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Boss Media Software


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Re: Boss Media Software I tell you what I don't like...the bigger promo games will have say 100 raked hands required. These can be earned on the micro tables for very little cost at all...you could pay a couple of dollars total rake and build up the requiremrents to play in say the 5000€ freerolls with a chance of playing in a mega final. This last week I have payed in excess of 70€ in tournament fees but am not allowed in these games. This doesn't feel right to me. I rarely play in cash games...but why should I be penalised when I've payed Boss plenty in tournament fees ???

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Re: Boss Media Software There's no "Table Tiling" option - that's quite important for multitablers. I've written one this evening in autohotkeys - quite cool even if I do say so myself :dude :tongue2 Indeed, from what I've seen so far it's far better than the default options offered by Stars and FullTilt - I'll share it with PLrs once I've tested it properly (though it has been done very specific to my set up - so it will only tile Coolers (a deliberate choice) and only on a 1920x1200 screen and only up to 8 tables - but within those paramenters, it seems to work very well - not just tiling, but rotating so that they are moved to stay in order of blinds - highest blinds will always be top left and rotating round from there)

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Re: Boss Media Software Reckon Boss should seriously consider allowing US players. The ''law'' not allowing it must be very weak as some of the biggest online sites are booming with masses of US players. Surely their player base would double.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Boss Media Software You wanted it kept positive so I will, it will save me a lot of typing for a start. My suggestion for improvement is customer care which is in a very big room for improvement. It affects both boss media and some of their clients, for a start there should just be one support contact point I have been passed from one to the other in the past and got nowhere. There are some good staff exceptions and the problem may not be the staff themselves but the lack of information available. At a higher level I feel there is a high handed disregard for us the players and a simple change in attitude could make a lot of difference. There - genuine constructive criticism. :)

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Re: Boss Media Software Appreciate what your saying (I think the Boss Media support is extremely poor) - however this isn't really the thread for that I dont think :unsure The intention was for this to be more software orientated - what the software does, and how it's configured, rather than the customer service side - if Boss were to put someone up to respond to this thread (and at this stage I'd guess they're not going to) then I was expecting/hoping it would be someone from a more technical side, who I wouldnt expect to be able to deal with customer service issues (either specific or general).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Boss Media Software Availability of some kind of "Tournament summary" - again the focus here is Poker Tracker, with a view to tracking performance over time - at the moment results have to be entered manually and that's not practical if you're multitabling..... (especially if it's sit and goes and you cannot find the tournament number or lobby ;) )

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Re: Boss Media Software When viewing a hand in the hand history, an option for "next hand" and "previous hand" would be a big help - at the moment, you have to go back to page 1 of the multi page list, find the last hand you looked at and then click the next or previous - might not sound too bad .... but try it :lol

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Re: Boss Media Software The cash table "quick play" tab needs more options - Full Table/ Short handed - turbo/standard - currency etc.... not many people will use that without caring, for example, if it's a 5 seat turbo or a 10 seat standard....

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Re: Boss Media Software

Is Mr Boss Media aware of this thread?
Yes - I think I got the message through and am confident that the "right person" has read this thread - and it's worth it if we've just been heard, which I think we have :ok I dont know whether they'll come back to it, and I dont know whether they'll make it interactive (I presume not by this stage - but I can respect that choice :ok).
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Re: Boss Media Software

I tell you what I don't like...the bigger promo games will have say 100 raked hands required. These can be earned on the micro tables for very little cost at all...you could pay a couple of dollars total rake and build up the requiremrents to play in say the 5000€ freerolls with a chance of playing in a mega final. This last week I have payed in excess of 70€ in tournament fees but am not allowed in these games. This doesn't feel right to me. I rarely play in cash games...but why should I be penalised when I've payed Boss plenty in tournament fees ???
I completely agree with this. Its very very annoying when you dont play cash tables but contribute a lot of fees. Other software does this without any problems.... Has the 4 sites per P.C crap been mentioned yet ??? Thats annoying as hell... Why ?? It actually defeats the reasoning. If more could use Boss sites then maybe they could make more and thus improve the overall picture!
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