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Possible problems over Pokerstars and Full Tilt Transfers/Withdrawals


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Hi Guys You may have noticed ive stopped asking for transfers to be made via pokerstars, this is due to me receiveing an email a few weeks ago informing me that I could not cash out some money that had been transfered to me. They stipulated that money received from transfers should be used to play on Pokerstars and when i explained the situation to them with regards to staking for live games, they would not accept it and I had to use the cash and play through before I could withdraw. I will still accept pokerstars transfers as a last resort, however I urge all of you to be carefull if accepting large amounts incase you cant get the money out. Best of luck and lets win big! Graeme:ok

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Re: Warning over Pokerstars Transfers/Withdrawals Im lucky really, this was only for $90 and they refused til i played it through.....which was easy with a few sit and goes and an hour on the cash tables. However if like earlier this week you receive $420+ and have to play it through, theres a little risk you could walk away with less....or a lot more, depending on how you play

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Re: Warning over Pokerstars Transfers/Withdrawals Interesting to know as I've been using stars for almost everything :loon Looks like a switch to relying on FullTilt instead may be in order (I presume it's not the same there?)

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Re: Warning over Pokerstars Transfers/Withdrawals Do you just have to play the amount through once? If so, I play enough on Stars that it's probably not really a big deal for me unless it's a very large amount. I wonder ... if you have $500 in Stars and somebody transfers $500 to you, can you withdraw $500? (I'm not really expecting anybody to know the answer! :lol)

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Re: Warning over Pokerstars Transfers/Withdrawals well I went to withdraw just $200 from the winnings off Morls, And on trying i was only allowed to withdraw $151 to neteller, but i have also deposited via a debit card. Well I left it in anyway, and tried my luck on the 25c to 50c and lost $80 on tuesday night :(:( but tried again last night and got it back plus a nice profit:ok will go and see what it allows me now, and post back to let you know

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Re: Warning over Pokerstars Transfers/Withdrawals I'd definitely seen this rule a while ago when I'd looked into having a transfer in on some site, and just assumed it was the same on all sites, which is why I didn't want the money up front for the Paradise staking.

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Re: Warning over Pokerstars Transfers/Withdrawals

I wonder ... if you have $500 in Stars and somebody transfers $500 to you, can you withdraw $500?
Got to be yes hasn't it...as you would not be withdrawing any of the transfer money. Hope it doesn't switch totally to FT as this seems to be my bogey site...can't do a thing on there so prefer to leave it alone.:eyes
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Re: Warning over Pokerstars Transfers/Withdrawals Doyles room may be an option for transfers too :ok

Verified players can now transfer between accounts! Our new player to player transfer feature is now available in the Bank section of the poker lobby. To use this convenient new option, simply click on the green Bank button in the lobby and then select Transfers at the top right of your banking information page. It's that easy! If the transfer option is not available to you, and you would like to activate it, please contact our security department so that they can verify your account at [email protected] or call 888-762-4192 ext 2600. Player to Player Terms and Conditions
  • Transfer limits between $5 and $250.
  • Both Sender and Receiver accounts must be verified with DoylesRoom security.
  • Sender’s account must have at least 30 days since the last credit card deposit in order to transfer.
  • Get Verified! - Contact DoylesRoom Security at [email protected]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Transferring funds on pokerrooms/online payments I miss an overview of all the pokerrooms that offer transfer possibilities. In case of staking people it might be nice to know. These are the pokerrooms I know... - Pokerstars (Yes) - Full Tilt (Yes) - ABSOLUTE poker (Yes) Please note that all transfers are reviewed by our security department prior to processing, so they will not occur instantly. All transfers are final and we will only reverse fund transfers if approved by the recipient. The minimum transfer is $10.00 and you must leave a minimum of $25.00 in your account after the transfer is made. The maximum amount you may transfer per week is $2,500. - UltimateBet(Yes) Same as Absolute but min. transfer is $50 and max. is $5000 "Currently, it may take up to 48 hours for the transfer to reflect in the recipient's account, but our goal is to make this an instant process." - Trillion Poker(Yes, but with light withdraw req) Please be aware that the player must wager at least the value of the Inter-Account-Transfer on the tables before being able to withdraw these funds - Titan Poker (yes, but with req) Please note: Players who transfer to, or receive funds from other players will not be able to play at the same ring game or single table tournaments together to prevent possible collusion. Players who receive funds from another player , and who have not yet made a deposit, will be unable to make a withdrawal until they reach a minimum of 2,500 Points, as part of our efforts to prevent all fraudulent activities. Please note that your first player transfer transaction requires a security check. - PokerRoom (Gift Vouchers?) If the recipient of the Gift Voucher has already got a PokerRoom.com account, the Voucher will instead function as an inter-account transfer. You can create a Gift Voucher with any denomination ranging between US $10 and $100 and you are able to create a maximum of 10 gift vouchers per month to a maximum value of $250. Please note that you may only send a maximum of 2 gift vouchers per month to the same player. You must have a minimum of 250 Player Points to send a gift voucher. - Party Poker (Yes, but with heavy withdraw req)

