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20081024 - William Hill Super Series Key Hands


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Re: 20081024 - William Hill Super Series Key Hands Hand 1

Game #8130939744: £500 Super series (ID8266470) £2.50+£0.50 - Hold'em NL (10/20) - 2008/10/24 - 19:33:10 (UK) Table "8266470 - 37" Seat 4 is the button. Seat 1: Tony06014 (2460 in chips) Seat 2: Ste050175 (2040 in chips) Seat 3: Lisa22057 (2470 in chips) Seat 4: Hickson (2450 in chips) Seat 5: Yinepu sits out Seat 6: Cadcons1 (3070 in chips) Seat 7: Telepee (2500 in chips) Seat 8: Dany_aces (2500 in chips) Seat 9: Curtiliz (2500 in chips) Seat 10: Kinata sits out Yinepu: posts small blind 10 Cadcons1: posts big blind 20 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Telepee [:Ah: :Qh:] Telepee: calls 20 Dany_aces: folds Curtiliz: raises to 100 Kinata: folds Tony06014: folds Ste050175: folds Lisa22057: calls 100 Hickson: folds Yinepu: folds Cadcons1: folds Telepee: calls 80 ----- FLOP ----- [:3h: :6h: :Kd:] Telepee: checks Curtiliz: bets 300 Lisa22057: calls 300 Telepee: calls 300 ----- TURN ----- [3h 6h Kd][:2h:] Telepee: checks Curtiliz: checks Lisa22057: checks ----- RIVER ----- [3h 6h Kd 2h][:8d:] Telepee: bets 800 Curtiliz: folds Lisa22057: calls 800 ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Telepee: shows [Ah Qh] (A Flush, Ace high) Lisa22057: mucks hand [:Kc: :As:] Telepee collected 2830 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 2830 Main pot 2830 Rake 0 Board [3h 6h Kd 2h 8d] Seat 1: Tony06014 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: Ste050175 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: Lisa22057 mucked [Kc As] Seat 4: Hickson (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: Yinepu (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: Cadcons1 (big blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: Telepee showed [Ah Qh] and won (2830) with A Flush, Ace high Seat 8: Dany_aces folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: Curtiliz folded on the River Seat 10: Kinata folded before Flop (didn't bet)
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Re: 20081024 - William Hill Super Series Key Hands Hand 2

Game #8131198424: £500 Super series (ID8266470) £2.50+£0.50 - Hold'em NL (15/30) - 2008/10/24 - 19:50:56 (UK) Table "8266470 - 37" Seat 10 is the button. Seat 1: Tony06014 (3645 in chips) Seat 2: Ste050175 (1140 in chips) Seat 3: Lisa22057 (1360 in chips) Seat 4: Hickson (2975 in chips) Seat 5: Yinepu (1540 in chips) Seat 6: Cadcons1 (3115 in chips) Seat 7: Telepee (4025 in chips) Seat 8: Cotton007 (2660 in chips) Seat 9: Curtiliz (2285 in chips) Seat 10: Kinata sits out Tony06014: posts small blind 15 Ste050175: posts big blind 30 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Telepee [:Qh: :Qc:] Lisa22057: calls 30 Hickson: folds Yinepu: calls 30 Cadcons1: calls 30 Telepee: raises to 240 Cotton007: folds Curtiliz: raises to 990 Kinata: folds Tony06014: folds Ste050175: folds Lisa22057: raises to 1360 and is all-in Yinepu: folds Cadcons1: folds Telepee: raises to 4025 and is all-in Curtiliz: is all-in 1295 Returned uncalled bets 1,740 to Telepee ----- FLOP ----- [:9s: :Qs: :5s:] ----- TURN ----- [9s Qs 5s][:Js:] ----- RIVER ----- [9s Qs 5s Js][:Qd:] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Telepee: shows [Qh Qc] (Four of a kind, Queens, Jack high) Curtiliz: shows [:7c: :7s:] (A Flush, Queen high) Lisa22057: shows [:Ah: :Kh:] (A Pair of Queens, Ace high) Telepee collected 1850 from Side pot #1 Telepee collected 4185 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 6035 Main pot 4185 Side pot #1 1850 | Rake 0 Board [9s Qs 5s Js Qd] Seat 1: Tony06014 (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: Ste050175 (big blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: Lisa22057 showed [Ah Kh] and lost with A Pair of Queens, Ace high Seat 5: Yinepu folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: Cadcons1 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: Telepee showed [Qh Qc] and won (6035) with Four of a kind, Queens, Jack high Seat 8: Cotton007 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: Curtiliz showed [7c 7s] and lost with A Flush, Queen high Seat 10: Kinata (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
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Re: 20081024 - William Hill Super Series Key Hands Hand 3

