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Boss Media Software


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I think Boss is the most popular software on PL? Certainly I think it's the most widely used. The software has come a long way in the last few years, but there are still plenty of little niggles - seemingly small improvements that could make a big difference to the software - so I thought it would be good to start a thread where we could give feedback on the software and hopefully we can encourage Boss in - maybe just as lurkers, but even better to partcipate. The model I'm thinking of is something along the lines of what 2plus2 do with Full Tilt - I think FT really benefit, because they get plenty of quality feedback from their players. I think the players benefit because they can see things from FT perspective (so be more understanding) and because they know that they're being heard (and can see the results) - if you dont know what I'm talking about - here's the latest FTP thread on 2+2 - http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/28/internet-gambling/ftp-answers-10-14-a-320980/ If this is to work, and we are to encourage a Boss Media representative to participate, then we have to be constructive and realistic in our feedback - if it just becomes "Boss Bashing", then they wont join in (at least I wouldn't in their shoes!) - so what do you think could be changed/added in the boss software to improve the Boss experience? (I had loads and loads of ideas - you watch my mind go blank now!!) Please try and keep one point per post, so that your suggestions dont become mixed up and confused..... I'll give it a couple of days for ideas to build up and then try to find someone at Boss to bring the attention of this thread to :ok

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Re: Boss Media Software How about an opt in "Bankroll management" option - which, when selected, only allows you to buy in for x% (5%?) of your available bankroll (and takes 24 hours to be deactivated) - this will help stop people coming in from the pub and blowing everything (which is not good for the player or the network - someone who does that is more likely to give up early)

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Re: Boss Media Software would be good if the chat in coolers is closed, when there are just 6 left, it is on stars in the double or nothing (which is like coolers) that way, I even think chat got closed there when there 7 left but not sure, and that really is something I appreciate

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Re: Boss Media Software The table size seems designed mostly for one table on an old (low resolution 800x600) screen, which seems a little outdated in current times - next time tables are redesigned, could some consideration go into making the tables fit well (without overlap) on high res, multitabling set ups - for example, on a 1920x1200 screen, 400 (or 600) pixels high would be great. If the tables were 640x400, then 9 tables could fit on a screen without overlap.

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Re: Boss Media Software The Heads Up cash tables seem inconsistently available throughout the skins - they are on some skins, but not others - they dont appear to be skin specific - is there a reason they're not available on some skins?

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Re: Boss Media Software Could the buy in for STTs be stored somewhere in the hand history file? Even if it's only in the table name (e.g. Instead of the table being called "Cooler", could it be called "Cooler €5"). The "Stakes" field in the hand history, for tournament, seems to store the blind levels. I'm sure this will be a big help to PT3 and the like too - which seem to be on schedule to provide Boss support some time this month.

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Re: Boss Media Software Mini tables dont work at all I'm afraid - they're totally unplayable. I'm not sure specifically why :unsure Historically the microgaming mini tables have been excellent (though in looking just now, I confess I havent actually played on the latest design of them) - I think you could do a lot worse than look at them for some guidance. Here's a screen shot comparison - first thing that stands out is the difference in size of ecerything especially the cards, the names, the stacks, the buttons etc. It looks like the boss mini tables are largely just a shrunk version of the full size table, whereas the microgaming ones are a complete redesign. I think the preset options (e.g. "Bet Half pot") are missing on the boss mini tables too? The users of mini tables will be multitablers, and they are the ones who need these preset options most of all! f_20081103Minm_79faf75.gif

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Re: Boss Media Software ok - lets throw in a completely whacky and crazy idea too :unsure Anonymous tables - tables where aliases aren't displayed and notes not shown - so you have no information on a player except the session/tournament he's currently playing - I haven't fully thought it through, so maybe it's even more stupid than I realise at the moment :tongue2

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Re: Boss Media Software

The only thing I want is pop up of active table. I think its the only software out there, that dont have it. I had millions of hands folded because of that :eyes.
When I play cash on boss I usually have 3 or 4 screens overlapping Hen and the active table does pop up.:unsure
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Re: Boss Media Software

Got to ask GaF- Whats that fixed limit game your playing?
Just a random play money table I sat down at for the screenshot (at least I hope it was play money :lol :lol :lol) :ok A different comment - for STTs I think it would be preferable to see blinds raise every x hands rather than every x minutes which will remove "clock management" as a technique.
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Re: Boss Media Software

When I play cash on boss I usually have 3 or 4 screens overlapping Hen and the active table does pop up.:unsure
Yes, same for me. Only time it doesn't is when you've got one of those tournament messages pop up - that seems to override it. Can't we stop those please.
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Re: Boss Media Software I think the boss media tables come to the front when it's your turn (assuming they're not minimised), but I dont think they pop up if they are minimised do they? I presume that's what Hen means? Agree Avon - those pop ups are sooooo annoying - I never read any of them and all it does is manage to bring the lobby to the front blocking tables I'm trying to take my turn on (if I'm 6 or 8 tabling and my screen is full of tables - there's no where to put the lobby that's out of the way so it doesn't interfere)

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Re: Boss Media Software

I would urge Boss to consider a change of Banking client, as opposed to WebDollar who take your eyes with your cents when giving you £ and p back.
I think Webdollar are a wholly owned subsidiary of Boss :unsure THat would mean that Webdollar is Boss.
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Re: Boss Media Software

Agree Avon - those pop ups are sooooo annoying - I never read any of them and all it does is manage to bring the lobby to the front blocking tables I'm trying to take my turn on (if I'm 6 or 8 tabling and my screen is full of tables - there's no where to put the lobby that's out of the way so it doesn't interfere)
I've found that if you don't minimise them and put them behind everything the torney info screens don't "popup" anymore and a small icon to the left of the dealer appears to let you know they are there. I normally have about 10 to click the OK button whem I'm finished but prefer that to them spoling the play. :ok I do agree though that they are so annoying.
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Re: Boss Media Software When actually in-game the menu table that shows where you are and the timer for the levels,covers seat 1's cards as it's in the top right hand corner.Just shift it to the bottom right hand corner,then it doesn't cover any of the cards.

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Re: Boss Media Software

When actually in-game the menu table that shows where you are and the timer for the levels' date='covers seat 1's cards as it's in the top right hand corner.Just shift it to the bottom right hand corner,then it doesn't cover any of the cards.[/quote'] You can drag it to where you want, mate. :ok
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Re: Boss Media Software Another suggestion (related to pop up/focus) - if I'm multitabling with tables in front of other tables and I time out for some reason on one table, then the table goes to the back with other tables coming forward for focus - I've had STT tables where I'm sat out and have no idea I'm sat out (now I periodically scroll through all my open tables to check them - which is a nuisance) - would be great if tables where you are sat out are always the "top focus" (i.e. furthest forward) of the boss tables - certainly ahead of any "idle tables" (tables that are not waiting on input from you).

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