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stpokered pokerstars challenge


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Hi all, have been looking at forum for a long time but only just realised i wasnt registered! Here is my challenge... $20-$5000 on pokerstars playing heads up stts. Plan is to play $5 until bankroll is $100, $10 until bankroll $300, $20 until bankroll $600, $30 until bankroll $2500 and $50 up to the end of the challenge at $5000 profit. Wish me luck! I tried to upload my sharkscope graph when i had bankroll of $600 but it wont let me Use sharkscope to monitor my progress though :D

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Re: stpokered pokerstars challenge :welcome to the Lounge :ok To put an image up on PL, you need an image hosting site - something like www.picoodle.com good luck with your challenge :hope One question - when your bankroll reaches $100, you move to $10 - if you lose that $10 game, will you move back down to $5? (IMO the answer HAS to be yes, but not everyone is disciplined enough to do it)

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Re: stpokered pokerstars challenge t_010kchallenm_c49acd1.png Hi all, Thanks for welcome! I have decided to do the challenge for various reasons: to improve bankroll management, to see what level (stakes) i can beat, to see whwt level gives me the best ROI and net profit per game; to improve my heads up stt skills I have allowed myself 5 net losses at the new higher level until i move down to the previous level, I tried to upload image from the first graph i copied and pasted but it is very small! Here is the most up to date graph.. t_DisplayGrapm_becf435.png

Username<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Games Played

Av. Profit

Av. Stake


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Re: stpokered pokerstars challenge 1st PL update.... Not played many hu stts this week (23 total) Total profit in week $116 after rake. Will update when reach significant milestone ($2000 total profit or if i go on losing streak and go down to $1500 profit)

UsernameGames PlayedAv. ProfitAv. StakeAv. ROITotal ProfitFormNetworkFilter
stpokered 433$4 $18 24%$1,722 -PokerStarsx
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  • 3 months later...

Re: stpokered pokerstars challenge Tyvm! If you want any advice with stts don't hesitate to ask. I play about 30 hu stts a week (at the $30 level i just play 2 simultaneoulsy) and about 15-40mtts a week during term-time, then during holidays play much much more (8 hours every day!)

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Re: stpokered pokerstars challenge

Tyvm! If you want any advice with stts don't hesitate to ask. I play about 30 hu stts a week (at the $30 level i just play 2 simultaneoulsy) and about 15-40mtts a week during term-time' date=' then during holidays play much much more (8 hours every day!)[/quote'] Cheers mate, I'm going to be playing a few heads up SNG's so I'll give you a shout sometime. Thats a lot of volume during the holidays. What do you study? Are you going to give poker a proper go when you finish?
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Re: stpokered pokerstars challenge Alright mate. Started playing some hu sng's and doing pretty well. What criteria do you use for moving up? I was thinking of playing 500 (for example, not set in stone) games and if I can get my ITM > 60% then I'll move up. If not play another 500 and try and get ITM > 60% for that set. 60% give me and ROI of 14%.

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Re: stpokered pokerstars challenge Hi mate, I'm studying medicine so i wont take poker seriously when i finish. Yes i do play a lot during the holidays.. i quit my hoiday job cos found found poker to be more profitable (and much more fun!). I would suggest recording your cash game profit and stt hu profit separately. Instead of moving up after 500 games if your ROI is 14%, i would suggest moving up when you have 40 buy ins to the next level (eg play $3 until hu stt bankroll $120, then play $5 until bankroll $200, etc.) And when you move up a level move back down for a few games if you lose the first two games at the next level.. In this case build up your bankroll until you yet again have 40 buy ins to next level, then once again try moving up. I use a similar bankroll bankroll management myself for hu stts. One further piece of advice is to avoid pokerstars deep stack hu stts at the $30+ level... There are loads of pros waiting for customers All the best Ed

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Re: stpokered pokerstars challenge Medicine, tough work. I considered it but found out I was completely useless at chemistry! Think I'll settle for being a Phd doctor. What are you going to specialise in? 40 buy ins sounds good. I'm recording my sng profit but using a combined bankroll at the moment, out of necessity at the moment. When I get to €200 profit I'll split it up and have two separate pots. I think $30 sngs are a little way off yet but thanks for the heads up :ok

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  • 1 year later...

Re: stpokered pokerstars challenge Sorry for lack of updates. I found hu cash to be far more profitable ,but whilst i was waiting for cashout on other site i decided to play a few hu sngs on pokerstars. Here are stats now

UsernameGames PlayedAv. ProfitAv. StakeAv. ROITotal ProfitFormAbility /100NetworkFilter
stpokeredhttp://www.sharkscope.com/images/icons/shark.gif">1,444$3 $26 14%$4,583 Hot82PokerStarsSNG Only x
I have forgotten how to upload graph but anyone looking at graph can see one big downswing at about 1100 games played. I decided to change my game in preparation for playing $50 hu games. I increased my pre flop aggression but as you can see by my results this certainly did not work out well.(possibly i c-bet way too many flops after reraising pre) I decided after a 1k downswing to stop playing the $50 hu stts but instead to grind out the $30 hu games. Have learnt a few things from challenge so far.... it is vital to play games and levels you are 100% confident at; when playing hu games concentration is vital (no tv at same time!); and most importantly if you move up levels and it doesnt succeed move back down and reanalyse your play. Hopefully i will complete the challenge soon
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  • 1 month later...

Re: stpokered pokerstars challenge Finally made it to over $5k profit... Next challenge to make $10k profit with av profit of $5

UsernameGames PlayedAv. ProfitAv. StakeAv. ROITotal ProfitFormAbility /100NetworkFilter
stpokeredhttp://www.punterslounge.com/forum/images/icons/shark.gif" width=16 height=16 type=image>1,680$4 $27 17%$7,313 -84PokerStarsSNG Only x
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