Game #8132551364: £500 Super series (ID8266470) £2.50+£0.50 - Hold'em NL (150/300) - 2008/10/24 - 21:22:24 (UK) Table "8266470 - 6" Seat 7 is the button. Seat 1: Sauli0907 (3880 in chips) Seat 2: Chr110356 (18539 in chips) Seat 3: Telepee (7090 in chips) Seat 4: Satbi1807 (16000 in chips) Seat 5: Dav030247 (2355 in chips) Seat 6: Sam02083 (6146 in chips) Seat 7: Lenny128 (10990 in chips) Seat 8: Tho200434 (3364 in chips) Seat 9: Carljk12 (26835 in chips) Seat 10: Mkitch (7635 in chips) Tho200434: posts the ante 25 Carljk12: posts the ante 25 Mkitch: posts the ante 25 Sauli0907: posts the ante 25 Chr110356: posts the ante 25 Telepee: posts the ante 25 Satbi1807: posts the ante 25 Dav030247: posts the ante 25 Sam02083: posts the ante 25 Lenny128: posts the ante 25 Tho200434: posts small blind 150 Carljk12: posts big blind 300 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Telepee [:Ah: :Qd:] Mkitch: folds Sauli0907: folds Chr110356: calls 300 Telepee: raises to 1100 Satbi1807: folds Satbi1807 sits out Dav030247: raises to 2330 and is all-in Sam02083: folds Satbi1807 sits back Lenny128: folds Tho200434: folds Carljk12: folds Chr110356: folds Telepee: calls 1230 ----- FLOP ----- [:Qh: :9d: :Ac:] ----- TURN ----- [Qh 9d Ac][:3d:] ----- RIVER ----- [Qh 9d Ac 3d][:Th:] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Dav030247: shows [:6d: :5d:] (High Card Ace) Telepee: shows [Ah Qd] (Two Pairs, Aces and Queens, Ten high) Telepee collected 5660 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 5660 Main pot 5660 Rake 0 Board [Qh 9d Ac 3d Th] Seat 1: Sauli0907 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: Chr110356 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: Telepee showed [Ah Qd] and won (5660) with Two Pairs, Aces and Queens, Ten high Seat 4: Satbi1807 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: Dav030247 showed [6d 5d] and lost with High Card Ace Seat 6: Sam02083 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: Lenny128 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: Tho200434 (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: Carljk12 (big blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 10: Mkitch folded before Flop (didn't bet)
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Re: 20081024 - William Hill Super Series Key Hands Hand 4

