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S01E01P02 SitCom: Heads Up With GaF


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Series summary here - SitCom: Heads Up with GaF - Series 1 Summary Series 1, Episode 1, Part 2 Heads Up with Gaf Video link is here - http://rapidshare.de/files/40663598/S01E01P02.swf.html (0.6MB - 15 Seconds - Format:swf Flash) Avi version - http://rapidshare.de/files/40678545/S01E01P02.avi.html (1mb) The opinions expressed in Part 1 so far seem to all agree that the villain is tight/weak/passive. Not sure I totally agree that he is passive (look at the river aggression factor of 7!!) however the main characteristic does appear to be "weak". All comments so far have said your move is to raise 3x. Should it be larger being out of position? A 3x raise gives him 2-1 on his money, and he has position - surely he calls that with any 2? (discussion on this point should be restricted to the part 1 thread - so we dont have the same discussion spread over 2 different threads). With time and hindsight I agree that a raise here is the preferred move, however for some reason, unbeknown to me I limped behind and took a flop. I dont think it's that much worse than raising, afterall it is a clear drawing hand, however a raise would give me a chance to take it down, build a pot for when I do hit and to keep some pressure on my opponent. The flop seems a nice one for me - 7h8c4c - I have an up and down straight draw and 2 overcards. What's my action? Questions 1) Villain didn't raise pre flop - what does that tell me about his possible holdings/range? 2) I have a draw, what is my general goal here for the rest of the hand? 3) What is my specific action here? 4) What kind of response am I expecting and wanting from my opponent here to the action you have suggested?

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Re: S01E01P02 SitCom: Heads Up With GaF Questions 1) Villain didn't raise pre flop - what does that tell me about his possible holdings/range? could have a wide range of hands.... however cos he hasnt raised it's likely he could havde a weak ace or a drawing hand like yours... i.e. 6/7. 2) I have a draw, what is my general goal here for the rest of the hand? Build a pot here 3) What is my specific action here? bet $1 4) What kind of response am I expecting and wanting from my opponent here to the action you have suggested? I'd prfer a call..... if he raises then a decision would have to be made based on the size of the riase.... if he folds... another $ for you!!

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Re: S01E01P02 SitCom: Heads Up With GaF Questions 1) Villain didn't raise pre flop - what does that tell me about his possible holdings/range? Nothing. Could be trapping you, or could be playing a borderline hand hoping to hit the flop. No way of knowing. 2) I have a draw, what is my general goal here for the rest of the hand? Can you ever have a 'general' goal? Surely it comes down to circumstances? You 'generally' want to win as many of the Villain's chips or lose as few of yours. 3) What is my specific action here? Lead out here. 60-75% of pot. All known data about Villain would indicate he only proceeds down further streets if he has a made hand or a good draw. 4) What kind of response am I expecting and wanting from my opponent here to the action you have suggested? I expect a raise if he has a made hand, a call if he is drawing to a hand, a fold if he was hoping to hit the flop and hasn't. If he calls I would fire again on the turn. His aggression factors shows he increases on further streets. If he folds on turn, all good, if he flats/raises I am done with putting chips in.

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Re: S01E01P02 SitCom: Heads Up With GaF On that kind of board i find it's very profitable to raise and if reriased reraise them back. As 95% of times they'll call, a high card will fall on the turn and you'll be able to get them to either fold the turn or get them to fold to a river shove. Plus you have outs. Can't watch any of the vids as they're weird files

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Re: S01E01P02 SitCom: Heads Up With GaF

Can't watch any of the vids as they're weird files
They should just play in your browser :unsure (they're Flash). I'll redo them in standard avi if you're having trouble - give me a few mins :ok
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