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Fold or Raise All In?


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Here's the situation: 8 players left in weekly live game. Chips range from 10,000 (the BB) to the short stack (me) 3,100. Blinds are 300/600 and I'm UTG. Next hand the blinds go up to 400/800. My table image is tight. My opponents are mostly loose aggressive, especially the big stack. My hand is 2,3 suited! (Damn) Should I push or fold?

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Re: Fold or Raise All In?

Equally' date=' I would probably have pushed a few hands earlier (if that was possible) with a slightly better hand.[/quote'] I knew I should be making a move at some stage, but the previous hands had been junk AND had someone in the pot before me. My thinking was that this was my last opportunity to bluff everyone out of the pot. In my mind the cards didn't matter. After the next two hands I could be down to 1,900 chips when a call would be mandatory. I raised all in. Of course I realise now that I should have reckoned on a call from the large stack, but he didn't call me (He later revealed he would have done if we had been heads up) Instead I was called by the second shortest stack, who showed A,A!! :\ I realise straight away that I've been caught with my hand in the cookie jar, but a 2 came on the flop and a 3 on the river, giving me two pair! Hoots of laughter from the other players. A shrug of c'est la vie from me, but for some reason the guy with the aces didn't see the funny side. In fact he went into a rant. :@ Now if he'd called me a lucky bastard, I would have had to agree, but instead he called me a donkey and implied I should find another game (and I think he meant table tennis!). I realise I can't make this move again for a while, but at the time I thought that I was making a legitimate play before getting blinded out. Anyway, thanks for the comments guys. I'm off for a game of table-tennis.
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