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PL Exclusive Circus Poker League - $1800 added value


PL Exclusive Circus Poker League - $1800 added value  

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Re: PL Exclusive Circus Poker League - $1800 added value

I'm quite happy to take $25 - as you have all the hassle of people being available etc. for a play off. However I would suggest that future Leagues etc have some rule set to account for Ties - these best of 2 tourneys will always be close run things. Personally I think that only ties for the main 1st prize should be subject to such tie break rules, and that ties for minor places have the money split between the 'Tied Players' along the lines that the Sport of Golf employ. Graham - as a good will gesture from Circus would they be willing to add the $20 worth of no show Bounties to our 3rd placed Position - as 'CircusAndy' never made agmes 2 & 3.
Ill certainly ask Martyn, however im not 100% sure the bounty was officially part of the deal, will ask now tho:ok
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Re: PL Exclusive Circus Poker League - $1800 added value Well done Guppie or is that Strider now. :unsure :clap:clap And all those in the money. :clap After looking at the table I think, and it's only a suggestion, it's maybe time to look at the points system used for these leagues. :ok I'm certainly not having a go at who arranges or sorts out these leagues but it always seems the same thing towards the end of the legs that the points get less because less people play as they don't think it's worth it or able to win. For example take Nade (very good effort considering he is mainly a cash player) who has had 2 3rds for the last 2 legs and only finished 7th for the whole series. His points for the 2 3rds being 102 & 80. If the points had been the same for both weeks then he would have been higher rather than being penalised for less players. Perhaps we could go the way of virgin and have set points for the top twenty. It may even prevent a 4 way tie like now. :unsure I hope this makes sense as I may have even confused myself and also not offended anyone.

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Re: PL Exclusive Circus Poker League - $1800 added value

:clap Well done Guppie :clap Happy to go with whatever you decide :D:D:D
I'm quite happy to take $25 - as you have all the hassle of people being available etc. for a play off. However I would suggest that future Leagues etc have some rule set to account for Ties - these best of 2 tourneys will always be close run things. Personally I think that only ties for the main 1st prize should be subject to such tie break rules, and that ties for minor places have the money split between the 'Tied Players' along the lines that the Sport of Golf employ. Graham - as a good will gesture from Circus would they be willing to add the $20 worth of no show Bounties to our 3rd placed Position - as 'CircusAndy' never made agmes 2 & 3.
Happy to take the $25 :ok Think all games were played in good spirit and is the fairest way.
OK....Decision made 3 out of 4 of you guys (so far) would like the $25... so ive sent the email to circus and that should be done soon for you all. :cheers
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Re: PL Exclusive Circus Poker League - $1800 added value

Well done Guppie or is that Strider now. :unsure :clap:clap And all those in the money. :clap After looking at the table I think, and it's only a suggestion, it's maybe time to look at the points system used for these leagues. :ok I'm certainly not having a go at who arranges or sorts out these leagues but it always seems the same thing towards the end of the legs that the points get less because less people play as they don't think it's worth it or able to win. For example take Nade (very good effort considering he is mainly a cash player) who has had 2 3rds for the last 2 legs and only finished 7th for the whole series. His points for the 2 3rds being 102 & 80. If the points had been the same for both weeks then he would have been higher rather than being penalised for less players. Perhaps we could go the way of virgin and have set points for the top twenty. It may even prevent a 4 way tie like now. :unsure I hope this makes sense as I may have even confused myself and also not offended anyone.
As said to you earlier on the phone, im tending to agree with you on this one. Will discuss it with hawkeye and the other mods:ok
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Re: PL Exclusive Circus Poker League - $1800 added value

