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Poker Software Mods


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Thought we could do with a thread for these :) (mainly because the Full Tilt thread on 2plus2 is a total nightmare - it's hundreds of pages long!!! First off Party Poker: http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/45/software/party-poker-new-design-mods-309964/

Some cards, for the new design , a lame table, and a way to get rid of the flashlights. PARTY NEW DESIGN scshotqh0.pngsc02em5.png
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Re: Poker Software Mods Pokerstars Mods - http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/45/software/pokerstars-theme-free-1384/ (I havent read the whole thread, so if anyone sees any good, free, mods, please post them :ok) Some more here - http://psthemes.com/forum/index.php?action=store - some free, but most are charged.

I made one more (and this is my personal favorite so far). The table itself (though a bit tweaked) is from Stars Themes integr. guide. sepiashot.jpg download here: http://www.megaupload.com/se/?d=7P24W5RA ------------------------------------------ (BetPot should work, TableNav requires adjusting to bkgr with ctrl-right-click on fold btn (see TabNav documentation). StarsUrgentTable does not seem to work. As for PAHUD I went on about having to make a lot of adjustments but that was before I knew about the coice "Use Stars Image-enabled theme". Uncheck this. -------------------------------------------- If you download this latest version with all the themes I made this should be added to you xthemes.ini
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Re: Poker Software Mods Have you seen a lot of 'mods' these people create? They make me want to throw kittens into brick walls. Seems a lot of people have something like a bright yellow plain background with no avatars, bright purple backs to cards and all different coloured fronts to cards and disgusting coloured chips. Not to mention their HUDS wwhich are also made into 300 different colours. I'll get some examples later if i can be bothered. Seriously, it shouldn't be allowed. FWIW this is mine: It's the best. Only thing i've changed is the background! hudda7.jpg

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Re: Poker Software Mods I don't use 4 colour deck because i'm luckily enough to have a perfectly good eye sight to be able to tell 4 different suits from eachother, even when 8tabling, plus the mod 4 colour decks make it look like a computer game rather than proper poker. And when it becomes a game the money don't matter right? IMO.

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Re: Poker Software Mods

I don't use 4 colour deck because i'm luckily enough to have a perfectly good eye sight to be able to tell 4 different suits from eachother' date=' even when 8tabling, plus the mod 4 colour decks make it look like a computer game rather than proper poker. And when it becomes a game the money don't matter right? IMO.[/quote'] (This discussion should probably be in it's own thread so mods feel free to move if you want) Interesting point about it not being like real poker. I don't really see how a 4 colour deck makes it not like proper poker. However - IF poker seems like a computer game people's emotions are less likely to take over than when they're thinking about the money, and this should improve play. In fact, I have heard several players who have ground their way from the low level games up say that they treat the cash like points in a computer game, and their sole objective is to gain enough points to reach the next level of the game.
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