  1. In order to make an inter-account transfer the donor of such transfer (''Donor'') must have successfully registered for an Account and must also successfully complete such identification checks as We may require from time to time, including by supplying any personal identification documentation required by Us.
  2. Once Donor has made the transfer to another player's account ('Recipient'), the Company will not be liable for it and will not transfer money back to Donor's Account unless requested and authorized by the Recipient.
  3. The Company reserves the right to reject any inter-account transfer requests or to reverse any inter-account transfers upon suspicion of breach of any of the Terms and Conditions by Donor or Recipient.
  4. The Recipient will need to successfully complete the 'Player Registration' with the Cashier before they are able to receive the transfer. Player Registration can be completed either by clicking 'Deposit' on the Cashier screen or clicking on 'My Account \ Update Personal Info' in the Lobby.
  5. Donor agrees that they may only make an inter-account transfer to enable the Recipient to play Games and place bets on the Sports Services and Gaming Services and not for any other purposes.
  6. Before the Recipient can cash out an inter-account transfer the Recipient must first have earned Standard Points with such monies (excluding any bonus points awarded) greater than or equal to15% of the amount received in USD ('Release Requirements'). Where an inter-account transfer is received in a currency other than USD, the required 15% of Points must be calculated on the value of the transfer in USD (based on the exchange rates offered by us at the point of cash out. Please see Currency Converter).
  7. In order to make an inter-account transfer the Donor must have a balance of $100* or more in their Account. The minimum amount the Donor can transfer is $50**.
  8. We may, in our sole discretion, permit inter-account transfers to Recipients' Accounts which have a currency other than Donors' Account Currency. Such transfers will be made on the terms and at the Exchange Rates offered by Us. Please see Currency Converter and Frequently Asked Questions for further details.

If pokerrooms fail I guess these guys are not to bad since they ask a small fee Moneybookers.com Transaction fee: 1% till max 0.50 Euro/ max 0.40 Pound NETELLER Peer-to-Peer transfer. The recipient will be charged 1.9% for the transfer. This fee will be deducted from the amount you are sending. The minimum fee that will be charged is 1.00 USD.

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  • 2 months later...

Re: Equity Exchange Club - IOU thread Don't want to sidetrack this thread but this question is sort of in the same area. I noticed on Moneybookers (whilst sending a payment out) that on there you can pay people even if they haven't got a moneybooker account (just by having their email address) - does anyone have any idea how that works ? Do they just create a Moneybooker account from the email address and hold the money on that account until the person confirms and logs in to creates a Moneybooker account ?

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Re: Equity Exchange Club - IOU thread

Don't want to sidetrack this thread but this question is sort of in the same area. I noticed on Moneybookers (whilst sending a payment out) that on there you can pay people even if they haven't got a moneybooker account (just by having their email address) - does anyone have any idea how that works ? Do they just create a Moneybooker account from the email address and hold the money on that account until the person confirms and logs in to creates a Moneybooker account ?
I've never used Moneybookers, so no idea I'm afraid - but would be reluctant to advocate forcing people to sign up with moneybookers to get their money :unsure Out of interest - do they charge for person to person transfers?
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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Transferring funds on pokerrooms/online payments Money bookers is great, use it all the time. Yes, you can send to someone's email address in fact that's how the transfer takes place.:ok If I were to send money to your email address, you would receive an email from moneybookers advising you that the money is there, all you then need to do is create a moneybookers account and hey presto you have the money. :ok Yes they do charge but the amont is so small is hardly worth worrying about when its so easy to use once you have set up and verified your accounts with them. I use it to transfer funds to either of my son's, there is however one issue, not all pokersites accept moneybookers but there are quite a few that do, I would check this first!

