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Percentages or Instinct ?


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First Post. Have not played online long and was wondering what you all think of this hand Hand Actions

PlayerActionAction DataTimestamp
ChrisBoro123 Set dealer/Bring in spot 1 17:25:07
gmanhop Ante/Small blind $ 75.00 17:25:07
dre001 Big blind/Bring in $ 150.00 17:25:07
ChrisBoro123 Card dealt to a spot Adiamonds.bmp Ahearts.bmp17:25:07
gmanhop Card dealt to a spot 17:25:07
dre001 Card dealt to a spot 17:25:07
mauidreamer Card dealt to a spot Qhearts.bmp Qclubs.bmp17:25:07
KenTahTi Card dealt to a spot 17:25:07
SpanktheMonk Card dealt to a spot 17:25:07
mauidreamer Raise $ 300.00 17:25:10
KenTahTi Fold $ 0.00 17:25:18
SpanktheMonk Fold $ 0.00 17:25:18
ChrisBoro123 Call $ 300.00 17:25:26
gmanhop Fold $ 75.00 17:25:28
dre001 Fold $ 150.00 17:25:30
Betting round completed Last active pot = $825.00 17:25:30
Card dealt to table 4clubs.bmp 6spades.bmp Qdiamonds.bmp17:25:30
mauidreamer Check 17:25:35
ChrisBoro123 Bet $ 250.00 17:25:39
mauidreamer Call $ 250.00 17:25:46
Betting round completed Last active pot = $1,325.00 17:25:46
Card dealt to table 6diamonds.bmp17:25:46
mauidreamer Check 17:25:49
ChrisBoro123 Check 17:25:59
Betting round completed Last active pot = $1,325.00 17:25:59
Card dealt to table Kclubs.bmp17:25:59
mauidreamer Bet $ 350.00 17:26:08
ChrisBoro123 Call $ 350.00 17:26:15
Betting round completed Last active pot = $2,025.00 17:26:15
mauidreamer Showdown Show card: Full House Qclubs.bmp Qhearts.bmp Qdiamonds.bmp 6diamonds.bmp 6spades.bmp17:26:15
ChrisBoro123 Showdown Muck card 17:26:15
mauidreamer Hand result $ 2,025.00 17:26:15
I was sure he had pocket queens on the turn, so i checked .. is this the right play in the long run online, ive read that u must play percentages online as tells and reads are normally inaccurate. Should i have layed it down on the river after checkin the turn ? curiosity got the better of me i think. Or should i just simply of bet the turn, tried to get my money in on the river and gone to the next SitnGo when he turns over his pocket queens, what do u think ?
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Re: Percentages or Instinct ? :welcome to PL Which site is this on? It's a horrible format hand history and difficult to get your head around. There's also vital information missing - like stack sizes. In general you should be raising your Aces pre flop. You can "mix it up" occasionally by playing other ways, but, especially if you are new to poker "your natural ineptitude will provide enough variance in your game to confuse your opponents" (not a criticism directed at you - it applies to me too ;) ) So you should definitely have reraised pre flop! How were you sure he had pocket queens on the turn? Sounds like a very difficult read to make. (especially if it's a micro stakes game, which from his min raise pre flop I'm guessing it is)

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Re: Percentages or Instinct ? Its Bodog, and he was a VERY tight player .. mainly check folding in any hands that he was in, also i didnt think he would raise UTG with Ace queen .. When he bet the river i was hoping he turned over KingQueen :hope, so my 2 pair would beat his. Also, in this situation i would normally have re-raised, but i had the button and wanted the loose BB to call. Anyway, about the hand history i realise it doesnt have stack sizes, which is daft :unsure .. but we were both about even on around 2000 with the blinds at 75/150 i think. So i should of just simply re raised here regardless of position ?

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Re: Percentages or Instinct ? You have an initial raiser - I'd be reraising here almost all the time, especially as you are both pretty short stacked (down to 13xBB). The pot is already worth 25% of your stack - it's not a total disaster if everyone folds to your raise (though you obviously want a caller) - It's ideal if you get it all in pre flop - you know you're behind to nothing!!

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Re: Percentages or Instinct ? :$:$:$

I think if you had reraised preflop he's at least going to call there's no way he's folding QQ unless he's a supertight idiot.
***** Hand 1269237456 ***** 75.00/150.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 08 October 2008 21:27:38 PLounge league (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: PLmorlspin (3690.00) Seat 2: PLTelepee (2328.00) Seat 3: PL borokp (3653.00) Seat 4: plSamba (3022.00) Seat 5: PL jolly67 (2513.00) Seat 6: SPSlickMic (2330.00) Seat 7: PLHornet (4710.00) Seat 8: PLkip6 (1695.00) Seat 9: PLNade (1954.00) Seat 10: PLavongirl (1095.00) PLTelepee post SB 75.00 PL borokp post BB 150.00 ** Deal ** PLmorlspin [N/A, N/A] PLTelepee [N/A, N/A] PL borokp [N/A, N/A] plSamba [Qs, Qh] PL jolly67 [N/A, N/A] SPSlickMic [N/A, N/A] PLHornet [N/A, N/A] PLkip6 [N/A, N/A] PLNade [N/A, N/A] PLavongirl [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** plSamba Raise to 550.00 PL jolly67 Fold SPSlickMic Fold PLHornet Raise to 1850.00 PLkip6 Fold PLNade Fold PLavongirl Fold PLmorlspin Fold PLTelepee Fold PL borokp Fold plSamba Fold
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