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Newcastle Circus Casino Team Tournament


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Re: Newcastle Circus Casino Team Tournament - Sat Dec 6th Payment Needed

How many have you got now morls? I'm happy to drop out' date=' in fact I might need to, need to reassess my diary. Have we still enough for 2 teams or should we be looking to just have 1 now and let a team in off the waiting list.[/quote'] morls is out 2nte on the :beer for his bday. But I think the plan is deffo still to have two teams. I think we have summit like 18/19 at the mo :ok
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Re: Newcastle Circus Casino Team Tournament - Sat Dec 6th Payment Needed I've sent you a PM Graeme, sorry to be my usual decisive self :$ Guys, sorry but Helen and I are pulling out (if our seats can be filled) so if anyone is interested in a place please let morls know asap. My fault for not thinking it through when putting my name down :(

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Re: Newcastle Circus Casino Team Tournament - Sat Dec 6th Payment Needed

Anybody else needing to drop out please let me know asap. I also need payments to be with me BEFORE next friday as thats when i have to go and pay for the teams. Thanks
Is that Friday 21st or 28th mate? Anyway can you pm me your paypal details and i'll get it sent off mate.
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Re: Newcastle Circus Casino Team Tournament - Sat Dec 6th Payment Needed

money shipped via bank transfer mate' date='should be with you in a day or two:ok[/quote'] Thanks mate Teams must be submitted next saturday the 29th at latest so last day to get in my account is the friday 28th. Will also need your full name for the casino mate:ok
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Re: Newcastle Circus Casino Team Tournament - Sat Dec 6th Payment Needed :$ sorry morls, i will not be able to attend. I recently, and unexpectedly, took full custody of my 2 children and had to change a lot of my plans. I hope i have not caused you too much inconvenience and may i wish you all good luck. ;)

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Re: Newcastle Circus Casino Team Tournament - Sat Dec 6th Payment Needed jimmy from circus has posted this up about the tourney on npf:

Its set up for 100. 10 teams of 10 Teams so far confirmed: Teamdobbs Teamtubbs Koyte's team Spilla's team Circus team Punters Lounge A team Punters lounge B team Mrs Cardguards misfits Awaiting confirmation from Stevie Sensation' team and we have 5 spaces available on the following team: Knighty Isupstella + missus Quietman Sugar Haghighat Set up in a shootout format, so 1 member from each team is allocated to each table. Points are awarded as players progress in the tournament. The final 2 from each table will be redrawn into 2 tables of 10. Percentage of the prize pool will be paid to the overall winner with the remaining money going to the winning team. Full details will be posted on Monday.
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Re: Newcastle Circus Casino Team Tournament - Sat Dec 6th Payment and Players Needed http://www.superbreak.com/home.cfm?batchPosition=1&content=availabilityByLocationTree&company=BREAK&startDay=6&startMonth=12&startYear=2008&nights=1&adults=1&children=0&infants=0&resultCodes=7056%2C7006%2C7070%2C7034%2C6999%2C7022%2C7026%2C7004%2C6994%2C7000%2C7005&roomType=&starsRange=1%2D5&initialRequestPerformed=true&countryCode=&locationCode=NE5&regionCode=&searchString=&airportHotelType= legacy springfield hotel in gateshead is a short taxi ride away from the casino and is only £50 a single or £70 a twin/double PL stayed here for the Newcastle races meet and its a nice hotel, 2 bars and a load of takeaways opposite

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Re: Newcastle Circus Casino Team Tournament - Sat Dec 6th Payment and Players Needed There's Premier Inns all over. Closest one with availability on the night of the 6th is Team Valley, that is £85. There is one in Washington for £54 for that night. That is 6 miles out of Newcastle, but I could pick you up. There's a Jurys Inn, but no availability that night. There's Travelodges, but again, no availability in Newcastle itself, there is availability in the Whitemare Pool one, from £56. That one would be easier for Morl/Gaz to pick you up from. Vermont Hotel - no availability Royal Station Hotel - probably closest with availability, £75. Quality Hotel - no availability that night

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