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DTD Anniversary Cup Guaranteed at £100,000 !

Simon Trumper

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Hi All To celebrate Dusk Till Dawns first year we have decide to guarantee our £1000 Anniversary Cup at £100,000 ! http://www.dusktilldawnpoker.com/festivalinfo.php?id=11 Using the WSOP main event structure 20,000 chips and a 2 hour clock this will be a true test of skill. There will also be a party at Dusk Till Dawn on Saturday 6th. To register your interest please use this link. http://www.dusktilldawnpoker.com/anncup_reg.php Hope to see some of you there. Cheers ACES

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Re: DTD Anniversary Cup Guaranteed at £100,000 ! Never been here before so if any PL members who frequent can help that would be great. Will it be easy enought to turn up just a few hours before the start, join and register? Any decent hotels nearby? I know I can get this sort of thing online but any reccomendations will be great. Be nice to meet some of the PL mob that are going. :ok

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Re: DTD Anniversary Cup Guaranteed at £100,000 ! Hi Billy, Im a regular at DTD and if you havent been before be prepared to be impressed. Without doubt the ebst run card room, best dealers, best comp you will find anywhere. Registration takes a few mins on reception where you MUST have photo ID. I would asvide getting there an hour before to avoid queue's. Food inside is good and its actually a club that is run for poker players and listens. Originally the didnt allow deals - people complained so they changed the rule Originally £1.70 for a tea + coffee - people complained so now free soft drinks for anyone playing on cash. Everything about the place is superb, just a little high rake on the cash, but no where is perfect right ;)

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Re: DTD Anniversary Cup Guaranteed at £100,000 ! Billy, when we went to the PL wsop at DTD, a few of us stayed here, Not to expensive, about a 5 min taxi from DTD: It's a Premier Inn Nottingham Castle Marina Castle Marina Park Castle Bridge Rd Nottingham Nottinghamshire England NG7 1GX (See map below for directions) Tel: 08701 977 199 Fax: 0115 958 2362

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Re: DTD Anniversary Cup Guaranteed at £100,000 !

Hi Billy, Im a regular at DTD and if you havent been before be prepared to be impressed. Without doubt the ebst run card room, best dealers, best comp you will find anywhere. Registration takes a few mins on reception where you MUST have photo ID. I would asvide getting there an hour before to avoid queue's. Food inside is good and its actually a club that is run for poker players and listens. Originally the didnt allow deals - people complained so they changed the rule Originally £1.70 for a tea + coffee - people complained so now free soft drinks for anyone playing on cash. Everything about the place is superb, just a little high rake on the cash, but no where is perfect right ;)
Cheers Blatch Sounds great. The ID is a bit of a worry though, by passport is out of date and is being re-newed and as I don't drive I'm struggling. I will bring bank details, letters, and Millwall Season Ticket (no jokes!) which has my photo. Shall I call them to see if that's sufficent? Looking forward to it as in the past I've been massively disappointed when playing "away" perhaps I'm spolit due to the Vic :D - sounds like this is a breath of fresh air though. :ok
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Re: DTD Anniversary Cup Guaranteed at £100,000 !

I leave tomorrow for this as it will be a rush if I leave on Thursday morning. Anyone else going? Are you playing in this Blatch?
Me and Blatch are in Bristol for the Gala grand final- he's doing quite well in the £500 side event at the moment. Average stacked with 30 odd left
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Re: DTD Anniversary Cup Guaranteed at £100,000 ! Cheers guys, doing my streches and warming up in the hotel! :lol I'm usually a slow burner in tourns - you will never see me at the top of the leaderboard in the first three quarters of the tourn. F*ck knows what I'll do with 20k chips in the first level - it could be carnage.

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Re: DTD Anniversary Cup Guaranteed at £100,000 ! Hello chaps - a quick report to anyone interested. Really impressed with DTD with regards to tournament organisation. Would visit again. They need to work on the food/drink/bar/service side of things though. That's secondary to me though. I was on a fantastic table, I only knew two players, Lucy Rokach and a guy I recognised from London but had not played. Very high standard, agressive and 7 of the players on it could "play". There was lots of reraises, moves, bluffs, stealing etc. Because the standard was high you could make sophisticated plays - which is perfect. I'll be the first to say how well I played on Day 1 so I have to be the first to say how idiotic I played on Day 2. :$ I had NO cards on Day 1, and I mean no cards. Kings twice and Queens once and took only the blinds. That was it, in 12 hours! 88 was my next best hand. So I really had to be on my game to survive and give myself a chance. As I was in Nottingham I thought I'd rob the rich a lot - and I did, just bluffed my way through the day. Sure I got caught with my hands in the till more than once but I also bought myself a chance to progress when the night had ended. Three betting late raisers with jank, and even re-reraising the three bettors with jank when I was stealing were common for the day. But a couple of hands stand out for me... Folded around and I make up the SB with Js9s, BB (agressive internet player) checkes. Flop AK3. Check/Check. Turn makes it AK37. Check/Check. River makes it AK378. Check, BB pets the pot. I call with jack high and win. The way I was playing I was certain no one would value bet against me, in fear of a crazy move from me. Was certain he'd only bet if he couldn't win. Thought he'd check a pair or Q high. Ok, it was only a nothing pot but it's the first time I've called and won with Jack high in a live game. I posted another in the "Bluff" thread in the Strategy Forum. I started Day 2 with 28k and was pleased considering the cards I had. Unfortunately I feel was off and I lasted jsut 50 mins. I picked the wrong spot/player and basically bluffed my tournament away. :wall A new Scandinavian player had sat to my right and I made the mistake of trying to bluff him - in a blind v blind pot, cardinal sin, losing big in an unraised pot, so silly. I bet the flop. I bet the turn, he raised, I called his reraise, he checked the river (which I was sure he was going to). I all but put him all in - and he called after about 3 minutes. He called with QJ on a KJ7A2 board (flush out too). I have no idea what he put me on considering how I played the hand. It was the correct move, I knew his hand was weak (and his reraise was a semi-bluff on the turn) and there was too much in the pot after the river to let it go. But it was incorrect to get to that stage against a player who I had no history of. My timing was off, and the value wasn't there with regards to the pot size when I started my mad idea to win this pot at all costs. Perhaps I was a little drained from having to play so well in Day 1? Perhaps I haven't the patience for the live game anymore? Perhaps I just went to the well one time too many? I didn't stay for any other tourns but well done to Fenners for taking one! :clap Back to online until early 2009 now. :ok

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