Well done Guppie or is that Strider now. :unsure :clap:clap And all those in the money. :clap After looking at the table I think, and it's only a suggestion, it's maybe time to look at the points system used for these leagues. :ok I'm certainly not having a go at who arranges or sorts out these leagues but it always seems the same thing towards the end of the legs that the points get less because less people play as they don't think it's worth it or able to win. For example take Nade (very good effort considering he is mainly a cash player) who has had 2 3rds for the last 2 legs and only finished 7th for the whole series. His points for the 2 3rds being 102 & 80. If the points had been the same for both weeks then he would have been higher rather than being penalised for less players. Perhaps we could go the way of virgin and have set points for the top twenty. It may even prevent a 4 way tie like now. :unsure I hope this makes sense as I may have even confused myself and also not offended anyone.
When I did my calculation on the league prior to Helens official result, I used the same points from the previous weeks as the same points for this week (basically what you suggest). The only difference in the top spots would have been that GazBlades would have been placed 5th and out of the money - and the 4 people who tied for 3rd would have tied for 2nd. Basically what I'm trying to say is that there isn't a lot of difference - :\ Maybe to dissuade numbers dropping off in the last tournament you could use the players position in the last tournament of the series as the deciding factor in case of tie:unsure
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Re: PL Exclusive Circus Poker League - $1800 added value

Well done Guppie or is that Strider now. :unsure :clap:clap And all those in the money. :clap After looking at the table I think, and it's only a suggestion, it's maybe time to look at the points system used for these leagues. :ok I'm certainly not having a go at who arranges or sorts out these leagues but it always seems the same thing towards the end of the legs that the points get less because less people play as they don't think it's worth it or able to win. For example take Nade (very good effort considering he is mainly a cash player) who has had 2 3rds for the last 2 legs and only finished 7th for the whole series. His points for the 2 3rds being 102 & 80. If the points had been the same for both weeks then he would have been higher rather than being penalised for less players. Perhaps we could go the way of virgin and have set points for the top twenty. It may even prevent a 4 way tie like now. :unsure I hope this makes sense as I may have even confused myself and also not offended anyone.
This was all brought up prevoiusly.....see here http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/f17/bpp-scoring-format-70692/ I made suggestions my self, but just to get things under way, it was decided by the mods to use the current scoring to get things going again. Was not that many coming forward with suggestions tbh. :(
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Re: PL Exclusive Circus Poker League - $1800 added value

This was all brought up prevoiusly.....see here http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/f17/bpp-scoring-format-70692/ I made suggestions my self, but just to get things under way, it was decided by the mods to use the current scoring to get things going again. Was not that many coming forward with suggestions tbh. :(
Looking at the date I was away then and missed the thread. :$ As it goes, it's about BBP points and I was saying about league points. :ok
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Re: PL Exclusive Circus Poker League - $1800 added value

Looking at the date I was away then and missed the thread. :$ As it goes, it's about BBP points and I was saying about league points. :ok
Could some how be used in same principle, thought my scoring would work.
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Re: PL Exclusive Circus Poker League - $1800 added value

I'm quite happy to take $25 - as you have all the hassle of people being available etc. for a play off. However I would suggest that future Leagues etc have some rule set to account for Ties - these best of 2 tourneys will always be close run things. Personally I think that only ties for the main 1st prize should be subject to such tie break rules, and that ties for minor places have the money split between the 'Tied Players' along the lines that the Sport of Golf employ. Graham - as a good will gesture from Circus would they be willing to add the $20 worth of no show Bounties to our 3rd placed Position - as 'CircusAndy' never made agmes 2 & 3.
Yep $25 split will be great for me:ok cheers again for a great series.
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Re: PL Exclusive Circus Poker League - $1800 added value

Maybe BPP points system not so bad after all?
Cant disagree with you there Helen :ok Definetly taking into account the size of fields matters, was nice to see how it affects differently which each type of scoring system.
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Re: PL Exclusive Circus Poker League - $1800 added value Well managed 11th place for just over 2k ,went out with kk vs jj j on flop (left me 500 chips) bit gutted didn't make final table but very happy with the way i played and a big thankyou to pl for giving me the opportunity. Big mention for the casino,great hospitally and a t.d that listened to the players to make it a great game. Will post more later got about 5000 emails to process first.

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