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Slap's Cool Million Challenge


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Re: Slap's Cool Million Challenge

Cashed comfortably after that. I'm 3 for 3 in these satellites so far' date=' but that was the first one I'd call comfortable.[/quote'] Make that 4 for 4. Cashed in another Sunday Millions sat. Not quite sure what happened in that one. I was struggling in the last eight, but got distracted with another tourney, and when I looked I was comfortable to cash in the last six!
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Re: Slap's Cool Million Challenge That was short and sweet. :sad Anybody folding this? PokerStars Game #22302670803: Tournament #120429329, $200+$15 Hold'em No Limit - Level II (50/100) - 2008/11/23 16:45:10 ET Table '120429329 605' 9-max Seat #3 is the button Seat 1: oaktree50 (10759 in chips) Seat 3: Ipress (9883 in chips) Seat 4: SackAttack23 (21250 in chips) Seat 5: DOODOO2 (9525 in chips) Seat 6: SLTEX (8533 in chips) Seat 7: R0B_45 (10200 in chips) Seat 8: slapdash1 (9850 in chips) SackAttack23: posts small blind 50 DOODOO2: posts big blind 100 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to slapdash1 [Ks Kd] SLTEX: calls 100 R0B_45: folds slapdash1: raises 300 to 400 oaktree50: calls 400 Ipress: folds SackAttack23: folds DOODOO2: folds SLTEX: calls 300 *** FLOP *** [Kc Ah Qc] SLTEX: bets 1000 slapdash1: raises 2500 to 3500 oaktree50: raises 6859 to 10359 and is all-in SLTEX: calls 7133 and is all-in slapdash1: calls 5950 and is all-in Uncalled bet (909) returned to oaktree50 *** TURN *** [Kc Ah Qc] [5c] *** RIVER *** [Kc Ah Qc 5c] [2d] *** SHOW DOWN *** slapdash1: shows [Ks Kd] (three of a kind, Kings) oaktree50: shows [Ts Jc] (a straight, Ten to Ace) oaktree50 collected 2634 from side pot SLTEX: shows [Ad Qd] (two pair, Aces and Queens) oaktree50 collected 25749 from main pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 28383 Main pot 25749. Side pot 2634. | Rake 0 Board [Kc Ah Qc 5c 2d] Seat 1: oaktree50 showed [Ts Jc] and won (28383) with a straight, Ten to Ace Seat 3: Ipress (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: SackAttack23 (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 5: DOODOO2 (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 6: SLTEX showed [Ad Qd] and lost with two pair, Aces and Queens Seat 7: R0B_45 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: slapdash1 showed [Ks Kd] and lost with three of a kind, Kings

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Re: Slap's Cool Million Challenge

Anybody folding this?
Really unlucky there slapdash... :sad The only thing I would possibly have done differently is raised more... you already had 1 limper and there were 4 more to act after you. Im sure you will have more luck with your next entry :hope
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Re: Slap's Cool Million Challenge Won 5, lost 2 at €50, and won 1 at €100, for a net profit of €206 = $266.46. Current bank: $1094. MTT entries: $1070 (includes one pending Sunday Million). MTT winnings: $0. Next MTT buy-in requires $1000 remaining in bank.

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Re: Slap's Cool Million Challenge Since the last update I've won 15, lost 12 at €50 and won 2, lost 1 at €100, for a net profit of €88 = $111.58. Current bank: $1084. MTT entries: $1070 (includes one pending Sunday Million). MTT winnings: $0. Next MTT buy-in requires $1000 remaining in bank.

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Re: Slap's Cool Million Challenge Won one, lost one at €50 for a net loss of €10 = $12.68. Also won a $112 double or nothing satellite to the Sunday Warm-up on Stars, which I'll probably play today. Current bank: $959. MTT entries: $1285 (includes one pending Sunday Million and one Sunday Warm-up). MTT winnings: $0. Next MTT buy-in requires $1100 remaining in bank.

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Re: Slap's Cool Million Challenge

I confess I've never understood :$ Am I right in thinking that the MTT entries are what you've spent and lost in the MTTs? (except for what you have listed as "pending").
Yes (and the figures include the buy-ins for the two I haven't yet played). But I've already deducted those from the bank. I count the double or nothing satellites as coolers. So if I play and win one of them, turning $112 into a $215 token, then that counts as a $103 cooler profit, followed by a $215 MTT entry. If that makes any sense! :lol
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Re: Slap's Cool Million Challenge

:ok So really you dont need your "target" to buy into the MTTs because you will win a certain number of entries anyway through the stars coolers?
Not exactly. The reason I'm allowing myself to play this Warm Up despite only having $959 in the bank is that it's not the "next" MTT buy-in, it's the one before last, for which I only needed $900 remaining. :tongue2 BTW, I think my MTT buy-ins figure must be wrong by $100. I'll try to track down the discrepancy later.
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Re: Slap's Cool Million Challenge

Also won a $112 double or nothing satellite to the Sunday Warm-up on Stars, which I'll probably play today.
Finished 1159th of 3751 in that (540 paid). I didn't get much luck, and I'm reasonably happy with how I played apart from one hand, and that was when I was already short-stacked (taking me to very short-stacked), so I was unlikely to have cashed from there anyway. I'm going to have to do something about that "MTT winnings" figure soon, though! :lol In post #54 I added $315 instead of $215 to my "MTT entries" figure, so correcting that: Current bank: $959. MTT entries: $1185 (includes one pending Sunday Million). MTT winnings: $0. Next MTT buy-in requires $1100 remaining in bank.
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Re: Slap's Cool Million Challenge

Well, I didn't! :$ I wasn't moaning. Just explaining why I was happy with how I played despite coming nowhere near the cash. Would you like me to post some examples of my bad luck? :tongue2
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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Slap's Cool Million Challenge Won seven, lost one at €50 for a net profit of €260 = $365.17. Also played a $112 double or nothing satellite to a Stars Sunday Warm-Up seat and won, preserving my 100% record in these!). I'll play the Warm-Up today, and maybe also the Sunday Million I have pending, as both have specially high guaranteed prize pools this week. Current bank: $1146. MTT entries: $1300 (includes one pending Sunday Million and one Sunday Warm-Up). MTT winnings: $0. Next MTT buy-in requires $1200 remaining in bank.

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