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  • 3 months later...

Re: Possible problems over Pokerstars and Full Tilt Transfers/Withdrawals FULL TILT AT IT NOW..... Hello Graeme, This email is to inform you your recent withdrawal request has been declined. We have reviewed your Full Tilt Poker account and determined that you are attempting to withdraw funds for other players that were transferred to you. For the security of our site and our players, Full Tilt Poker does not allow this activity. We offer our services to provide a safe and secure environment to play online poker and not solely to facilitate the movement of funds between player accounts. If you do not intend to play at the tables using these funds, please transfer them back to 'JulioArca' and 'PL_Hooloovoo'. To ensure your account remains in good standing in the future, please do not withdraw funds for other players. Thank you for your cooperation, and if you have any questions, please let us know. Sincerely, Larry N Full Tilt Poker Support

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Re: Possible problems over Pokerstars and Full Tilt Transfers/Withdrawals

FULL TILT AT IT NOW..... Hello Graeme, This email is to inform you your recent withdrawal request has been declined. We have reviewed your Full Tilt Poker account and determined that you are attempting to withdraw funds for other players that were transferred to you. For the security of our site and our players, Full Tilt Poker does not allow this activity. We offer our services to provide a safe and secure environment to play online poker and not solely to facilitate the movement of funds between player accounts. If you do not intend to play at the tables using these funds, please transfer them back to 'JulioArca' and 'PL_Hooloovoo'. To ensure your account remains in good standing in the future, please do not withdraw funds for other players. Thank you for your cooperation, and if you have any questions, please let us know. Sincerely, Larry N Full Tilt Poker Support
Does this affect the staking, i.e. do you want the money to be transferred via another method, or are you ok with it?
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Re: Possible problems over Pokerstars and Full Tilt Transfers/Withdrawals

Does this affect the staking' date=' i.e. do you want the money to be transferred via another method, or are you ok with it?[/quote'] I should be ok with it mate, have started to play a little on FT now to clear any funds , however if they still wont let me once im finished, ill send it you back and you can use another method, so lets just wait n see for now:ok
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  • 1 month later...

Re: Transferring funds on pokerrooms/online payments Got an email through from Blue Square advertising Player to Player transfers:

You can now receive the funds to play in one of our satellites using our player transfer system! Player transfers have been made available to all Blue Square Poker players*, enabling you to help out a mate! Check in the 'My Account' section for the player transfer tool. *Subject to security check
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Re: Possible problems over Pokerstars and Full Tilt Transfers/Withdrawals hey there, just wanted to let you all know, pokerstars answered a similar question in an email i sent them, they said you have to play 15 vpp/fpp per $100 transferred to your account before withdrawing. basically 15%. which is not too hard considering the small amounts i transfer and withdraw. enjoooy!:nana

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  • 4 months later...

Re: Transferring funds on pokerrooms/online payments Paypal: Personal transactions are free if they are within own country. Within the EU it's free if paid in Euro's. Else it's 3.9% + £0.20 GBP Cross-Border Payments ============== Could someone check if this is true about being free if it's paid in Euro's? I don't have much experience with Paypal, but with Pokerstars being more strict about money transfers, paypal may be the cheapest (free) solution to transfer funds for staking

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  • 7 months later...

Re: Possible problems over Pokerstars and Full Tilt Transfers/Withdrawals

FULL TILT AT IT NOW..... Hello Graeme, This email is to inform you your recent withdrawal request has been declined. We have reviewed your Full Tilt Poker account and determined that you are attempting to withdraw funds for other players that were transferred to you. For the security of our site and our players, Full Tilt Poker does not allow this activity. We offer our services to provide a safe and secure environment to play online poker and not solely to facilitate the movement of funds between player accounts. If you do not intend to play at the tables using these funds, please transfer them back to 'JulioArca' and 'PL_Hooloovoo'. To ensure your account remains in good standing in the future, please do not withdraw funds for other players. Thank you for your cooperation, and if you have any questions, please let us know. Sincerely, Larry N Full Tilt Poker Support
Hi guys, Sorry for asking this so long after the last message but: did FT let you withdraw the money peoples sent to you? Just because I got the same problem and this thread is the only I found who talk about it. Quite embarrassing problem, I sent some money to a friend for he play with and after he sent it me back FT didn't want me to withdraw the cash... Do I have just to play with and then it's ok? Thanks, Vincent.
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