Game #8133223374: £500 Super series (ID8266470) £2.50+£0.50 - Hold'em NL (300/600) - 2008/10/24 - 22:03:43 (UK) Table "8266470 - 6" Seat 7 is the button. Seat 2: Chr110356 (16943 in chips) Seat 3: Telepee (7867 in chips) Seat 4: Satbi1807 (37678 in chips) Seat 5: Pottermus (11320 in chips) Seat 6: Fuanddie (9430 in chips) Seat 7: Lenny128 (7965 in chips) Seat 8: Youshutup (2915 in chips) Seat 9: Carljk12 (19960 in chips) Seat 10: Mkitch (11010 in chips) Youshutup: posts the ante 75 Carljk12: posts the ante 75 Mkitch: posts the ante 75 Chr110356: posts the ante 75 Telepee: posts the ante 75 Satbi1807: posts the ante 75 Pottermus: posts the ante 75 Fuanddie: posts the ante 75 Lenny128: posts the ante 75 Youshutup: posts small blind 300 Carljk12: posts big blind 600 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Telepee [:Ac: :Kc:] Mkitch: folds Chr110356: raises to 1800 Telepee: raises to 7792 and is all-in Satbi1807: folds Pottermus: folds Fuanddie: folds Lenny128: folds Youshutup: folds Carljk12: folds Chr110356: calls 5992 ----- FLOP ----- [:Js: :6h: :9h:] ----- TURN ----- [Js 6h 9h][:6s:] ----- RIVER ----- [Js 6h 9h 6s][:Ad:] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Telepee: shows [Ac Kc] (Two Pairs, Aces and Sixes, King high) Chr110356: shows [:Kh: :Ts:] (A Pair of Sixes, Ace high) Telepee collected 17159 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 17159 Main pot 17159 Rake 0 Board [Js 6h 9h 6s Ad] Seat 2: Chr110356 showed [Kh Ts] and lost with A Pair of Sixes, Ace high Seat 3: Telepee showed [Ac Kc] and won (17159) with Two Pairs, Aces and Sixes, King high Seat 4: Satbi1807 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: Pottermus folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: Fuanddie folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: Lenny128 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: Youshutup (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: Carljk12 (big blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 10: Mkitch folded before Flop (didn't bet)
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Re: 20081024 - William Hill Super Series Key Hands Hand 5

Game #8133583124: £500 Super series (ID8266470) £2.50+£0.50 - Hold'em NL (400/800) - 2008/10/24 - 22:25:03 (UK) Table "8266470 - 6" Seat 4 is the button. Seat 1: Supert77 (37145 in chips) Seat 2: Chr110356 (17686 in chips) Seat 3: Telepee (13634 in chips) Seat 4: Satbi1807 (39593 in chips) Seat 5: Deckers (22940 in chips) Seat 6: Fuanddie (17505 in chips) Seat 7: Cumonyen (8425 in chips) Seat 8: Davo77 sits out Seat 9: Carljk12 (20510 in chips) Seat 10: Puzzycat (5344 in chips) Deckers: posts the ante 100 Fuanddie: posts the ante 100 Cumonyen: posts the ante 100 Davo77: posts the ante 100 Carljk12: posts the ante 100 Puzzycat: posts the ante 100 Supert77: posts the ante 100 Chr110356: posts the ante 100 Telepee: posts the ante 100 Satbi1807: posts the ante 100 Deckers: posts small blind 400 Fuanddie: posts big blind 800 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Telepee [:Qc: :Ad:] Cumonyen: folds Davo77: folds Carljk12: folds Puzzycat: folds Supert77: folds Chr110356: calls 800 Telepee: raises to 13534 and is all-in Satbi1807: folds Deckers: folds Fuanddie: folds Chr110356: calls 12734 ----- FLOP ----- [:7s: :4d: :3h:] ----- TURN ----- [7s 4d 3h][:Js:] ----- RIVER ----- [7s 4d 3h Js][:Jd:] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Telepee: shows [Qc Ad] (A Pair of Jacks, Ace high) Chr110356: shows [:3s: :3d:] (A Full House, Threes full of Jacks) Chr110356 collected 29268 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 29268 Main pot 29268 Rake 0 Board [7s 4d 3h Js Jd] Seat 1: Supert77 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: Chr110356 showed [3s 3d] and won (29268) with A Full House, Threes full of Jacks Seat 3: Telepee showed [Qc Ad] and lost with A Pair of Jacks, Ace high Seat 4: Satbi1807 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: Deckers (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: Fuanddie (big blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: Cumonyen folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: Davo77 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: Carljk12 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 10: Puzzycat folded before Flop (didn't bet)
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