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Pop Quiz (Part XXXVIII) - Call Fold or Shove


Pop Quiz (Part XXXVIII) - Call Fold or Shove  

  1. 1.

    • Call
    • Fold
    • Shove

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this is a 5 player turbo SNG, the blinds have just gone up this hand. Have a fairly good read on the player, I know that if i limp he will raise and my plan was to use position to bet the flop if he checks regardless of the cards. So whats my play on the flop now? Cheers Damo 150.00/300.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 16 October 2008 13:40:30 Holdem Turbo (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: KIZ&Lozi (4160.00) Seat 5: robilaruk (3340.00) robilaruk post SB 150.00 KIZ&Lozi post BB 300.00 ** Deal ** robilaruk [Jd, 10h] *** Bet Round 1 *** robilaruk Call 300.00 KIZ&Lozi Raise to 900.00 robilaruk Call 900.00 *** Bet Round 2 *** KIZ&Lozi Bet 600.00 EDIT Flop was A 10 4 Rainbow

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Re: Pop Quiz (Part XXXVIII) - Call Fold or Shove

and my plan was to use position to bet the flop if he checks regardless of the cards.
Based on your read of the player, post flop, how frequently do you expect him to check and how frequently do you expect him to raise following your check-call pre flop?
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Re: Pop Quiz (Part XXXVIII) - Call Fold or Shove This was heads up wasn't it? Seems a strange number of chips in play(sorry for all the questions - am uneasy about what information is missing with an edited hand history - though I know you've done it to make it easy to read and for no other reason) EDIT No it doesn't seem strange - 7500 chips is right for 5 players x 1500 chips :ok

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Re: Pop Quiz (Part XXXVIII) - Call Fold or Shove

Based on your read of the player' date=' post flop, how frequently do you expect him to check and how frequently do you expect him to raise following your check-call pre flop?[/quote'] He had been playing super tight for the 1st three levels, then started to play more 'loose' though he was still showing stronger than normal hands. When it got to the bubble at 100/200 with the big stack 4K+ (he shoved AA AI and doubled up vs 44) he started to bully us two 'small' stacks on the button but not in the SB verus the 3rd place BB. I shoved 1300 chips in my SB vs his BB with 33 and was suprised he called with QJ as i hadn't done that before and now realised his calling/pushing range was wider than i thought. So i think he is an above average player for this level, which is why i believed if I limped his BB he would raise a normal amount rather than be a shove monkey (I think he would raise 60-70% of the time). Does this help? Damo
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Re: Pop Quiz (Part XXXVIII) - Call Fold or Shove

(I think he would raise 60-70% of the time).
I think this is the flaw in the original plan :unsure You're trying to play a variation of stop and go, but you're doing it out of position (from the logic that you're not first to act post flop) - I think the stop and go is a far more valid strategy when you are first to act post flop, especially if you believe your opponent will bet out 60-70% of the time. As it is, you have 2nd pair. You believe (based on thinking the villain will bet out 60-70% of the time) that over half the time your opponent bets here, he will have a worse hand than you, so I reraise him all in and give him the choice for all of his chips. I really dont like the pre flop play though - I know you have position, but I dont think you're deep enough or your cards strong enough to get this fancy - I think you need to either raise him or fold. Your plan would be good if you had Aces!
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