'where are they now?' piece.
Ted, who used to work for GoalPoker, is now with Virgin I believe. Morls can tell you more. I think this is an interesting storyline Jon. A bit of a poker 'all our yesterdays'. I'm sure we could came up with some other themes as well as defunct poker rooms, maybe defunct poker software (what was the software that Paddies/VC et al were on prior to iPoker?), defunct bricks and mortar poker rooms.
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Re: THAT GoalPoker Ibiza Trip

yeah, we'll be trying to track him down. teaulc, it's just a really good story about poker in its boom, especially in this economic climate. Also, if we can track Fitt down, it'll be a nice 'where are they now?' piece.
ok i can see where your coming from.,should be interesting to see if the alcohol addled peeps can remember anything;)
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