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Newcastle Circus Casino Team Tournament


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Re: Newcastle Circus Casino Team Tournament - Sat Dec 6th Payment and Players Needed Just got back from casino as im loaded with cold and been drinking since 1pm....am dead on me feet! PL 1st team didnt do to well but we had 3 players make it into the 2nd round but not sure if anyone made it to final table. PL 2nd team however are only 7 points behind at the moment and have got 3 players on the final table of 9......so its gonna be close!! Am gonna go to bed now but hopefully we'll read some good news in the morning! GL TEAM B!!!!!

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Re: Newcastle Circus Casino Team Tournament - Sat Dec 6th Payment and Players Needed yeah PL B had 3 going to the final tbl but were about 20 points behind so really needed a 1,2,3 along with other teams players going out early. unfortunately, the first player out on the ft was a pl player 'boss hogg' so that really killed any hopes of the win. however when i left, there was 6 players left with 2 PL B (slick mick & pokerjace) still going. so hopefully one of them took it down :hope Ubermonkey took down the head hunter side game for just over 100 quid :ok

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Re: Newcastle Circus Casino Team Tournament - Sat Dec 6th Payment and Players Needed

Cheers Greame for orgasnising this' date=' really good night. Final table was still going when I left at 430am and heard a rumour it should be finished by Tuesday LOL[/quote'] think that was my tables fault in the first round:eyes took about 4 hours to get down to the final 3:loonstrangely enough it was a quiet aggressive table but every shortstack push seemed to hold up well apart from my kq vs ak:wall one guy hit a royal on my table too:loon:loonfirst one ive seen live. had a couple of sick hands in the head hunter so i was pretty chuffed to win in the end:) worst one was near the start when i got 2 others allin vs my ks one on aj one on aq. someone else folded an ace so all looks good:nana flop comes 347 rainbow even better:nana:nana turn was a 6 then river was a....... 5:puke still at least it was a split i spose:\. well done guys,especially the b team who did very well:clap:clapalso well done everyone for keeping their heads when a few other people were losing theirs;) and thanks for the jimmy and gary at circus for a great day/night/morning:lol also amade faye for making morls so angry he had a nose bleed :lol:lol(guess who had the toon 2-1 and owen first scorer;)) and gaz, mumma and pappa gaz for putting me up and making me feel so welcome:clap:clap:clap
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Re: Newcastle Circus Casino Team Tournament - Sat Dec 6th Payment and Players Needed Thanks Graham for sorting this. Had a great evening (no nasty stuff on my table). Played OK but got sucked out on twice to eventually get knocked out in 4th on my table :(. Great to see some of the guys again and to meet a few new faces. WP to the B team, shame you didn't win it, but there's always next time :hope WP to Uber for taking down the Headhunter....was doing OK in this till my AQ ran into AA :sad Once again, a big thankyou to Morls and the guys at Circus - bring on the next one :ok

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Re: Newcastle Circus Casino Team Tournament - Sat Dec 6th Payment and Players Needed Finally got my internet connection back so can i say a big thank you to Graham for organising this. Last 4 were me,Mick and 2 Jolly Millers.Jolly Millers could tie with another team for 1st if they finished 1st and 2nd,so a little 'sweetener' was offered if we could knock one of the JM'S out;) In what was one of the most bad tempered games i've ever been in involved in i went out 4th calling a raise that pretty much had me all in(i was BB and had about 4.5 BB left)my 77 crushed by QQ. It was decided that at the end of the next level the game would be decided by chip count and as the 2 JM's were in front you'd expect a bit of pass the blinds. Astonishingly (for me anyway)the very last hand saw Mick push all in and get a call from the chip leader(the 2nd JM had more than Mick so it was a obvious fold)Mick shows A3diamonds and the caller something like K9(5.30am and it's a little bit hazy:beer)Anyway the JM rivered a straight and that was it.(actually i maybe completely wrong with the game position,i hope mick can remember what really happened!) Some extremely bad losers and poor etiquette from the other teams did nothing to detract from a very good night and meeting some new faces is always nice. We also got a compliment from the casino staff saying that "The Punters lounge teams had behaved like gentlemen" which was very nice. Well played everyone and i hope we can do it again soon. Well done Uber on the HH,nice one!

