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Bankroll management & stt's


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What bankroll management do you PL'ers use when playing. It was something I never thought of much before, as a student i just tended to deposit and withdraw a lot. Was only when on a thread on here a while ago I mentioned I had a profit on sharkscope and Nade on here mentioned I'd be able to play at a higher level had I not withdrawn all of my winnings. So that is exactly what I have done, I started with £3.60 just depositing as I fancied a £3.60 on William Hill one night when bored and not thinking at all about bankroll management. It was only when i went on a pretty good run, think I won my first 2 and cashed in the other and ended up about £30ish that I started to think about it. After googling stuff about bankroll management on the web I gathered that 20 minimum buy ins for an stt were the least amount needed for the level you want to play comfortably at without any variance. So my target was to get to £72 to get up to 20 big blinds without depositing and I have done that and now sit at just over £100. I now have around 27/28 buy ins for the £3.60 tournaments and naturally am itching to try my luck at the £5.50 levels, which I would need to get to £110 for to get at least 20 and around £120-130 to give me a few games without having to drop down right away should I lose. After reading the link GotAFancy pasted on the Poker Challenges forum from Fox got me interested as they seemed ultra conservative- saying 45 buy ins were needed etc. Just wondering what you guys use and if you think 20 is too little or about right and when I should move up a level. It has bode me well considering for so long I was playing with around 10bb's and never really felt nervous about going broke.

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Re: Bankroll management & stt's Depends on the purpose for playing poker. If it's a hobby and going bust wouldn't impact you all that much, 20 buy in's is fine The more serious you are about the game, the higher this number becomes. A semi pro may have 50 buys. A full time professional may have 200 or so. Important thing is having the balls to move back down a level when your bankroll shrinks.

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Re: Bankroll management & stt's 20BB is generaly accepted as the norm. As AJ says the important this is that you move back down when your bankroll shrinks - so many people increase their bankroll to recover losses. Personally I'm only playing coolers at the moment and I work to 10BB's because a) you either win or lose, there's no difference between 1st and 5th, and b) because I asked the exact same question as you and people with more experience of them suggested 10BB. I also think you need to find a level you're comfortable with. I lost a €30 cooler yesterday and started thinking about the fact that I'd lost over £24 - that meant to me that I wasn't ready to play these games. I stepped back down played a €5 and a €20 game, won them both. I then thought about the €30 game, realised that I played the hand correctly, got my money in ahead, and had the bankroll to take some losses at this level. Hence I stepped back up to the level for another game.

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Re: Bankroll management & stt's

20BB is generaly accepted as the norm. As AJ says the important this is that you move back down when your bankroll shrinks - so many people increase their bankroll to recover losses.
Well I dont play sit'n'gays but I would say its better to not move up (if you are moving to a level you have never played) until you have enough to cover an initial downswing. There is nothing worse than moving up and moving down again for your confidence, you are better of plugging away at a certain level until you are over rolled for the next level imo.
play comfortably at without any variance.
You need an infinate bankroll, Ive seen graphs of people running 100 Buyins below expection and more is clearly possible when you actually think of how probability works. Ive just had a 20 BI below EV stretch at 2 different sites and over two levels.
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Re: Bankroll management & stt's I've had a read through a couple of threads, and the article posted by GaF above too. Just a quick one for the Cooler players, didn't seem much point making a new thread. I've seen the recommendations for 10 buyins, so that's what I've started working with. My question is when do you step up? Is it immediately at the point you reach 10 buyins for the next level? What happens if you immediately have a losing run? When do you step down again? Just curious how others manage themselves. At the moment I'm just sticking at one level with them but obviously keen to step up asap!

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Re: Bankroll management & stt's I wouldn't step up with ten buy ins. That number seems very low. I started with ten buy ins at the first level ($5), i now have enough for 14 buy ins at $10, but it seems far too soon. Thirty would be my advice, I think I started this with far too small a bankroll. Also, I think you should play at least 100 - 200 games at a level

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