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Re: Newcastle Circus Casino Team Tournament - Sat Dec 6th Payment and Players Needed Great (if a bit long judging by those who ventured further into the tourney than I) tourney. MOstly played in the right spirit, and nice to see some of those KO'd early helping out with the dealing. Nice to hear about our impeccable manners, unlike a couple of numpties on one of the next door tables, though none on ours. Our table was rather civilised, but the number of pocket aces shown was amazing!. 3 sets in 4 hands at one point! One nice hand put me in a good spot, with an all in bluff taking down a fair sized pot, though a few hands later I got a bad suck out when AQ vs Q8, and the flop was QQ Blank, and the turn was a dreaded 8. One massive misread more or less did for me after that, when I hit a straight on the river and thought I had caught a player bluffing only to see his flush. Blinds got to me after that, and although I quadrupled up once, it was not enough, and found two callers for my all in holding QK, versus A3 and A5 (it was only 175 above the BB to call by then). No help and I was gone. Well done and many thanks to Graeme and Circus for the organisation, and a very nice casino you have up there! (Prague could learn a thing or two from the Circus!) Well done Uber on the head hunters too!. Biggest shock was on the way home though. Flight landed at Heathrow 23 minutes early!!!! (and what the heck is a bookies doing in the departure lounge at Newcastle Airport!!!)

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Re: Newcastle Circus Casino Team Tournament - Sat Dec 6th Payment and Players Needed Cheers for sorting this out morls and well played to the pl B team. unfortunately I was out quite early and thought it best to take mrs milber back to the hotel so didn't get much chance to chat to the fellow early exiters. looking forward to the next one. nice one uber on your win

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Re: Newcastle Circus Casino Team Tournament - Sat Dec 6th Payment and Players Needed

think that was my tables fault in the first round:eyes took about 4 hours to get down to the final 3:loonstrangely enough it was a quiet aggressive table but every shortstack push seemed to hold up well apart from my kq vs ak:wall one guy hit a royal on my table too:loon:loonfirst one ive seen live. had a couple of sick hands in the head hunter so i was pretty chuffed to win in the end:) worst one was near the start when i got 2 others allin vs my ks one on aj one on aq. someone else folded an ace so all looks good:nana flop comes 347 rainbow even better:nana:nana turn was a 6 then river was a....... 5:puke still at least it was a split i spose:\. well done guys,especially the b team who did very well:clap:clapalso well done everyone for keeping their heads when a few other people were losing theirs;) and thanks for the jimmy and gary at circus for a great day/night/morning:lol also amade faye for making morls so angry he had a nose bleed :lol:lol(guess who had the toon 2-1 and owen first scorer;)) and gaz, mumma and pappa gaz for putting me up and making me feel so welcome:clap:clap:clap
Nice to meet you UB it was me that made the royal tho until i read this i had forgot about it as i was a little bit drunk hence the all in move with my straight or pair of 3's ooops! Well done to your guys on the final i was on slick micks 2nd round and final table and tbh your guys done themselves proud as the other teams started to implode/explode and generally behave like ***** Alcohol played a major part but i dont think it was that bad just a little high jinks there was no danger of any trouble as everybody knows each other on the poker scene up here but i hope you lot come back for the team game at Newcastle Grosvenor and nice to meet you all
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Re: Newcastle Circus Casino Team Tournament - Sat Dec 6th Payment and Players Needed

Nice to meet you UB it was me that made the royal tho until i read this i had forgot about it as i was a little bit drunk hence the all in move with my straight or pair of 3's ooops! Well done to your guys on the final i was on slick micks 2nd round and final table and tbh your guys done themselves proud as the other teams started to implode/explode and generally behave like ***** Alcohol played a major part but i dont think it was that bad just a little high jinks there was no danger of any trouble as everybody knows each other on the poker scene up here but i hope you lot come back for the team game at Newcastle Grosvenor and nice to meet you all
ahh mr chipmonk,nice to meet you too mate:ok might be back for the grosvenor game ,if not i'll deffo be back for the v fest:)
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Re: Newcastle Circus Casino Team Tournament

cool the virgin festival events are great whats your moniker on virgin just in case we cross paths in the sats mine's JimHenson
that name rings a bell,think ive played you a few times online before. mine will be uberpl , uber or ubermonkey (maybe with a number after)on all sites,think its uberpl1 on virgin:ok
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